Jinxed Things Ringing

Off Your Shoulders

I rushed as quick as I could back with Brendon back home, not before telling Michelle there was an emergency. I followed Brendon back to the house, which thankfully, the driveway was not occupied by TAPS. Brendon led the way up the stairs and all the way to my room. I was confused by now. What happened?

Brendon stood shyly around the room.

"For God's sakes Brendon! What happened?!" I shouted getting nervous by the second. He squeaked a bit before pointing ashamedly at a small puddle near the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You wet my floor?" I raised my eyebrow at him. My mouth started to wobble until I couldn't contain it. I laughed uncontrollably clutching the post to my daybed. But when I gasped through my own tears, I noticed that I wasn't the only one crying.

"Brendon baby," I said going over to him wanting to comfort him. When I touched his shoulder, it was solid, so I pulled him into me clutching him.

"I didn't mean to," He said sniffling.

"Oh it's fine Brenny," I say looking down at him, holding his head in my neck. I rubbed his back and shushed him silently. "Did you not get to the bathroom in time or something?" I asked. He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Oh GOD no!" He said finally pushing himself off me. "Here, I'll show you," he said tugging me along. He led me downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. Filling it with water he quickly chugged the whole glass.

"Bren darling," I said trying to slow him down. With one peeking eye, he shook his head continuing to drink the tall glass at increasing speed. "Brendon!" I shrieked grabbing his arm. With his free hand he tried to pry me off, but not pushing me away. We still need to keep physical contact. After he put the glass down I glared at him. "Satisfied?" I asked bitterly. "You could've choked, you idiot!"

"Okay Genviève, now watch," He said sternly. I rolled my eyes. "Genviève," He repeated.

"What?" I asked moodily.

"Are you watching?"

"Yeeeessss!" I replied exasperatedly.

"Ok," He said with a grin. And with that he let me go.

My lips slowly parted until they were open completely, watching horrified of what was being shown in front of me.

The water that Brendon just chugged was visible! Brendon, back in his translucent state, had wet the floor because of this. And before I could really take a look at how the water was just swishing around in a spherical manner, it all fell instantly right through Brendon and to the ground, the water crashing and spilling across the floor. I covered my mouth in awe.

"See?!" Brendon asked frantically.

"Yes!" I shouted. "Now I'm going to have to clean up both messes!"


"We brought breakfast!" Michelle said lifting her large sunglasses with one hand, clutching a large brown bag in the other. "Whoa...what happened here?" she asked looking at the mess.

"Brendon had an accident," I said entering the room with a mop and bucket. Damien chuckled.

"Dude. Did they not have toilets twenty years ago?" Damien asked.

"Shut the fuck up," Brendon whined.

"It's okay Brendon," I say chuckling. "It'll be our little secret!" I whisper loudly. Brendon grins and rolls his eyes.

"So when is TAPS coming back with their evidence?" Brendon asked.

"In a couple of days. They have to review everything. It's a lot of footage and tape," I reply.

"Yeah, but they only have to go over what I did," Brendon stated.

"Technically...you still don't exist to them," Damien said pointing his spread knife at Brendon.

"Speaking of. What did you do Bren?" Michelle asked.

"A little here...a little there," he said with a shrug. I was really excited to see what evidence TAPS would come up with. Never in a million years, would I have thought while watching all those episodes, that TAPS would come to our house!

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Damien asked with a mouth full of bagel. I laughed.

"Mall?" Michelle asked.


"Or maybe not," Michelle teased.

"NO! NO LETS GO TO THE MALL!" Brendon shouted bouncing happily.

"I mean there are other things we can do," Michelle shrugged.

"MALL MALL MALLEY MALL MAAAAAAAALL!" Brendon cried. His face started to turn red. Damien knew the drill, and grabbed his arm. Brendon was solid again. "I WANT TO GO TO THE MALL!" Brendon shrieked.

"PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN!" Damien screamed and with his other free hand slapped Brendon across the face. The loudest smack erupted and Brendon's face froze in the position his face was hit, eyes wide. "I've always wanted to do that," Damien said happily.

