Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Seven

It was light outside when Roxy woke up. She couldn't quite remember how she had gotten into her bed, or why she was lieing in her bed without a shirt on. Had her dad come in, late into the night? What had happened. The last thing she really remebered was waking up in the shower with....

Andy! What had happened...
Silly, he came over and found you after you were done overdosing. Don't you remember?
No...I don't remember. Wait didn't you tell me last night that I cut. Not overdosed?
I don't know did I tell you that? Remember Roxy, I'm just an imaginary side of yourself, what did you believe?
I don't remember....

She sat in bed for a long time hoping her memory would come back to her. The cold morning air streaming in her window made her think. What was her window doing open?

Andy came over, and then he found me passed out. Why was I passed out? Ally why was I passed out?

Roxy, I can't answer this for you, I'm just in your mind. I think what you think.
Thats not true Ally and you know it just as well as I do. You are yourself. I don't control you, I can't anymore, I tried.
Or can you?
Or can I what?
You know Roxy...You know.

But she didn't know. She couldn't remember. She couldn't think. What day was it? Saturday, yes no school; she could sit at home with no one there, especially her father. Mom will be home before he will so even better. She felt better. She slowly sat up and walked to her closet. She found her favorite black baggy shirt with her favorite band on it. Her Insane Clown Posse shirt. Pulled it on and walked out of her bedroom. She decided she would go make some breakfast, french toast was her favorite. She hadn't ate that since she developed her eating disorder. She was really hungry and thought this would be the perfect chance for her to make it. She needed to eat anyways.

She walked out into her living room and discovered everything was completely torn apart. The table was toppled over, the pots and pans were all over the kitchen, and the television was pushed over; broken and smoking. The last thing she noticed was the couch, it was tipped over and someones hand was under it. She lifted up part of it trying to find out whos hand it was.

Who is this? What the hell happened.
You should know everything happens because of you. You ruin everyones life.
No I don't Don't even say that!
You know you do.

"O...MY....GOD...O no. Don't This can't be." Roxy was screaming now. She couldn't hold it in any longer.

That was the last thing she remembered right before she was grabbed around the neck and pulled back behind her parents door.