Raven Eye

Chapter Two: Tangled

Raven walked through the trees of the dark wood, avoiding sunny spots where there were gaps in the trees. She didn't stop walking until the trees were so close together that no sunlight could escape through the branches above.

Raven's eye's switched to night mode, like a cat her eyes absorbed her surroundings. The sound of lonely howls and the whistling wind through the trees filled the air. She turned right and left, arms at the ready in case something suddenly attacked her. She heard a rustle behind her. She turned quickly about, her hands glowing with dark, telekinetic energy. There was nothing there. False alarm. Raven puffed a sigh of relief and tried to relax herself.

Onwards into the murky gloom she crept a little less alert now. She started thinking about what she was going to do after sundown, her arms crossed in front of her. As she was thinking she walked into something unpleasantly sticky. Not able to see what the stickiness was, she tried to pull her arms away from it but it was as if they were glued to an invisible thread.

A panicky felling overwhelmed her as she realised what she had just walked into. How could she have been so stupid? She’d walked right into a giant spider’s web! Raven, having had previous experiences with giant spiders, tried to stay perfectly still, hoping that the spider (wherever it was) didn’t feel that she was there. However it was too late, the spider had already sensed her movement. A hundred different, glowing eyes emerged from out the gloom above her! Long hairy legs approached and horrible fangs dripping with saliva and venom.

“Get away, or I’ll attack!” Raven hissed, barring her own fangs.

The spider chuckled in a low, hushed voice.

“That’s not likely, dear. You’re tangled in my web, there’s no way out!”

The spider was quite right. With Raven’s arms glued to the web in front of her, it was extremely difficult to use her powers on the spider. The spider slinked closer and saliva dripped, all gooey on Raven’s shoulder.

“You really should learn some manners, drooling on people is really not considered a nice gesture!”

“You intrigue me, little girl, why is it that you are not terrified of me?”

Raven hatched a clever plan. She smiled up at the spider that had stopped coming closer and was perched in the middle of her web.

“Well the thing is, you are sort of scary, to some degree, but I have seen a lot scarier!”

“Oh, is that so? Do tell.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of shapeshifters?”

“I might have.”

“Well I had a close encounter with one once. It transformed into a vampire in order to fool me. But, being who I am, I knew that no other vampire would ever want anything to do with me, so I attacked.”

“And what was so scary about that?”

“Just you wait, I’m getting to the scary bit. Any way, obviously I had not been fooled, so the shapshifter turned into a giant spider, like you, and it tried to corner me. Now THAT was a scary spider, I mean, it had about a hundred more eyes than you and was MUCH hairier…”

As Raven weaved this tale, quite like the spider had weaved her web, she was secretly freeing herself from the web by slowly using telekinetic energy to cut through the threads.

“…This spider was HUGE, more like the size of a hut and as it cornered me it barred these ENORMACE fangs, absolutely huge. Now that’s the sort of thing to get your heart beating really fast.”

She had finished and was now free from the web.

“You know,” Raven said still pretending she was stuck in the web “it was really nice chatting to you but I have to go, it’s probably sundown by now!”

Raven lunged away from the web and the spider hissed.

“How, did you…?”

“Never trust a vampire, especially when she has the cunning of mortals!”

Raven sprinted away before the spider had a chance to do anything else. Giant spiders were rather slow and counted on their webs alone to catch their prey. They were also easily distracted as they were rather vein and talk of other, scarier things intrigued them because they always reckoned they were the best!

Now incredibly alert, Raven made her way through the trees and out of the woods where it was now dark enough for her to do what she wanted. The moon was up and she stood there puffing. One more close encounter like that and she was going to flip. It wasn’t easy to act natural whilst in the presence of a giant, venom spitting spider. She’d have to be more careful from now on, much more careful!