Michelle and I started laughing, while Brendon blushing still ferociously was shocked that he was slapped.

"I feel uncomfortable like this," Brendon finally said looking down at Damien's hand on his arm.

"Ssshhhh," Damien said closing his eyes and shaking his head. I laughed at Brendon's terrified expression.

"Let's go into the library," I offered. "It's a bit dusty, but we'll be fine,"

Everyone followed my lead into the library, which was located downstairs. But it takes up two floors and has it's own small staircase to get to the upperlevel. Everywhere you look is a dark brown color, because of the wooden shelves and dark book bindings. The musty smell of dusty paper was lingering ever so slightly. The walls, that weren't adorned with tall shelves, hung paintings of old art and portraits. (This is kind of what I had pictured in my mind minus the whole dome glass ceiling.)

"I don't get art," Damien said looking menacingly at a small painting.

"There's nothing to get," Brendon replied, who's shoulder was being held by Damien.

"It always has to be explained to me, and then I have to have some explain the explanation," Damien said gruffly. Brendon laughed.

The library phone started ringing.

"Why is only one ringing?" Michelle asked as I approached it. There were two old fashioned type phones and only one of them was ringing.

"One is probably a personal office phone and the other is a general line," I said answering it.


"Hi, would you be interested in switching over to AFT long distance service?"

"Oh man, I can't talk right now. Why don't you give me your home number and I'll call you later," I replied.

"Uh, I'm sorry we're not allowed to do that,"

"Ahhhh. Why not?"

"We don't really want people calling us at ho- I'm contradicting myself, aren't I?"


"Good one,"

"Thank you,"

"Bye bye then,"

"Bye," I said hanging up. Michelle sent me a questioning glance as she was holding open a book. "Telemarketer," I said while shrugging. She nodded as she snapped it shut. Dust instantly shot out causing Michelle to cough hysterically.

"Hello?" a voice called from the hallway.

"In here!" I shouted back, not bothering to check who it was.

"The ghost busters come by yet?" Roger asked peeking his head through the door.

"Ghost hunters," Brendon scoffed.

"My bad," He said grinning giving me a quick hug, letting his arm hang around my neck. "Creepy library," Roger said looking around.

"I kind of like it," I said looking around. Roger raised his eyebrow.

"You weirdo," He finally said. I laughed.

"I like it too," Brendon said butting in.

"You both are crazy," Roger said chuckling eying the room.

"Hey, watch who you're calling crazy, buck-o,"

"Watch who you're calling buck-o, bud,"

"Don't call me bud!"

"Don't call me buck-o!"

"Don't call me Michelle!"

"Your name is Michelle," I said to my friend. She stopped her feigned anger and then grinned.

"Oh, right," She giggled. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Brendon also chuckled and reached out to Michelle making grabbing actions with his hands.

"I want! I want!" Brendon said in a baby voice to Michelle. Michelle giggled and walked up to Brendon as he hugged Michelle's waist. Damien let Brendon's shoulder go, when someone else had contact with him.

"Are they going out?" Roger whispered to me. I looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Of course not! She's way out of his league!"


"Thank you," They both said at the same time. Michelle grinned sheepishly while Brendon glared at the girl in his arms.

"I could so sweep you off your feet," Brendon said seductively to Michelle. Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Not impressive," she said with a wave of her hand. Brendon furrowed his eyebrow and held the girl elbow's length and stared at her. "What?" she asked suspiciously.

"Nothing," He said never removing his eyes from Michelle with that hard look.

"No tell me!" she swatted his chest. I squirmed underneath Roger.

"You okay?" Roger asked me, moving his hands to my waist.

"HANDS!" Damien yelled. Roger immediately lifted his hands to my back and smirked down at me.

"Just trying to figure out what kind of pick up line you are," Brendon murmured.

"What kind of what I am?!" Michelle shrieked and shot us look as we all laughed at the pair.

"Ok, ok, I got one,"

"Got onewhat!" Michelle cried.

"Pretend you don't know me,"

"Done," Michelle glared at Brendon. Damien laughed hard at this.

