Jinxed Things Ringing

Click Your Heels


I looked up at him with a lazy blink.

"Jonny why aren't you at school?" he asked.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" I inquired, looking back at the water.

"I just did..."

He must have noticed my Dora the Explorer backpack, flung to the side and forgotten.

I was back at Jenney Park. It was 8 AM. I was sitting on the bridge, my legs dangling over the edge.

"You smoke?" He asked. I didn't look at him, but I could hear the disdain in his voice. "Aren't you underage?"

"Aren't you over-age?" I finally looked up at him with a smirk. I flicked the cigg at the water.

"Eco-friendly, I see," He muttered sitting down next to me.

"Only once and a while. I don't get addicted," I shrug. "To the fag, I mean,"

"That's good," He nodded. "California habit I suppose? Do all the cool clubbin' city kids do it too?"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't live in San Fran Brendon. I wasn't even close to LA. I lived in fucking Big Sur!" I laughed bitterly.

"You okay?" Brendon asked softly. I smiled.

"Yeah, no. I'm totally cool. If anyone, I should be asking you that mister,"

Brendon crossed his legs Indian style. We sat in silence for what seemed like ten minutes.

"I brought you tea," Brendon finally said. I looked at him and he was holding a mug in his hands. He looked comfortable holding it in his lap, so I wouldn't accept it until he would willingly give it to me.

"It's funny how I have the ability to manipulate objects. It's sort of how I manifest myself," Brendon said to himself.

"Do you normally?" I asked him. "Manifest yourself...I mean.."

"Not for fifteen years...the first couple of years I did," Brendon continued. "After that the objects around me became familiar, so there was no need to influence any objects to move. I stopped appearing,"

"That's why people would leave the house..." I was catching on. "When you saw people, it wasn't normal. So you manifested yourself...and they were scared away,"

"I suppose," Brendon said gloomily. "I'm sorry I blew up at you like that...it wasn't cool of me,"

"It's fine. I'm sorry too," I replied.

"No...Genviève, don't apologize. You have no reason to," Brendon said softly. "I didn't know what was wrong with me. It seemed like it was just getting harder-"

"That's what she said,"

Brendon stopped at the interruption and slowly looked at me with a shocked expression.

A small smile dangled from my lips as I continued to gaze at the water. From the corner of my eye I could see Brendon's mouth turning into a huge smile.

"Thank you Genviève," Brendon finally said.

"That's what she said,"

I could help it anymore, I let out a huge laugh.

"Google is very useful," I grinned at him.

"Google is still around?!" Brendon asked.

"Of course, I had to research the history of GOOGLE as well to make sure you knew what it was," I smirked.

"Tell me what else is going on," Brendon sighed, he reclined letting his back rest on the wooden bridge. I copied his actions, as we both looked at the grey sky.

"What do you want to know?"


"Who's the president?" Brendon asked.

"Which one?"

"Of America..."

"Right...which one?"

"We have more than one now?"

"Haven't we always?"

"Oh my goodness," Brendon laughed. "What happened to Global Warming?"

"Which one?"

"Oh my God, not again,"

"No seriously! Which Global Warming? We had just gotten over one recently,"

"...the one in 2008..."

"That was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay long ago. I didn't even know that we had one then..."

"Do we still have 195 countries?"

"Oh fuck! We had that many?!"

"Wait...what! What do you mean that many?!?!"

"Nah just playin'. We lost about 4 or 5 small countries. They joined bigger ones and left the land to grow forests,"

"Really? Man that's awesome...we're getting better,"

"Don't bet your money on it. We have another Global Warming coming in a couple of years,"



"Shut up,"

"Can I have my tea now?"

"No...shut up.."


"Learn your lesson then..."

"I was kidding Bren!...is that Lemon?! BREN PLEASE!"

"Don't ever mock me again..."


"Hey Jonny?"

"Yeah come on in Damien," I said sitting on my sun seat reading a book. Brendon was sitting on one of the couches staring dangerously at the tea table.

"What's with him?" Damien whispered to me as he sat next to me. I looked up from my book and glanced at Brendon. I smiled at his direction and looked back at my brother.

"He's always wanted to use the tea table..." I said trailing off mid-sentence, looking back at the ghost.

Brendon sighed heavily and hesitantly reached out for the china cup, when his finger got close. His finger went right through the handle.

"ARGH!" Brendon yelled and stood up. He angrily reached for the tea table and tried to flip it over.

But his hands went through it.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Brendon shouted as he pummeled through the furniture.

But once again, he went right through it.

"IT WOULD BE MUCH EASIER TO BE UPSET IF I COULD DESTROY THINGS!" Brendon shouted at the ceiling shaking his hands violently.

