Status: Done! :D

A Small Unhealthy World

A Small Unhealthy World


I woke up to the normal wake up call, a friendly nurse coming in to give me breakfast and to tell me that me class is starting in 45 minutes, except this time, she was tending to Nick first.

"So Mr. Jonas, your class on how to treat you diabetes starts in 45 minutes. Ms. Henderson is attending that same class, so just follow her. Your class ends at 11, and visiting hours start at 12. During that empty hour you may do as you please around the hospital, as long as you don't break any hospital rules. Got it?" the nurse explained to Nick, who just shook his head yes. The nurse turned to me and attended to me like she always does before she swiftly left the room.

Nick rolled in his bed so that he was facing me, "How long have you been here again?"

I rolled in my bed so that I could face him, "2 days, and 3 more to go!"

Nick smiled wide before sitting up, "So we're leaving the same day then?"

I felt like we were playing a game of copy cat because I sat up to, "Yup!" Nick smiled just grew as he hopped out of bed.

I watched him stand up and have to sit back down.

"Dizzy?" I asked while getting out of my own bed to assist him.

"Yeah, just a little." I chuckled a little and turned to my IV machine. As taught, I gently unhooked my arm from it, then I did the same for Nick's arm.

"Wow, that feels good!" Nick said while stretching his arm out in front of him. I took that opportunity to slide under his outstretched arm and put his arm around his shoulder so that I could help him walk.

Since we were in hospital gowns we didn't need to get ready so we slowly made our way to the elevators to take us two floors down where are "Class room" was.

Our "class room" was 3 floors down, and the whole way there I had to support Nick. He could walk, but not fast. Him arm would tighten whenever he was about to stumble, and I would always catch him before he hit the ground. He would show me his charming, grateful smile and I would feel the butterflies swarm in my stomach. With his arm around my shoulders I could inhale the intoxicating smell that was Nick Jonas. I was pretty sure I was falling for this boy, hard.

The class was an hour long, but with Nick secretly complaining to my side it felt like minutes. Afterwards I had to help Nick walk back to our room.

Halfway there we both realized that this was taking way to long, so I crouched in front of Nick, telling him to jump onto my back. I was preparing myself to feel the extreme weight of a teenage boy, but when he jumped onto my back he was surprisingly light. He probably weighed the same as me because of his recent discovery of his diabetes.

Amazingly, we made it back to our hospital room without anyone yelling at us for piggy back riding. I gently sat Nick down onto the floor and collapsed onto my bed.

I was about to complain to Nick that he needed to slim down, but then I felt the weight of someone laying next to me. I opened my eyes to meet the one and only chocolate pools of Nick Jonas.

His eyes held something strong, grateful maybe?

"Thanks Paige, that really meant a lot to me."

I snorted, "Nick, hasn't anyone every given you a piggy back ride?!"

Nick laughed and I could feel his cool breath splashing on my face, "Not the piggy back ride, but for helping me so much. I don't think I could make through this without you." He hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "It's weird, I just met you last night, and I already feel like we have a connection."

I smiled at Nick and grabbed his hand, "Thanks Nick, that means a lot."

His grip around my hand tightened, and the speed of the butterflies in my stomach increased, "I owe you, big. Anything that you want is yours."

A wicked smile spread across my face, "Fine, you owe me a duck!"

Oh yeah, I just totally ruined the moment that Nick and I were having.

But Nick laughed again, "Oh really now? Well I guess that's fair, but see now you have to play me a game of baseball."

I raised my eyebrow at him, "How you connected duck and baseball is beyond me. Nick Jonas, you are one weird, weird boy."

Nick stuck his tongue out at me, "Like your sane enough to say that."

And that's what started the massive pillow fight.

During our feather encased fight, Nick was able to knock my pillow out of my hand, and send it flying straight into the face of his mother.

Immediately the room went silent, well except for the thousands of apologies that were streaming out of mine and Nick's mouth.

His mother just smiled and threw the pillow gently back to me, "I'll let it slide this time."

And that's how I was introduced to Nick's family. His mother and father were the nicest parents that I have ever met, Nick's 5 year old little brother was adorable, and of course Joe and Kevin were the funniest boys I've met in a while.

During the Jonas's visit, my own family dropped in to say hello. It was a little hectic. I have an identical twin sister, my mother and father are the funniest and weirdest parents you will ever meet, and I have an older sister who was supposed to be in college but was here visiting me.

Since the room was to small to contain the two families we all went out into one of the multiple lounges in the hospital. Mrs. And Mr. Jonas got acquainted with my parents, Kevin was flirting with my college sister, and Joe was talking to my twin, which left Frankie, Nick, and myself out of the bonding group.

It turns out my mother and Mr. Jonas went to school together, and even dated. Can you say awkward? But surprisingly, both of our parents got along like Peanut butter and jelly. How weird.

While Frankie was bugging Joe to take him to go get food, Nick and I silently slipped out of the room. We managed to race into our own room undetected.

When we were in the safety of our room, I slowly slipped down the wall, overwhelmed for reasons beyond my knowledge. Finding out that my mother and Mr. Jonas had a dating history was a little gross, but for some reason the bonding of the two families just made me feel suffocated.

Apparently Nick felt the same, because he joined me against the wall seconds later.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I've seen better days."

"Me too, but at least they're getting along."


Before our conversation could continue, someone walked into our room, almost tripping on us. It was the nurse from this morning.

"Oh good! You two are back! I've brought your identification jewelry for you to choose from!" The nurse explained that if we were ever in a crisis and for some reason incapable of telling them we needed special care, the necklaces had a medical sign on them, letting any paramedic know we are diabetic.

The nurse left the tray of jewelry on my bed and quickly left the room. Nick and I both seated ourselves onto my bed and started looking at the jewelry.

We picked out each others, I chose a dog tag necklace with an orange symbol for Nick. He chose a bracelet with a blue symbol on it.

I slowly looked up at Nick, "Do you think that we'll still be friends after this?"

Nick smiled reassuringly, "Well after our parents little reunion, I think we'll be seeing each other more and more!"

I smiled and hugged Nick, but silently prayed that he was right.