Raven Eye

Chapter One: Outcast

In a land as dark as night, a land that was plagued with creatures as evil and vile as the devil himself, there was one dark girl with extraordinary powers. Raven had true horrors in her past, horrors that she masked with her long, black hair that covered half of her face. Outcast because of her mixed heritage, her father was human but she had a vampire for a mother.

Raven didn't live anywhere in particular, the earth was her home and she didn't mind the freedom to wander. But such freedom came at a price, Raven secretly wanted nothing more than a simple life with a family of her own and maybe a few friends, was that too bloody much to ask? Though, with such powers as she possessed, it was almost impossible for her to lead such a life.

On this gentle spring evening Raven slept in a hollow tree on the outskirts of a small village. Since she was half vampire she was very sensitive to light. Even thought the sun's rays weren’t enough to kill her it gave her awful headaches, horrible burns and made her dizzy and weak.

Raven stayed in the shade of the tree so that she was protected from the direct sun light. The sun wouldn’t be in the sky for much longer however for it was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. She sat quietly eating berries she had gathered from deeper in the woods behind her. She tried eating berries as much as possible in order to keep her cravings for blood low, but sometimes she would have to give in and would slip into a field of cattle where she stuck her fangs into its ruff skin.

The tree's leaves rustled restlessly in the light breeze. Raven, who had rather good senses, sensed something strange on this breeze. Something wasn't quite right, it seemed almost like a warning, but it was too distant to work out.

Lost in thought, Raven didn't notice the little village girl walking down the path to collect water from the river. The girl saw Raven sitting in the tree. She took one look at Raven's black cape and berry juice stained fangs and began to yell:

"Vampire! Help, vampire!"

The girl dropped her water buckets, spilling its contents all over the dirt path and she ran back towards the village.

“Wait! I’m not going to harm you!” Raven called after her, but it was no use.

This was great, just great. She really needed an angry mob after her, again. She packed up her things, it was a shame to leave such a good spot.

Since it was still light and the glimmer of the sun still lay on the horizon, it wasn’t safe for Raven to leave the shade of the trees. The only option she had in order to avoid the mob was to journey deep into the woods behind her where mortals feared to tread. But this was also dangerous, for horrible creatures like werewolves, giant spiders and evil trees lay in the murky depths, watching and waiting. But Raven wasn’t completely unprotected. She had her powers and would have to take her chances.