"But he can't touch anything," I finally said looking back at my brother. Damien laughed.

"Was there something you needed?" I asked him.

"Oh...yeah, did you still want to come to that party?"

"Party?! I forbid you to go to ANY parties!" Brendon appeared again waving his finger at me.

"Can I bring Brendon?" I asked Damien, ignoring the ghost in front of me.

"Party! I love parties!" Brendon squealed.


The three of us stood in front of the huge house. Brendon my left, Damien on my right. We all looked at it's monstrosity and sighed. I turned to look at Brendon.

"Remember to...yeah," I say lamely and turn back to look at the huge house.

"Yeah," Brendon breathes. I look to my right.

"Remember..." I say again- but can't help but trail off and look back at the house.

"Yeah," Damien repeats blinking slowly.

"Yep...that's everyone's first reaction when they come over," a voice suddenly says.

All three of our heads' snap down and look at the petite girl in front of us.

"Oh," Damien says, his voice sounding sleepy. "Hi Michelle,"

"Hey Damien," Michelle says with a laugh.

"This is..." Damien starts...but ...his...head...slowly moves...upward...

"Will he be alright?" I ask Michelle. She nods. "I'm-"

"Oh yes...the infamous Genviève. Thanks for coming," She smiles shaking my hand. She looks over at Brendon with a confused look.

"Is this...another brother?" Michelle asks.

"That...hehe...rhymed..." Damien gurgles.

"Damien don't choke," I roll my eyes. "No...actually...this is a friend. Brendon,"

Michelle motions to hold out her hand, but Brendon puts up his hand and waves. Michelle waves back, thankfully.

"Oh! I know you! I saw you and Genviève at school ki-" Michelle says snapping her fingers.

"YES!" Brendon shouts. "That's," Brendon coughs. "That was me..." He slowly shifts his eyes to see if Damien noticed but my brother was still in awe at the house.

"I was just dropping her off," Brendon shrugged.

"Oh...you don't go to our school? How old are you?" Michelle asked.

"I'm out of high school," Brendon repeats my sentence which I had told the secretary.

"Oh..." Michelle says. "Uhm...I'll take care of your brother then, I guess,"

Michelle takes Damien inside by the hand talking to him in a baby voice.

Brendon and I started laughing at Damien's expression. Our house that we lived in might be big, but their house is EXTRAVAGANT.

"Wanna go in now?" Brendon asked. I nodded.

"And try not to touch anyone," I remind him as we walk into the house.

For a big house...it didn't seem like there was enough room to cram everyone in.

"No problem," Brendon swallowed the lump in his throat.


"If you feel uncomfortable, let me know. We'll go home," Brendon yelled into my ear. I nodded.

"It's fine! I'm fine!" I yelled back. I partied occasionally. Thing is, I never got drunk so I could remember what the party was about.

Let me tell you something, Big Sur is a HIPPIE TOWN. WE LEGALIZED DRUGS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!

"Don't accept any drinks," Brendon yelled. I nodded even though I knew that. I wasn't stupid.

We walked through the hallway instead of through, what seemed like the family room, to avoid less physical contact.


I quickly looked up to see a couple of guys at the top of the stairs.

Coming down the stairs was a huge keg.

"JON!" I heard someone yell. I quickly rushed out of the way with the help of somebody else. I turned my head to see the familiar face.

"Roger," I sighed. I smacked his arm.

"Hey! Some people say thank you for saving my life. But whatever," Roger rolled his eyes.

"Thank you," I smiled at him. "Uhm...no thank you to whatever you were drinking...are you drunk?"

"Buzzed," Roger shrugged. I nodded unsurely. "But I'm getting there," Roger admitted. I laughed.

"Genviève," Brendon huffed. "You could of died,"

"Look who's talking," I said. My eyes widened and I gasped. What could have been funny, wasn't. Because Roger was still standing there.

"Huh?" Roger asked.

"Uh...I said...the cook tattoo ...is uh...WALKING!" I shouted.

There was an awkward pause.

I just walked away.

Where did I walk into? The kitchen of course. Where all the passed out/getting passed out kids were sprawled along.

I pulled the arm of some chick off the counter, allowing her body to thud on the ground.

She would feel that in the morning. I sighed and climbed, and proceeding to sit on my new counter spot.

Not later than I had expected, Brendon walked in wearing a smirk.

"Shut up," I muttered.

"Good cover-up," Brendon nudged me, without touching me of course, talking laced with over-exaggeration.

"Yeah whatever...you're still dead!" I pointed accusingly at him.

Brendon stuck his tongue out at me.


I peered over Brendon's shoulder to see a squat girl staggering away from the keg.

"I saaaaaw yooou at schoo-...*hiccup* oool," the chick managed to say to Brendon.

