Jinxed Things Ringing

Slightly Clever

We led the three men and camera crew around the house, randomly pointing to rooms with "the most paranormal activity". The rooms were the parlor, which had cleared out by now, the dining room, the kitchen, and my room. I just had to wait until the cameras were off to actually talk to Jason and Grant by themselves.

"Why do you suspect that there might be activity in this room," Jason asked.

"Well, this is my room," I introduced. "This room when we first moved in was the room that was sort of hidden away in the ceiling, so it's been abandoned for a while. I was just fascinated by the widow's watch and when things started occurring, I wasn't too surprised,"

I felt a chill and knew Brendon was with us. Smart boy. He was listening to Damien and I make up spots that held the activity, so he knew what to do when we were gone.

TAPS stands for The Atlantic Paranormal Society. Their job was to hunt out cases that were known for "hauntings". Their job, however, was mainly to disprove them somehow. Just to find an explanation rather than jumping the gun and claiming there were ghosts hanging around. Their main task was to gather proof. That's why Damien and I always admired their work. We watched their earlier and current shows and find it fascinating. They were so old now! Probably around mid 50s.

After we went downstairs the cameraman asked me to stand aside to give a statement about my expectations.

"I hope TAPS can find some proof. We live at the back of a cemetery, so people may think that gives us an excuse to claim that we have something in our home. No doubt TAPS won't disappoint us," I say with a smile. The cameraman thanks me and goes back to his van with the other workers. I join Damien, Jason, and Grant. Steve, the tech manager, had also retreated back to the van.

"Thank you for inviting us," Grant said to the both of us. "Do your parents know we're here?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. They're fine with it, they're actually back in California to help the new people move into our old home. They send their good lucks," Damien smiled. Jason laughed.

"It really is great to see the youth still interested," Jason replied.

"Oh, I can assure you that you won't be disappointed," I reply. Grant laughs with Jason but watches me for a moment. He falters for a second, but then regains track and leaves with Jason.

Closing the door behind them, I turn to Brendon who appears.

"You know what to do then?" Damien asks Brendon. Brendon nods.

"Move the furniture in the parlor, swing the chandelier in the dining hall, hit some pans in the kitchen, and get kinky in the bedroom,"

"What was that?" Damien snapped.

"Nothing," Brendon chirped and Damien glared and walked off.

"Bad boy," I said waving a finger at him, following Damien.


Damien and I were staying over at Michelle's house while TAPS were working. They did their investigations during the night, so they needed us out. Brendon and I went over what he needed to do exactly and when. He could get to room to room fairly quickly, seeing he really didn't need to walk, but get there...however ghosts travel. He needed to display just the right amount of activity. The purpose was to meet Jason and Grant, not get publicity. So we worked out what Brendon had to do as "proof" to them and what he needed to do that could somehow be explained rationally by the crew, such as shadows.

"Do you think everything will go as planned?" Michelle asked as we lay in her bed.

"I hope so," I said quietly.

"What's going on between you and Brendon," she asked turning on her side to look at me. I copied her actions.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Is he still being really horny around you?" she asked.

"Kind of...I guess...I don't know. It's simmered down a bit, I suppose," I replied.


"Well...small things. He doesn't flirt openly as much. He rather kiss my forehead than try to make a move on me. Hugs when I need them..." I listed off.

"Maybe he's grown to the fact you have a boyfriend,"

"I hope not Maybe," I shrugged.

"I mean...it's not like you'd want to get closer to Brendon," Michelle stated.

"Of course not really,"

"He's quite charming however. But still,"

"Still still..."

"Dear God! You are the most stubborn girl I've ever met! Just admit it! You've fallen for this ghost!" Michelle cried. I laughed.

"Michelle, don't you think you're overreacting?" I asked chuckling.

"Maybe a little," She pouted. "But you can't admit that there is something between you too,"

I rolled my eyes. "Michelle, he's dead. And whatever there was between us was ablessing accident,"

"Mhmm. But you must realize. What'll happen if we do help Brendon through this?"

"I...I don't know!" I said letting the idea sink in. Brendon could disappear forever! The house wouldn't be the same!

"I'm sorry Jonny," Michelle said scooting closer to me. "I didn't mean to upset you," She said wrapping her arms around me. I nodded, resting my head next to hers.

We fell asleep together dreading the thought of helping our best friend.


My breath hitching suddenly, I awoke from sleeping in Michelle's comforting arms. Not ready to get up yet, I snuggled deeper into her embrace. Michelle was such a good friend. She was no doubt, the richest girls in school and not to mention the prettiest. She took a chance befriended the new girl and now I felt I wouldn't mind settling down if that meant to be with Michelle. Back home I had friends, but not like Michelle. Michelle was the kind of friend that I would actually care about if I were to move again.

"Jonny babe," I opened my eyes.

"MmmI'mawake," I mumbled.

"Sure you are," Michelle chuckled. I yawned and shifted. I finally opened my eyes to see Michelle staring right back at me. I smiled at her.

"I was awake. But I fell back asleep," I admitted.

"Well if you wake up now, I'll get breakfast," Michelle replied. This got me up and had me getting ready. She let me get the first shower. I went into the bathroom and was yet again, in awe at the luxury that Michelle was living in. Getting out of the shower, I got dressed and ran a brush through my hair.

"There's someone to see you," Michelle called to me through the door.

"Tell Damien I'll be there in a sec," I shouted.

"It's not Damien," Michelle replied in a chipper voice.

"Well...Roger...will have to wait," I said unsurely. Who else would it be?

"It's not Roger," Michelle said in an amused tone.

Oh please let it not be...

"What is he doing here then?" I called back in the same sing song tone.

"I dunno, you ask him," Michelle replied. I heard her move away from the door. I opened the door to see Brendon standing a little awkwardly waiting for me.

"Am I bothering you?" Brendon asked. He looked very timid and scared.

"No," I said furrowing my eyebrows. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I had an accident," Brendon said with sad eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
A short one, sowwy. Forgive me please?

What if I update in...the next five minutes? Yes you say?! ALRIGHTY THEN!