I'll Be Your Best Kept Secret And Your Biggest Mistake

And your biggest mistake

"Where are you ta-"

"Shut up," was the immediate response from Ben, followed by a hand colliding with her cheek, and then the red handprint came along at the same time the tears did. Autumn sat in the passenger seat in fear of what may happen to her. Pete said that if he caught her with him, then Ben threatened to kill her. She was praying that he was lying. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of what emotion was shedding off of Ben's face. Anger. Pure anger. His knuckles were white, clutching onto the steering wheel as if his life depended on it. His teeth were grinding hard enough to probably sand them down. His eyes were wide and they scared Autumn. She didn't keep a gaze on him long only because she was afraid that by just looking at him, he would hurt her right then and there.

"I told him," he started," oh boy did I tell him to stay away from you. But, did he? No, he didn't!"

"Ben, you can't tell my best friend not to ta-"

"I said shut up," he screamed again, slapping her across the face in the same area, making her cheek sting more than before. "And now that he didn't listen, you're the one that's going to pay."

"If it wasn't my fault, why shou-" Autumn tried to get out of a horrible fate, but she was cut off by a familiar hand smacking her across the face. She needed to somehow escape, but there was no possible way. Ben pulled up to his house, furiously getting out of the car and ripped open Autumn's door.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," he said calmly.

"Ok, let me go home and we can forget any of this every happened," she smiled, hoping that it would work.

"Look's like we're doing it the hard way," he said, grabbing a hold of her hair and yanking her out of the car and into his house, throwing her out of his grasp and slammed the door shut. Autumn landed on the floor with a loud thump, letting all the tears free and creating a tiny puddle on the floor. Next thing she knew, her head was raised by her hair so high that her face managed to stay on the ground. It felt like Ben was trying to pull out a whole chunk of her hair, but if she wasn't so afraid, she would have been more aware that there were far worse things that were going to happen to her then having to worry about going bald.

"You're such a bitch," Ben shoved her face right up against a wall, flattening the one side of her face. "Did you think I was that stupid to believe you were sick? Did you?!" She shook her head, hoping that he would believe her. "You're lying," he screamed right into her ear, throwing her back onto the floor and kicking her right in the ribs. Autumn curled up into a ball, grasping her side.

"Please Ben," she pleaded, "I'm sorry. Please stop!"

"You're not sorry," he kicked her again in the same spot, hitting the knuckles of her hands, one hand cracking. Her less painful hand clutched onto the broken one. "You're lying again," he walked around her and kicked her hard in the back. Autumn arched her back in pain. "If you stopped lying, than maybe this would be easier." He walked outside for a little. In that time frame, Autumn broke down in hysterics, rib damaged, hand broken, bruises decorating her body, what else could he do to hurt her? Ben came back inside, a very familiar gun in his hand. He kicked Autumn repeatedly until she was lying down on her back and directed the gun towards her stomach.

"And to think I loved you," he said, shaking his head. A loud bang chimed through the air. Pain surged up and down Autumn's body. She put her good hand over the part where the core of the pain came from. In less than a minute, her hand was soaked in blood. That's when the front door burst open. She looked over. A silhouetted figure stood in the doorway, light shining around him. She couldn't make out a face because her vision was blurred. Even when he came close to her side, she couldn't tell who he was.

"Autumn, please say something."

She knew just by hearing his voice who he was.
♠ ♠ ♠
not so much of a cliffhanger
but still, you never know what happens next
so...until the next time i have time to update

sorry for taking so long to post