We Were Careless Hearts Who Got Caught up in This

I WantTo Scream, Until No Sound Comes Out and You'

Title Credits: "Broken Man", Boys Like Girls

I let them stare for another good couple of minutes then stood up.

“As fun as this has been I’m going to get chewed out now, anyone care to tag along?” both of them were quiet and just kept staring at one another. “Alright then it’s nice to know when you’re loved.”

“Oh, sorry did you say something?” Kyle asked finally turning to me. I threw up my arms, it was hopeless. I walked off to face the doom of which was awaiting me back at the P-more tent. As I got closer I saw Hayley standing near the back with her arms crossed over her chest with a very un-Hayley like expression stapled to her face. I began to walk slower.

“Randal stop prolonging the inevitable.” I did as she said seeing as it was Hayley and usually she never called me by my last name unless she was upset.

“Sorry Hayley, why so glum chum?”

“Why, oh WHY, is your is stinky twin in our merch booth?”

“Okay so I’ll just come out and say this because well, there’s no point in lying, I[ have no clue. She’s probably done something unacceptable home and now I’M being punished for it.” Hayley just put a hand to her forehead.

“She’s hoeing it up in there already dude!” she shrieked and I had to laugh because of her Tennessee twang as she said this. I shook my head.

“Come on lets go and get theshit for brains lovely little person” I said putting my arm through hers and we walked around to the front. Q.q [Megan here Rachael said I will need to explain Q.q is Quick question] is it possible for one person to be such a slut that they can be flirting with nine different guys at the same time? Josh, Zac, Jeremy, Taylor, Marc, Caleb, Kent, John and Austin were all standing around her.It was sickening.

“Hate to spoil this series of unfortunate events but I need to barrow Katie Dearest for a few seconds.” I told the boys before yanking her arm out of its socket and dragging her towards the Paramore bus.

“Addie what the hell?” she screamed as I drug her up the stairs. When we were finally on I sat her down on the couch.

“No Katie what the hell are you doing here?”

“Fucking rents, they made me come along, some lame ass excuse about you being the perfect role model or something. I saw it as a good opportunity to drink and have some fun.”

“And they couldn’t just send you to rehab because why? Maybe a boot camp would be more suitable.”

“Well they think that would be wasting money and you know how mommy and daddy are about that.”

“No, Amy Whinehouse would have been a waste of money. You could possibly still be saved.”

“Pshh whatever Mother Teresa, are we done with this yet or..”

“Yeah, whatev.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth she was gone I am so gonna leave her in some Podunk little town somewhere, and they’re going to have a gas station and quickie mart that holds the only bathroom for miles Deciding that I’d go and find Hayley to tell her that she-bitch was staying, I walked off the bus and in search of her in no mans land. Which was ironic in fact because this land was full of men, strike that, it was full of boys! When I FINALLY found her, she was sitting with the boys of… BOYS LIKE GIRLS, one of those groups of boys.

“PAULIE!” I screamed and plopped down onto his lap he made the whole ‘oof’ sound and all the others laughed.

“Addison, get the hell off. You’re heavy.” He whined. I put on my sad face and went to and sat on Jon next. He, of course, just had to jump on the bandwagon and complain just like Paul. I frowned yet again.

“Come here Addie.” Bryan said, patting his lap. I wandered over and plopped on his lap. “Comfy?” I nodded and stuck my tongue out at Jon and Paul. I saw Martin send Bryan a funny look, but I decided to ignore it.

“So, what are we so bummed about today?” Martin asked, noticing the looks on my and Hayley’s face.

“Do you remember that chick that showed up completely trashed, backstage at your show in our hometown?” I asked.

“Your sister?” Paul asked. Well, damn. I was hoping they would forget that part.

“Yeah, that thing.” They all laughed, knowing how much I hated openly admitting that I was related in any way to that tramp. “Well, she’s back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Megan here!
I'd like to say thanks to all those who have commented. I'm sure Rachael would too!
Anywhore, keep reading, we loves you guys.
Oh and one more thing, Oingo Boingo Tag YOUR IT BITCH!