But Have You Seen This Girl?

Welcome Back

Walking closer to the Cute merch tent Kait saw Shaant's lips move as he watched her speed walk through the crowds towards him, and let me tell you she was amazing at reading lips.

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit is right, Shaant." she stated as she stopped in front of the merch booth, "How could you?"


"No, I really don't want to hear it, Shaant. I can't believe you." Kait just about screamed at him.

"Kaitlyn?" Someone asked from behind her, "Is that really you?"

She turned around to see a friend she made last year on this god forsaken tour, Paul DiGiovanni.

"It is true! You're back!" he screamed excitedly as he engulfed her in a giant bear hug. Shaant was so lucky Paul had interrupted her rant or else she would be screaming at him right about now. And Shaant knew this. He pulled away from the embrace just smiling like a mad man then his smile faded, "You are back aren't you?"

"For now."

"Good, I missed my buddy." he said as he slung her arm over her shoulder.

"Missed you too."

"Hey! Come watch my set! Please?" he asked looking down at her wearing his infamous smile.

Kaitlyn looked over at Shaant, he was swamped with girls wanting shirts, "Sure. Let's go."

"Great!" he said as he started to guide her towards the Hurley stage.

"Be back later Shaant!" she yelled over her shoulder looking back at him, to see him smile slightly, he knew better than to say no.


After Alex's set was done he walked off stage to see Jeff already talking to Jack. By the look on Jeff and Jack's face it looked like it was about her. Alex walked over, and they stopped talking.

"Well that was so not awkward." Alex commented.

"Sorry brah." Jack replied as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Do you know where she went?" Alex asked looking off into the distance.

"Um no. But she probably went back to the merch table." Jeff commented, "I don't think it's a good idea to talk to her though, she's pretty upset."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Why what?" Jeff questioned looking confused.

"Why is she upset?" Alex asked looking over at him, who then looked at Jack, who then turned his gaze towards him.

"Brah, she thought we weren't doing Warped this year, she only agreed to do Merch cause she thought you weren't going to be here." Jack informed him.

Alex laughed to see Shaant stuck at the merch table trying to help everyone, more like every girl wanting a shirt. He walked into the booth, "Who was next?" he asked looking at the girls in front of the booth. Shaant looked over at Alex with a look of thanks in his eyes. He helped out for awhile, atleast until it died down a bit.

"Well she's not here. Do you know where she went?" Alex asked looking out into the crowds passing by.

"Ugh, the bitch left me to go watch the Boys Like Girls Set. Whore." he spat.

He laughed as Shaant practically collapsed into a chair, just as more girls came walking over to the booth.

"I'll see you later." he said before walking out.

"Wait! You're leaving me now?! HELP ME!" Alex heard him yell after him. But he kept walking, heading to the Hurley stage hoping to catch her there. Alex flashed his pass, walked up the stairs and onto the side stage. To see her standing on the side, but she wasn't alone, Josh Farro was standing next to her chatting with her. He knew they had been friends on tour last year, but something inside of him started to boil. Jealousy maybe? Whatever it was, he didn't like the feeling. Alex watched her from a distance not wanting to cause a scene on stage in front of the entire crowd. She sang along to every song, danced, and tried to get Josh to dance with her to the music. She was beautiful. This was the girl he had fallen head over heels in love with. His thoughts starting to overflow, when he was snapped back to reality as he watched her kiss Josh. Alex could've sworn she winked at him before kissing Farro.

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