Jinxed Things Ringing

Humble Chimney Sweep

"You do it,"

"No you do it!"

"But I did it last time!"


"Whiny bitch," I muttered while getting up and answer the door. "Roger!" I exclaimed happily stepping forward so that I could hug him.

"Hello," Roger said with a smile.


I turned around to see Brendon standing behind me.

"I thought you didn't want to-"

"Oh ha ha! Joking around Jonny!" Brendon interrupted me emphasizing his words. "Why don't you come in Roger," Brendon held the door open for Roger.

"Oh...yeah, I don't think that's such a good idea," Roger said shifting nervously.

"Ah. Then I suppose Jonnycakes and I should get back to our movie," Brendon said reaching to close the door.

"I guess I could stay for a little," Roger said loudly taking a step inside.

"Roger," I say sternly putting my hands on his chest. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I say looking directly into his eyes.

"Unless you have a reason for me not to come in...I don't see why not," Roger said following Brendon leaving me at the door. I sighed and shut the door behind me and followed Roger back into our smaller parlors where our TV was set up.

"What are we watching?" Roger asked taking off his coat letting me tend to it. When I grabbed it, I could feel his hands shaking. I stroked his palm slightly before putting away the coat. I came back and sat down on the love seat facing the television. Brendon sat on my right and Roger squeezed himself on my left.

"I'm proud that you came in," I said looking up at my boyfriend. He threw me a grin.

"Just...me and this house don't have a good history," Roger said looking around the den.

"House and I," my voice chimed along with Brendon's simultaneously.

"Grammar Nazis," Roger said bumping my head affectionately. I shrugged innocently.

"So, I never got the chance to ask," Roger finally spoke up. "How do you know Genviève?" I realized that Roger was speaking to Brendon. From my peripheral vision, I could sense that Brendon was glancing at me, but I remained looking at the tacky movie playing ahead.

"Oh uhm. It's a long story," Brendon said with a nervous laugh.

"I've got time," Roger said throwing his right arm around my shoulders.

"We're close friends," I finally said not letting my gaze move from the television screen.

"How'd you meet?"

"He was bugging me while we were cleaning the house," I replied.

"That recent?"


"Are you staying here or something?" Roger asked him and Brendon chuckled with a nod. "Oh," Roger said with obvious disappointment.

"How old are you?" Roger asked curiously.

"Do I look 42 to you?" Brendon asked me with puppy eyes.



"Well, I mean, you know...only from the neck up," I say with a shrug.

"How old do I look to you?" Brendon asked Roger.

"I dunno. Around 20?" Roger shrugged. Brendon threw a grin to Roger. We continued to watch the movie that had ended and a reality show started playing. I felt Roger sigh and nuzzle his face into my cheek. I couldn't help but smile while trying to ignore him. Brendon coughed. Roger slowly pulled away and sat straight forward. My insides were laughing incredibly hard. Roger's hand sneaked it's way back onto my knee slowly rubbing my thigh. Brendon coughed loudly. Roger shifted back into position. I could tell he was getting irritated.

"I haven't seen your room," Roger said quietly to me. Brendon, arms crossed over his chest, shifted his eyes to Roger dangerously.

"Sure," I shrugged and stood up, Roger in tow. Once we turned the corner a smash erupted from another room. A grin slowly started to form on my lips.

"What was that?" Roger jerked his head nervously.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug.

"So, do...things like that usually happen?" Roger's body became tense.

"This house was made for bumps in the night," I replied continuing up the stairs. As we went through the hallway, the doors that we walked past started slamming shut. Roger clung to me. I laughed.

"I guess they go bump when the sun's up as well," I chuckled.

"Should we go back downstairs?" Roger asked nervously.

"Nah, my room's right there," I said pointing to my staircase.

"You live in the attic??" Roger said freezing at his spot. "Okay...I'm out of here," Roger said kissing me quickly and bolting away.

"Where are you going?" I called after him.

"Louise's!" his voice was heard as he disappeared around the corner. I sighed and followed the way back downstairs. I could see Brendon chuckling as he peeped through the keyhole. Before he could turn around, I grabbed his ear.

"AAAAAAIIIIII!" Brendon shrieked. I huffed and pulled him with me into the parlor. With one sweep, I picked up the phone. I dialed the operator's number and listened to the soft ringing, meanwhile Brendon was whining for me to let him go.