Brendon looked petrified.

"You look..famili...look...I've seen you before," The girl said pointing her unwavering finger at Brendon.

Brendon shook his head immediately.

"Is your name....Ben...?" she asked. "No! Bam...Bread? Bren! BREN! Brendon...you're name is Brendon!" she stuttered out.

I could see Brendon visually tense up as he backed away from the girl.

"My mother...loooves you!" She squealed.

My eyes widened as I bit my lip. This was getting interesting.

"Her mother Brendon?" I whispered into his ear, as his back neared my knees.

"Shut up," He hissed, turning his head.

"Can I get your autograph?" She slurred. My face fell.


I felt Brendon's back touch my knees.

"What autogra-"

Wait. I felt Brendon!

I leaned forward and bit Brendon's ear lobe.

"WHOA!" Brendon shrieked and jumped. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward, giving him a grin.

"If you hadn't scared me, I would be extremely turned on," Brendon threw a smirk at his shoulder, where I was leaning my head.

"That's...pedophilia!" The girl screamed with intense laughter. I chuckled.

"Mmmm...don't do that..." Brendon said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"That," Brendon shivered. I realized I was breathing in his ear. With a quick breath, I blew air into his ear. Brendon jumped again.

"I said stop!" He whined.

"Ooooohhh..." the girl was still standing in front of us. Her face then contorted into one of confusion. "Aren't you suppose to be dead?!"

"Bella...come on Bella...that's enough for tonight," Michelle entered the kitchen grabbing the drunk girl by the arm. As she was walking away, she turned her head to look at the both of us.

"Meet me in my room upstairs," She said sharply.

My heart was beating incredibly fast, let me tell you. I felt Brendon's as well, as he was hold the hand that was slung over his neck. He shot me a look.

"Can you feel it?" He asked me with a petrified look. I nodded.

"I forgot what it feels like to have a heart beat," Brendon shivered.

"You didn't die from heart attack did you Bren?" I asked him. He glared at me as he slipped his hand through mine.

"I don't want to lose feeling just now," He said at my shocked expression. I nodded.

Brendon proceeded to lead me up the stairs, also earning some hoots and hollers. I blushed ferociously.

Thank God nobody would be sober to remember this Monday.

Brendon, however, held the most proud look on his face. We finally found a room adorning the sticker letter's "Michelle's Cave".

Brendon shoved me in and closed the door behind him. "I'm here to deflower you," He said seductively.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh and pushed him away, causing him to lose balance and fall backwards.

Mid-falling backwards, he quickly grabbed my arm, and pulled me down with him.

With narrowed eyes he said, "I might have let you go,"

"Sorry," I said trying to be sincere.


We both looked up to see Michelle standing with her hands on her hips.

I quickly scrambled up, but it was proven difficult to do, because Brendon wouldn't let go. So we both tried to co-operate and stand up together.

"Uh...he has this condition...where he needs to get physical attention when he's out of place," I shift my eyes. With Brendon's free hand he curled up his fist and punched me in the shoulder.

"Fuck you!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's true!" I exclaimed.

"Touché..." He shifted his eyes.

Michelle sighed and watched Brendon. This made me extremely nervous and I'm sure Brendon felt the same.

"You're suppose to be dead," She murmured and rubbed her eyes. I swallowed whatever saliva was still in my drying mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Brendon asked casually.

"Brendon Boyd Urie," She said looking at him directly. Something told me that she was on the verge of being very excited or being very petrified.

Brendon's face fell and formed into one that looked like he was about to cry- but he tried his best to remain stable.

"N-no..you've got the wrong person," He said as calm as possible.

"Panic at the-"

"SHUT UP!" Brendon screamed. His frame was now clutching mine for dear life.

"Listen..Michelle," I said with narrowed eyes. "I'm not sure what you may be insinuating. But my friend here is getting over worked...I'm going to take him home. Tell Damien he's more than welcome to stay here...with the rest of the party. But we're going-"

"No! No...please...I didn't mean to," Michelle's eyes softened.

I could feel Brendon's body shake.

He was crying.

"I'll get some water," She said slowly and left the room.

"Bren?" I asked softly. "Bren baby...let's sit down..." I said levering our bodies to be seated on the edge of the bed.

Brendon now dug himself deeper into my neck sobbing, arms wrapped around my body.

I could feel his tears.

My eyebrows knit together, biting my lip- I held this boy. This mysterious lifeless boy.

I've never seen a guy cry before. It's not as feminine and emotional as girls cry.

When men cry- they heave. Girls cry for any reason they can find time to. Men just don't cry.

Brendon shook his head and finally lifted his head. He unwound his arms from mine, he let his ankle slip behind mine and entwine our ankles together so we could still remain touching.

