Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Five

"Shit!" It was pitch dark in Roxy's room. She looked over at her clock wondering why the alarm hadn't went off that she set in the middle of her nap at 8:46. It was blinking the numbers 12:23. Blink...Blink...Blink. I need to get up. Its got to be late, if not too late. She slowly sat up and looked around her room for the shirt and jeans she had planned on wearing tonight. Picking them up she got dizzy and almost fell over.

Regaining her balance, she walked into the bathroom. The clock read 10:48. shit she thought, I can't take a shower in ten minutes. She couldn't focus well on anything. She needed to eat. She knew it, but it wasn't going to happen. Even if she did eat, she would just throw it back up. She wasn't able to keep anything down anymore. Her disorder had became worse and worse over the last three months that her father had been home.

She turned on the shower and let the steam cover her, she glanced at the mirror and stoped. She watched herself, looked at herself. Your the ugliest girl I know, You will never be pretty enough, You don't deserve Andy. She thought for herself to know. She stepped in the shower, and let the water fall on her, it felt good. Like washing all her problems away.

Only all her problems weren't going away, they were coming back.

The water felt so good on her cold body. But she only had so much time. She reached for her lavendar soap, when her razor fell out of the bath bag she owned. She looked at it and looked at her arms. Do it, slash those arms, you can do it. But this time don't chicken out and cut so short of the vein, go all the way. The voice had came back.

"NOOO I DON'T NEED IT, I HAVE ANDY HE LOVES ME I DON'T NEED IT. WE ARE BOTH STOPPING EVERYTHING" she screamed hoping her father or mother hadn't heard her scream and woke up. She bent down and picked up the razor, her life, in her hands. She turned it over agian and again, her reflection was staring back at her.

The razor was to her skin, it was like she was watching a movie, like she could see everything. Except she was in control. But it wasn't her it was her friend. Her friends name was Ally, she was the one cutting her arm. Roxy remembered when she named the part of her that made her cut herself, her friend, Ally. It was the third time she had cut and she knew that she was addicted and stuck for life. Ally was her best friend. She made Roxy do everything.

The razor was there, in her hand.

Do it, your nothing but a slut. Just like your beloved daddy said, A No. . . good . . . slut.
Ally shut up. You don't know, this time your wrong. Daddy just said that cause he was drunk I'm not a slut.
You know you are, just like he said, A no good FAT slut.

She weakly shook the thoughts from her head, then not knowing what was happening the last thing she remembered was the whiteness of the tub meeting her face.

"ROXY, DAMN IT ROXY WHAT DID YOU DO? Please wake up, babe, I dont know what I would do without you, Please wake up."

Roxy could hear the words loud and clear but she couldn't tell who was saying them, or where she was. All she saw was white, everywhere.

You did good, you cut a lot. You lost a lot of blood and you couldn't handle it.
But I don't remember bleeding. I don't remember cutting. Where am I? Am I in the damn hospital again? God this is gonna suck I can't be here again.
Yes your in the hospital, your father found you. He beat you and then realized your arm was bleeding a lot. He showed your mother and she flipped. Hope you have a good next few days.
Why did you make me do that? I am trying to quit. I thought you were my friend.
I am...

"Rozy baby please wake up, I know you can hear me just roll over we gotta get you outta here before you parents wake up."

What? You said my parents were here and that I was in the hospital. Who is that talking?
Sometimes I think you are so stupid, who do you think it is? couldn't be...damn you Ally.