We Were Careless Hearts Who Got Caught up in This

Once a ***, You're Nothing More. I'm Sorry, That

Title Credit:Okay, so if you don't know who the title comes from, I think it's safe to say that you've been living under a rock lately Misery Business by Paramore.

“OOH! Let’s go watch! That was hilarious when she fell off the table last time. Do you remember that?” Hayley looked confused.

“Yeah, it was so awesome! She decided that she was going to try and be all sexy and shit, but she was way to hammered, and she fell right off into the table next to it. It was full of food and other various messy things. I don’t think I have ever laughed as hard as I did when she stood up and had cupcakes right where her tots are.” Jon explained. Hayley looked completely dumbfounded.

“Did that really happen?”

“Unfortunately, yes. You wanna know the best part?” She nodded her head. “At home, after the show, I got in trouble for letting her drink that much.”

“Nuh-uh, really?” Bryan asked, laughing.

“Oh totally. I was grounded for a month.”

“Is that why you couldn’t go on tour with us last time we asked?” I nodded.

“Damn, speak of the devil.” We all looked up and noticed Katelynn standing there.

“Well hello Hayley.” She smirked.

“Do I even want to know?”

“Why, whatever are you talking about?”

“What you did to piss me off this time?”

“Oh nothing…yet. But Jeremy does look kind of lonely.”

“I honestly don’t know what that has to do with me, but go help Jeremy if you think he’s so lonely.” Katie huffed and turned towards Bryan. She started playing with his hair.

“You have definitely gotten cuter since the last time I saw you.” Bryan’s gaze was totally fixed on her rack, which she dangled right in front of his line of vision. I honestly couldn’t watch her throw herself at guys anymore, so I just got up and walked away. Hayley called me back, and I felt bad for leaving her alone, so I turned back, only to find Katie on Bryan’s lap, and how convenient it was that she couldn’t sit still. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk the other way. I heard footsteps behind me, then saw Hayley at my side.

“Okay, so maybe a quickie-mart and a gas station isn’t bad enough.”

“Huh?” Hayley asked, confused. I laughed and explained my thought from earlier. “Oh, well then, in that case, you weren’t nearly as tough as you should have been. I’m thinking more of a tiny ass little town that only has a population of about ten people.”

YEAH! A town where people only marry their cousins and race ducks on their farms for recreation.” Hayley gave a side hug.

“I love in when we’re on the same page, but why not a town that has toothless old men who can’t get it up anymore?”

This sent me into hits and giggles, until I felt my phone vibrate, so we stopped to see who it was. Hayley, being her nosy-but-lovable self, read over my shoulder.

“Does he really not know why you got up and walked away.”

“Maybe he’s not the guy I thought he was.”

“Aw Addie, you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. You know how she is.”

“Yeah, but I really thought that there was at least one guy out there that could resist her…erm, charm.” Hayley laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

“Give him some time. You know he’ll realize he’s missing out on a good thing.”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” I just so happened to glance up and notice that we were by the We The Kings tent.

“Is that…?” I laughed at the sight of Tellie and Kyle flirting with each other. “That is so totally all your doing.” I nodded and smiled proudly. We walked past them and they didn’t even notice. We giggled the rest of the way back to the tent.

“Hey, who’s that red-headed hottie that is standing at our tent?” Hayley asked. I looked up and saw the same guy she was looking at. No lie, I almost pissed myself. We walked over and he looked up and smiled.

~Hayley POV~

“Hey.” I could tell that Addison’s brain just turned to mush.

“Hi.” He held out his hand and I shook it.

“I’m Caleb.”

“Hayley, and this, apparently mute-yet lovely chick is Addison. How can we help you?”

“Oh, well, I was just looking for a bandmate. Someone told me that they saw him last over here.”

“Yeah, umm, we just walked by him. Addie can take you to him if you want.” Addie’s eyes bugged out of her head.

“That would be awesome. If it’s not that much of a problem.” I elbowed Addie, and she shook her head.

“No, it’s not a problem. He’s at We Th…” Oh no! There was no way she was getting out of this one. She was going to walk that boy over there if I have to push her myself… that’s actually not a bad idea. I shoved her and she glared at me, but I pointed in the direction of their journey. They both laughed and started walking away. Maybe Addison isn’t the only love guru after all.

~Addison POV~

Oh. My. God! It’s Caleb Turman!

“Thanks for helping me find Kyle. I have looked everywhere.”

“Well, you obviously haven’t looked everywhere.” He smiled.

“Obviously not.” Oh my god, the smile!

“That’s okay. I know where he is.” We had arrived at the WTK tent only to find that they weren’t there anymore. “Well, I knew where he was.” We both laughed.

“Okay, well, I guess I’ll just have to look for him some more.”

“I agree, but I’m going to help you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Why’s that?” I gave him the sad eyes.

“Because, he ran away with my merch buddy.” Caleb laughed and linked our arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, well, we've had eight readers, but there's only been one subscriber. I'm not going to lie, that's kind of upsetting. Still, I thank you for reading and would appreciate comments/feedback. We always love hearing from you.


song of recommendation: Wild Nights and Fist Fights by The Blackout.