Brendon ferociously wiped at his face and craned his neck repetitively.


"I'm sorry," he said gruffly face turning red from excessively rubbing. His face now dry- but in what looked like a permanent frown.

"It's fine," I said quietly. We both sat there for eternity in silence. The muffled sound of the party coming from downstairs.

"It's like it finally hit me just now..." Brendon said staring at the carpet. "Jonny," He said and looked up at me.

"I'm dead,"

His words killed me right then.

Oh the irony.

"Oh Brendon," I said breathlessly. I didn't know I was holding in oxygen. I let my hand rest on his. "Tell me,"

He sighed.

"I was in a band," He closed his eyes.

"A damn good band if I may say so myself," Michelle said entering the room with a tall slim glass of water. Brendon gratefully took it and took a sip.

His eyes closed as he continued to gulp the glass.

"Bren," I said stopping him.

"Sorry," He said. "I just...that was my first sip of water in-"

"Twenty years," Michelle said.

"Fan?" Brendon asked with his smirk.

"A little..." Michelle blushed.

"Who's your favorite?" Brendon teased.

"Oh," Michelle frowned. "Don't be mean,"

"No, come on...I know you have a favorite. EVERYONE has a favorite," Brendon grinned.

"Shpcerr," She muttered lowering her head.

"SPENCER?!" Brendon shrieked. "Atta' girl! Wait 'till I tell hi-" Brendon froze his face dropping.

Michelle's face whipped up to look at Brendon.

"What happened to-"

"Do you want anything to drink Genviève?" Michelle asked me naturally.

"Michelle," Brendon demanded. Michelle closed her eyes and then opened them with a pained look.

"They've got families now Brendon...Spencer's divorced but has kids. Ryan is happily married," Michelle said.

Brendon's face lit up. "And Jon?"

"Me?" I asked. Brendon laughed and looked at me in surprise, as if he forgot I was still there. He shook his head and looked back at Michelle.

"What's J-Walk been up to?" Brendon asked with delight. When Michelle didn't answer him, Brendon asked again.

"Michelle...tell me what happened,"

"Jon died Brendon,"

If I could describe the look in Brendon's face...I would have to say-

The life left his eyes.

"No," he laughed. "Nah,"

Michelle bit her lip.

"Jon? My Jon?" Brendon asked. He sat there with a blank stare on his face for a few minutes.

"Brendon-" Michelle said but Brendon immediately stood up. He grabbed my hand and angrily dragged me out of the room.

"BRENDON!" Michelle yelled.

Quite frankly, I was petrified. I saw Brendon's angry face. It was like when he was in my room and he couldn't-


Brendon can feel now...

And that's why he was dragging me along. I sent pleading looks at Michelle who was trying to keep up. Brendon yanked me down the stairs and out the house.

He wasn't running...but wasn't walking either. He was storming across the neighborhood until when came upon a grassy park.

He was now fuming as he pulled me across the park and into the middle.

That was when he gave the most ear-piercing/life shattering scream I've ever heard.

Brendon screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

While he was screaming, he was squeezing my hand tremendously hard. I pursed my lips together and shut my eyes tightly, from screaming as well.

Brendon finally collapsed.

Michelle was running at us.

"Brendon," She panted. "Genviève...are...you..alright?" She asked. I nodded slowly trying to hold Brendon up.

"Howwww," Brendon sobbed looking at Michelle with tear streaked face. Michelle shook her head and looked away. "Michelle how!!" Brendon screamed.

"He commit suicide..." Michelle cried. She also started weeping.

I sighed.

What have I gotten myself into?


"How's your hand feeling?" Brendon asked now clutching my hand lightly. I nodded.

"It'll get better in the morning. Now that you've emotionally drained out yourself and potential friend...I'd like to sleep now Brendon," I stated in a calm tone.

Somebody had to.

"Can I just...lay with you?" Brendon asked. I shot a look at him.

We were now in my bedroom. I had thanked Michelle after she told us how "J-Walk" had drunken himself to his death, and led Brendon and myself home.

"Are you serious?" I asked him. He bit his lip and nodded. "Fucking cliché ," I rolled my eyes.

He smiled a little. "God Genviève, try to act like a girl and be more sensitive," He teased me.

"Shut up Brendon," I rolled my eyes and let him climb in next to me. "Stay on your fucking side," I glared at him.

Underneath the sheets, I felt his legs entwine with mine.

"That's not your fucking side of the bed,"

"Shut the hell up and be a girl Genviève,"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this one was INCREDIBLY wussy and pansy-like.

But I really had to put this in.

Sue me, it was a filler. But it was a long filler. That I am sorry for.

I really don't like this chapter. :[[ I'm sorry again.