Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

chapter eight

"Get off me! How the hell could you do this to him?" Roxy kicked her father as he tightly held on to her sides and arms. He was strong and she couldn't pull away.

"I told you I didn't want your gay friend in my house ever again." he slyly smiled and tightened his grip around Roxy.

"ANDY!" she was crying and screaming at the same time. "Andy get up, Andy please wake up! God damn it Dad let go of me." She moved and tried to break loose. "Let go of me or I"ll fucking kick you!!"

Her father laughed "You don't have the nerve, and besides what good is that going to do? I'll still be after you Roxy, I'm your father there is no escape." he turned towards his bed and threw her down, jumping on her. He undid her bra, only 3 small buttons.

She starred at him there was no way to get him off of her. "You stupied fucker get off of..." but there was a change of expression on his face, a surprised almost mad look.

He made a painful moaning sound and fell to the ground. The she saw him. Andy, had woken up, he had come in and hit her father over the head with a book that Roxy's parents keep in their bedroom "Good Parenting."

Andy glanced at the book then at Roxy, smiling he whispered "Does learn well from books does he?" They laughed and Andy walked over to Roxy and pulled her up.

"Come on lets go clean up ourselves and your living room." Roxy just barely nodded and slowly followed Andy to her bedroom. They laid down and slowly started making out.

Andy lightly pushed Roxy up and looked at her. "Roxy I love you, you should have told me in what ways your dad was abusing you." He kissed her forehead.

"I know but...I thought you would think it was gross and wouldn't want to be with me anymore." She put her head down. Then she noticed she was crying. She couldn't back the tears anymore. "Andy..I'm sorry."

"Roxy there is nothing to be sorry about. I understand not wanting to tell me. I wouldn't of either." He lifted up her head and wiped away the tears she had been crying.

"No..." she sniffed "Thats not what I'm sorry for my dad... I never thought he would go that far." She sighed.

"Ah...Roxy its alright" he rubbed her arm and kissed her hand.

Roxy looked at him, she hadn't realized how beat up Andy had really been. He had a black eye and his arms was bleeding. She wondered how that got there.

Sobbing, she whispered "Oh god Andy I"m so fucking sorry, I'm fucking awful. I just fuck up your life. You should get the fuck away from me!" She pushed him away and shook her head vigorously till it hit the wall hard.

Andy held her head as she calmed down. She cried and he rubbed her head till she said it felt better.

"Calm down baby, its okay now. We'll get rid of your dad. I'm never going to leave you. Just sleep now." She sighed and he then knew she was asleep. All that was left was to figure out how to protect her.