"Baby," Brendon said with a malicious look. "somebody better call God, 'cuz he's missin' an angel," He finished obnoxiously. Michelle let her guard down for a second to allow herself to laugh. "See?!" Brendon asked her. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Hey Genviève," Roger said. I looked up at him. "Can I have directions?"

"To where?" I asked.

"Your heart," he replied with a smooth grin. I laughed. Brendon coughed and folded his arms across his chest, Michelle had her arm looped through his.

"Not bad kid," Brendon said. "Michelle,"

"Yes?" she asked like a ditz.

"Honey if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!" Brendon yelled throwing his arms in the air and bending his knees. Michelle laughed.

"Your feet must be tired," Roger said biting his lower lip and roughly pushed me against him. "Because you've been running through my mind all day!" I laughed.

"Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call fine print!" Brendon shouted. Michelle cracked up and clapped her hands giddily.

Roger grabbed my butt. I jumped with a squeal. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. I shoved him away and shook my head.

"Out of line buck-o," Brendon said with a menacingly step forward. Michelle clutched his arm however, making sure he wouldn't do anything.

Out of nowhere a silent cackle was heard. Everyone turned their heads to the left hand corner.

"This shit is priceless!" Damien shrieked while writing in a notepad.


All six of us were in the Plymouth Meeting Mall walking aimlessly around.

"OHhhhhhh maaaall-gassssmm," Brendon moaned. Michelle gave a look of disgust as she tried to further herself away from the boy holding her hand.

"Ewww," she whimpered. I laughed.

"Hey! Louise!" Roger shouted suddenly running ahead.

"Louise?" Brendon asked suspiciously.

"His best friend since like...forever," I said. I liked Louise, she was a sweet girl. She and Roger had been friends since they were little children.

"Oh," Brendon muttered.

"He's not cheating on me," I stated randomly.

"I didn't say anything!" Brendon shouted.

"I know what you're thinking," I replied stubbornly. Brendon sighed. Whydo should I care what he thinks?!

"Ohmygod..." Damien said after five minutes of silence.

"What?" Michelle asked.

"Uhm...hellooooo. Do you NOT see the babes up ahead?" Damien asked as if she was an idiot. "Ladies!" He shouted and waved at them. All the girls giggled and squealed.

"Damien!" "Hi Damien!" "Come here cutie!"

"Good goodness I love Plymouth," Damien sighed and ran ahead.

"I guess it's just us three," I said.

"Hey Michelle! Let me buy you a soda!" A guy yelled.

"Erm...make that two?" She asked.

"Are you serious?" I asked lamely.

"Hey! All I'm saying is...nothing here is cheap," Michelle said shifting her eyes.

"Except you," Brendon teased.

"Believe me," Michelle said while rolling her eyes. "I'm not cheap,"

"Fine, free. Whatever," Brendon joked. Michelle glared and held up their hands.

"Take it back," Michelle said menacingly to me. I laughed and edged closer to Brendon. He giggled and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"You're going to end up in porno!" Brendon shouted at her and ran the opposite direction cackling evilly.

"You're so lame," I laughed at him when he finally slowed down.

"So what do you want to do now?" Brendon asked.

"Tell me another pick-up line," I said happily.

"Haha, why?" Brendon asked laughing.

"They're funny," I replied. Brendon pouted.

"Nuh-uh! They're...seductive!" Brendon whined.

"Okay Mr. Sexy, seduce me then," I said rolling my eyes.

"Mmm...okay. Uhh. Did you have Cambell's soup today?"

"What?" I asked tilting my head.

"Because you're lookin' mmm mmm good!" Brendon said bobbing his head up and down. I stared blankly at him.

"I don't get it,"

"Soup...mmm mmm good. How could you not get that?" Brendon shouted.

"What soup?" I asked.

"Cambell's soup," Brendon persisted.

"I...still don't get it," I shook my head.

"Don't you guys have Cambell's Soup?!"



I covered Brendon's mouth before he could get any further.


"You're welcome," I replied smoothly.
♠ ♠ ♠

I suck at this. I did not like this one. At all. :[

It always seems better when I'm typing it, but when I re-read it...it doesn't have that same attraction, y'know?