
Part One

Part One

I sat on the edge of my bed, running my hands over the duvet trying to smooth out the non-existent creases. My gaze hadn’t moved from the phone that was situated on my small, wooden bedside table for the past half hour.

‘Should I call him?’ Was the only thing that had been running through my head, and still after what had seemed an eternity of thinking I was still unsure of my answer.

I slowly reached for the phone but as soon as my fingers grazed over the cold plastic I snapped my hand away as if I had been burned. ‘This is stupid’ I thought to myself before looking at the phone again. I sighed and with one quick motion I grabbed the phone from it cradle and began to dial the numbers to his shitty ‘apartment.’

But before I had the change to press the last digit in his number I slammed the phone back into its cradle. I shook slightly as I started to sob; rolling back onto the duvet I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. I didn’t want to call, because I knew if I did, I’d remember how much I loved him and I would go back to him and that was something I wasn’t prepared to do. Yet.