"Plymouth Operator," a small voice came.

"Michelle-" I froze. I had no clue what Michelle's last name was.

"I need a last name ma'am," the lady responded.

"Okay how many uber rich Michelles are there in Kingston? I'm talking obnoxious rich," I asked the lady. There was a pause.


"Hello?" a new voice asked.

"Hi, may I speak to Michelle please?" I requested.

"One sec," the voice said. Two minutes went by.

"Helloooo?" Michelle asked.

"I need you to come over," I said.


"Oh this is so intense," Brendon said next to me. I glanced over at him. "One side of my butt is totally asleep and the other side has no idea,"

"I'm on my way," Michelle's dull voice said and we both hung up.


"Ok, I fold," Brendon sighed putting his cards down.

"Yessss," I say to myself gathering the chips.

"So what'd you have?" Brendon asked.

"I'm not telling," I gave him the 'are-you-crazy?' look.

"Come on, show them to me," Brendon argued.


"Show them to me!"

"Leave me alone! No!"

"Let me see! Show them!"

"You know, I've had dates like this," Michelle said. I laughed hysterically.

"Hey guys," Damien said walking into my room where all three of us were huddled around the tea table.

"Oh oh! Damien! Take my place," I said waving my arm to hand him the cards. He took them and sat down near Michelle.

"What do we have left over from the Chicken Hut?" I asked Damien.

"Err...a leg, a couple of breasts and maybe two wings," Damien replied concentrating on the game.

"That would be the sexiest woman..." Brendon sighed and I smacked him. Our ankles were, once again, crossing so that we would remain in physical contact. Brendon didn't want to stop feeling just yet.

"Hey! Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess whaaaaat!" Michelle sang out loud.

"The fourth 'guess what' just made me lose interest. After the second I got excited, but when the third rolled around, it was yesterday's news," Brendon said grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers absentmindedly.

"Oh...hush you! I was going to say that my sister-in-law's cousin's daughter asked me to be her maid of honor!" Michelle said jumping in her seat, clapping her hands. I started laughing before saying,

"Congratulations! When is it?"

"After the Thanksgiving parade which by the way I'm going to be Pocohantes on the float!" she replied proudly.

"They're going to put a wig on you, right?" I asked.

"Mhmm...obviously blond wasn't her color," Michelle shrugged. I nodded in agreement.

"When is Thanksgiving anyways?" Damien asked folding his cards. Brendon also folded. Michelle grabbed the chips from both of them.

"Next week," Michelle said stacking her chips in the right order.

"Oh, OH!" Brendon said happily. "Can I come?!" Brendon asked giddily.

"Sure," I laughed. Brendon shifted and laid his head in my lap and threw his legs over the edge of the couch staring determined at his cards.

I looked down at his face adoringly and ran my fingers through his hair. I never noticed Brendon's freckles before and let out a small laugh.

"Mmm you're going to make me fall asleep," Brendon murmured. Without thinking, I reached out and stroked his cheek. I felt Brendon stop slightly before looking up at me with such unreadable eyes. Was he confused? Was he happy? Sad? But no, Brendon had to be the most...complex person! With his free hand he grabbed mine and kissed my fingertips, and returned to the game. Heart beating fast, I sighed and leaned back into the couch.


"So, ok. We need a plan for Boyd," I say to Michelle as we sit on the couches. I had Damien bring us tea and waited until he left.

"HEY!" Brendon shrieked.

"Well, how do you want to start?" Michelle asked.

"Don't call m-"

"I guess we start with a question," I reply.

"That is strictly-"

"Which is obviously, why is Boyd still here?" Michelle leaned back.

"You guys," Brendon whined.

"Yes Boyd?" I looked down at him. He stared at me for a while without saying anything. I shrugged and looked back up at Michelle who was casting a curious look at Brendon.

"Why does any spirit still stay here?" I ask myself.

"I know what we should do!" Brendon yelled. I covered his mouth. I uncovered it. I covered his mouth, I then uncovered it again. I repeated .this action while Brendon made that 'aaaahhhh' noise, which now sounded like, 'aaaawwa wa wa waaaah'. I laughed a little at this noise. Michelle also giggled.

