Strange Incident!

When school ended Carrie was thankful to finally get out of there and hurried towards the bus. Holly came behind her, talking to new friends. Annika trudged behind both of them. She was dreading the long bus ride home. Carrie and Holly had gotten on the bus and as Annika reached the doors she heard a familiar voice sound behind her.

“Hey! You there!” it said.

Annika turned. The boy she had had the episode with earlier that day on the bus was standing behind her grinning.

“What do you want, snotmuncher?” Annika asked.

His grin just grew wider. He took what looked like a water bomb from behind his back and before Annika could do anything he threw it at her.

“I want revenge!” he said as the bomb hurtled through the air towards Annika’s face.

Annika closed her eyes, awaiting impact… but it never came. Opening her eyes she saw the water balloon inches in front of her nose. It was hovering in mid-air! She blinked, her eyes began to feel strange as if some sort of energy was surging through them. She focused on the balloon in front of her and it went hurtling back in the direction it came. It hit the boy clear in the face covering him with, not water, but flour and lots of it. He stood there stunned and terrified. Annika felt good but had that really just happened?

“What the hell did you just do?” said the shocked voice of one of the boy’s friends.

Annika looked around her. Everyone was staring, their eyes full of shock and uncertainty. She closed her eyes and clutched her aching head. What had just happened? Had she just done that? No, couldn’t have. It wasn’t as if she possessed some sort of magical powers, did she? No, couldn’t be! Annika turned and got on the bus. Whispering filled the air all around her. She perched herself at the back of the vehicle.

“Are you all going to just stand there?” she announced. “Come on! Lets get this bus moving!”

The children all sat down but no one dared to sit anywhere near Annika. Great, she thought, they must all think I’m some kind of witch!

Carrie was forced to sit near the back since most people had already taken the seats everywhere else. She wasn’t sure of what had just happened, but it was almost as if the girl at the back of the bus had stopped a flour bomb in mid air! It was a strange first day, very strange, but not the last!