Jinxed Things Ringing

If You're Going Then Go

I looked back at my family. They were still slowly coming out of the car and opening the bags/boxes/remains of our previous home. My dad looked up from folding his map.

"Go on dear. Pick your room," My father ushered me on. I nodded and walked up the small paved way to the large, oak double doors. I cautiously stepped over the roots and shrubbery that blocked the pathway. Gently placing my hand on the front door, I pushed it open; receiving a large creak.

I raised my eyebrow and turned back at my dad who was also watching.

"I'll oil that thing and it'll be good as new," he offered.

I rolled my eyes. This house already looked straight up Haunted Mansion, but I said to myself that I would give this place a chance. I stepped over the threshold and walked into the main foyer eying the grand room, while spinning in a circle.

I noticed that my footsteps were left imprinted on the ground, since there was a layer of dust coating the entire area. I felt disgusted that there was so much dust that I was able to leave a footprint. At the same time I was amused at how soft it looked, my feet sunken in an almost powder-like coating.

I went straight up the stair case appointed on the left which curved to the top, overlooking the foyer. On that platform you could continue through a doorway or up another set of stairs, continuing to curl clockwise. I peered through that doorway that led to a staircase going down, that was quite small and compact and spiraled down into the kitchen. I made a note to come back later as I went farther up the stairs.

(What I have pictured in my mind)

I went down the hall and peeked through several different rooms. And this wasn't it! This was only one hallway. I was amazed that the city wanted to tear this place down.

My father stopped them and bought it without a thought for a cheap price. The city council couldn't/didn't stop him since it would allow them to now not pay the construction workers for tearing it down, in the first place.

I'm still curious why nobody has bought this estate yet.

I was considering whether I should just pick a random room in the middle of any of the hallways. But something curious caught my eye at the end of one of the lobbies.

A string.

I shrugged and let my feet pad across the long carpet to the hanging string. It just dangled underneath a few steps from the dead end, from the roof. I tugged at it trying to rip it out of the ceiling just thinking it was a loose thread or a web.

A creak groaned from the ceiling.

I gasped and jumped back in fear that the roof would collapse on my head. When nothing happened...I pulled it again, this time with more strength.

The ceiling broke a bit, some debris crusted to the staircase that had bowed slowly down, descended with it.

I buried my face into the crook of my arm and coughed, the dust stinging my throat and traveling to my lungs.

Yet I was persuaded to walk up the steps that might have caused me to fallen through, but hadn't, and walk into a medium dome like room.

I knew from that moment. This room was mine.

I ran my fingers over the white sheet covered furniture. I ripped one off as it elegantly cascaded from the furnishing to reveal a beautiful daybed. It looked quite antique but the fabric was just as elegant as simple.

I pulled the other sheets off the other furnishings. It revealed a beautiful decorative armoire.

I looked at the main attraction of the room. When you first enter, your eyes immediately shoot across the room and there is a gorgeous window seat. (Clicky!)

I walked slowly over and peered through the dusty window. I used my fingers to clear the cobwebs and wipe away some of the dust on the window. I can see the ocean.

It was magnificent.

"It's called a widow's watch,"

I turn around to see my dad entering my new room. "They call it a widow's watch because these were built in most homes for the wife to wait for their husbands, to return from their days on the sea. And here is where they would find out they would become widows." My dad says. I grin and look out to ocean.

"I want this room," I smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you want the layout of the actual room, I enpictured it as such:

Click if you want just an idea of what's in my head.

Even though it's on a Paint Document and is pretty crappy. I'm actually quite proud of how I set this up. And remember it's just a layout.