"I can't believe I'm actually meeting you," Michelle sighed. I could hear her trying to contain her tears of happiness. Brendon, sneakily, placed a delicate kiss on my fingers again when they rested on his mouth. I retreated my hand quickly. I couldn't be doing this with Brendon. I have a boyfriend.

"Michelle, I'm going to come out and say it now," Brendon said turning his head towards her. "You are by far, the best fan I've ever met,"

Michelle choked out a Thank You. I sighed and patted Brendon's shoulder.

"What was your idea smarty?" I asked.

He grinned before replying, "We should call..."


"They're so old now," I laugh. When Brendon suggested to have them come, I was more than delighted. Why hadn't I thought of it before! Damien and I have been such fans. Brendon told me that he wasn't a fan, but had heard of them when they were around the time he was alive. I was extremely excited.

"You're such a loser," Michelle giggled.

"Watch their show and then tell me I'm a loser," I tell her with a serious face. Michelle laughed harder.

"Are they here yet?" Damien asked running down the stairs. I shook my head. The bell rang.

"OH MY GAWD!" Damien squealed.

"Damien," I said sternly but couldn't help but let out a giggle. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door.

Everyone groaned.

"Thanks guys," Roger rolled his eyes, stepping forwards to kiss me. When I turned around he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I still don't understand why you're calling them over here. We already know that things go bump in the night here,"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, but why do they do this?" I retort and he shrugs. Brendon scoffs and I look up at him. He shrugs and leans a bit more on Michelle.

"Oh my God you're heavy," Michelle gasps. Brendon pouts. Obviously, I couldn't be in physical contact with Brendon all the time, so Michelle and I switched off.

"You get next shift," Michelle glared at me. Roger shot me a confused look.

"You guys make me sound like a job," Brendon whined.

"You are," Michelle and I replied at the same time.

"That makes you two tools! Hahaa!" Brendon shrieked and pointed. Everyone was silent.

"HA! I GET IT!" Damien finally looked up and started laughing.

"Comedy has died," Brendon sulked.

"Okay everyone," I said clapping my hands to get their attention. "We'll just do something productive to keep our mind off of them until they actually arrive,"

"Yeah, Jonny's right. I mean, they're coming all the way from Rhode Island," Michelle justified.

Five minutes later...

"NO YOLANDA NOOOOO!" Damien cried throwing his arms to the television.

"That was such a nice wedding reception. I mean, how selfish can one girl seriously be?" Brendon asked.

"Oh, seriously? Then we must not be talking about this show. Real-life; whore would've married him," Michelle said with some attitude.

"Poor guy," Roger sympathized.

"Well...it could've been worse," I shrugged. Everyone looked at me. "She...could've...shot him," I said with shifty eyes.

"Yeah," Brendon said animatedly. He let his voice go girly, "I DO!" In a gruff voice he shouted, "NO BITCH YOU DON'T! BAM BAM!"

Everyone laughed.

"Wait so do all the guests still get cake?" Damien asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm sitting on something," Michelle squirmed.

"The top of the world?" Roger retorted. I laughed and smacked his chest.

"No...it's...aha!" Michelle says pulling out what looks like a letter. "And..it's a bill," Michelle says inspecting the address.

Damien rolled his eyes and took the bill opening it and pulling out the letter.

"Oh my God!" He yelped.

"That's the phone number," I stated automatically.

"Oh," Damien said after lowering his eyes at the bottom of the paper. This time the bell really rang and everyone froze. My heart started beating extremely fast and my stomach was churning. This was the moment. Not only were we going to figure Brendon out, but Damien and I were going to meet our heroes.

"Go ahead Jonny. You and Damien do the honors," Michelle prodded. I nodded slowly and stood up with Damien. We both shot each other a nervous smile and walked to the doors. Damien reached for the door and opened it. I pursed my lips together and smiled as we saw the three men standing at our door.

"Hey," the shorter one said.

"Hello," Damien replied opening the door allowing the three guys to enter along with the camera crew.

"I'm Grant and this is Jason," the shorter one said shaking our hand. "This is Steve, our technician," Grant introduced the heavier set one.

"We're TAPS,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Why did it take me so long to update? And a really short one too!

Gaaaahhh. But guess what?
I might have found Ryan's apprentice!

Send some love. XoXo