But Have You Seen This Girl?


Alex felt betrayed, he heart was in her hands. And she knew it, and she took that to her advantage. There was no hope for what used to be Alex's beating heart, it was gone and broken, for good this time. As soon as the betrayal came, the anger boiled in him. He knew what would just kill Kaitlyn, and he was going to use it to his advantage. Kaitlyn was in for a world of hurt.


Jack and Kaitlyn spent most of the day together, well afternoon actually. They had dinner together at the All Time Low booth, where thankfully Alex was no where to be seen. Then they wandered around the grounds together, Jack getting stopped every five seconds to take pictures. She didn't mind it too much, she loved Jack as well, just not in the "he's famous in a boy band" kind of love. She loved what was on the inside, that's what she loved, she was pretty sure she'd love Jack even he wasn't as adorable as he was.

"Soo, Jack. Let's play a game. We say something related to you or the band, and you say fact or fiction" a short brunette threw out into the open as Jack signed her friend's shirt.

"Hit me." Jack said as he snapped the sharpie lid back to the marker.

"Rumor is you're no longer single" the brunette said as he friend pulled out her digital camera, which kaitlyn was pretty sure she was using to record the so called game.

"FACT." he replied as someone else snuck in to get a picture with Jack.

"You met her at a strip club."

Jack laughed, and shook his head, taking a quick glance at me, "Fiction."

"You've known her for about five years."

"Fiction," he stated as he signed someone's white vans, "I've known her for about two years."

Some girls in the following gasped, and started whispering to eachother, then whispered towards the brunette. She listened to the hushed message, gasped, and turned to look at Jack, as she started her next rumor, "She used to date one of your best friends and band mates?"

He finished signing the vans and handed them back to the blonde, and looked at the brunette, and sighed, "Fact."

The crowd gasped. And in that instant she knew that they knew who Jack was seeing. She didn't even want to know what they thought about her. The brunette looked ready with so many more questions that Kaitlyn couldn't just pull herself away.

"She's the merch girl for Cute, Kaitlyn?"

Damn, these fans were good. What could Kaitlyn expect though? She knew how obsessed she got over her favorite bands when she was their age. She let out the air that had seemed to collect in her lungs, as she watched Jack's reaction. He was hesitant, almost as if he wasn't going to answer. The crowd was getting anxious, she noted from behind her black sunglasses. Jack looked in her direction as if he was asking for permission, she nodded her head. People would find out sooner or later, what was the harm in sooner?

Jack smiled, and replied, "Yeah, it is."

The crowd gasped and started talking loudly, some happy and some not so happy. "But Jack, how does that make Alex feel? Doesn't it bother him that you're dating his ex? How would you feel?" The questions just kept coming at him, and they were completely unaware of the groupie-hoe-whore as one of the girls so kindly put it, standing among them.

"Woah woah! Girls calm down!" Jack screamed as the group went silent. "Alex and I have different opinions on the subject, but what happened between him and Kaitlyn is in the past. Where we'd all like to keep it. I love her, and that's all that matters. We'll withstand anything, right Kaitlyn?" Jack asked as he held out his hand towards her.

The girls followed the lanky arm and stood looking at the girl hidden behind sunglasses, white v neck, and all time low get low shorts, "Sure thing" she replied as she took hold of his hand, walking towards him, through the crowd. With that, Jack waved good bye as he slung his arm around my shoulder and they made their way to the cute bus.


Alex looked at the number on the screen of his phone, he hadn't used or seen this number since last summer. He didn't even know if it was still the same. For all he knew it could be some old woman living with her thirty cats. But Alex took that chance as he pushed the talk button and listened to the ringing, when someone picked up.



It sure did sound like her.

"Yeah, who's this?" she asked curiously.

"Hey Summer. It's me, Alex."