Jinxed Things Ringing

Tripping Eyes

"Good morning everyone," I mumbled as I entered the kitchen.

"Good Morning," about 30 people replied. I smiled. I could get use to this...but I shouldn't.

"Coffee hunny?" Grant's wife, Reanna, asked me. I smiled politely.

"Yes please," I replied as she handed me a mug.

"All the kids are in the parlor," Jason's wife informed me.

"Yeah, my three sons are about your age," Grant said.

"Grant I have a boyfriend," I said.

"Dammit," He muttered looking away. He looked at his wife. "It was worth a try,"

I laughed and went through the swinging door to the parlor where about 10 teenagers were scattered. Brendon was sitting on the couch looking very disinterested in a blond girl's story.

"Jonny!" Brendon stood up excitedly and bounded over me. I took the chance and patted his head, seeing that I could touch him.

"You're like a puppy Bren," I laughed at him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled it down from his head.

"Shutup," he muttered with a glare. He dragged me over to the couch and sat down. The blond girl from earlier burst into conversation all over agian. I laughed as Brendon inaudibly groaned.

"Hey," I heard as I felt the couch sink in on the other side of me. I looked up and saw a boy with a firm jaw and dark hair.

"Hi," Brendon replied looking over his shoulder and then back at the animated girl. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Jonah," He said holding out his hand.

"I'm Genviève," I say shaking his hand. "Are you Grant's kid?" I asked.

"Yeah," He chuckled. "Thanks for inviting us out here. Your pad is seriously awesome. I can't believe you're staying here alone," Jonah said looking around us.

"Aw no problem. And thanks. We really worked hard on cleaning it up. I'm not entirely alone, y'know. I have my brother...oof...and Brendon," I say rubbing my side after Brendon elbowed me.

"So you called my dad up here because it's haunted?" He asked. He didn't seem worried.

"I wouldn't say it's haunted," I said with a curt laugh. "There's definitely something here though,"

"A good something?" he asked. I paused.

"A very good something,"

I felt Brendon brush against me slightly. I shifted and scooted away. I couldn't send him the wrong ideas.

"So uhm...after the parade. Did you want to..I don't know. Hang out or something?" Jonah asked me.

"Hey kid. Don't get too fresh-" Brendon said suddenly joining the conversation. Jonah looked alarmed.

"Urie," I snapped suddenly. "Just...stop," I said to him. Brendon looked taken aback, before he stood up. He visibly paled and stalked off. I turned back to Jonah with a sigh.

"I'm sorry...I didn't-" Jonah stammered. Aw. He was sincere.


"No Jonnah. Listen. You seem really nice, but...I already have a boyfriend," I explained gentely.

"Did I just upset him?" Jonnah asked. My eyes widened in shock.

"N-no! That's not my- He's not. We're not. My boyfriend is somebody else," I stuttered.

"Oh. Damn," Jonnah chuckled. "My dad liked you too. Aw I let a good one slip a way," He said with a laugh and leaning back.

I giggled and patted his shoulder.

"You're a good kid Jonnah," I said. He thew me a grin.

"So...have any other hot friends?" He asked. I laughed and slapped his knee.

After mingling for an hour or so, I decided to go look for Brendon. In the only place he'd go.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Whatever. It's your room," Brendon mumbled, his face pushed in the pillows.

"Bren, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"You're mad at me," He pouted.

"I'm not mad Brendon,"

"You...were snippy though," He said.

"Brendon. You have to realize. You can't keep me away from guys," I said with a chuckle.

"I can try," he said sitting up looking at me.

"No Brendon. You can't,"

Brendon reached out and touched my cheek. His fingertips went through my skin though leaving it prickly. He hit the bed in frustration.

"Genviève. I like you. I really like you," Brendon said helplessly.

"Aw Brendon," I smiled. "I like you too,"

"I don't mean it that way," he said softly.

"I know," I replied and he looked up at me in surprise. Brendon groaned and threw himself back into the bed.

"I hate fucking having all these emotions flooding back all at once. I feel like such a chick PMSing or something," Brendon whined and stood up.

"It's like you're pregnant,"

"Can you tell?" Brendon asked in a feminine voice while putting his hands on butt and arching his back, jutting out his tummy. I laughed and slapped his stomach, my hand only flying through his torso. Brendon gasped "You could've killed it!" he shrieked.

"It?! Brendon, how insensitive of you!" I yelled at him.

"I still don't know the gender okay?!"

"Terrible parent," I 'tsk'ed at him.


I clutched the couch from trying not to fall over in hysterical laughter.





I laughed at Brendon's last scream. We all were cheering for Michelle as she was seated at the top of a very impressive float. She looked like one of those Disney princesses waving that oh so charming princess wave. As she waved to us, she subtle waved a certain friendly finger at Brendon. Damien, Roger, and I started howling with laughter as Brendon started blushing.

Our guests were all spread out watching the parade. We made a deal how the women would go back early to prepare for the dinner and everyone would meet around 6:30 back at the house.

I turned and kissed Roger.

"Happy Thanksgiving," he said.

"Happy Thanksgiving," I replied kissing him again. Roger pulled away to yell a supporting whoop to the float holding some Boston Red Sox players, and what assumingly looked like family. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I watched the rest of the parade. One of my favorites was when the US Navy took a girl from the crowd and did their routine around her. It was pretty rad to watch.

"I want to follow Michelle's float," I said tugging on Roger's sleeve. He looked down at me when I said this.

"Mkay. Remind me I have to leave at 4," Roger said grabbing my hand. But I stood still, yanking Roger back at me.

"Roger! It's 3:30! You're late!" I exclaimed at him. He shot me a confused look. "You still have to pick up Louise and take her back to your house for Thanksgiving,"

"Oh shit!" He yelled clutching his hair. "You...you are a...an angel!" Roger said grabbing my face and kissing me passionately. "Happy Thanksgiving," He whispered before running to his destination.

I laughed to myself.

"We'll...I'll go with you," Brendon suggested after watching Damien drool after a bunch of Native American girls.

"Okay," I replied andwe I pushed my way to Memorial Drive. I turned around but didn't see Brendon. "Bren?" I called out. I lost him. I panicked a little. But I stayed glued to my spot squinting at the crowd trying to find my ghost friend.

"Genviève!" I heard a muffled voice. I turned around but didn't see anyone. I turned around again and still didn't see anybody. I kept pivoting trying to find him until I felt a hand grab my arm. I jumped when I saw Brendon panting, clutching my arm.

"Let's go," he said breathlessly. Brendon guiding me by the arm, we crossed Memorial Drive and made it to Court Street, five minutes early to see Michelle. We finally saw the float and cheered loudly. I could see her blush visibly.

"Hey, wasn't Pocahontas from Virginia?" Brendon asked Michelle. All three of us were sitting underneath a tree after the parade. Everyone was going through the vendors, eating, talking, celebrating.

"Oh hush. It's just a show for the kids," Michelle said laughing. A little girl in pig-tails approached Michelle nervously. "Hello," Michelle said noticing the child. "Did you want a picture?" she asked. The little girl nodded.

"Yes that would be great, thank you," The mother said holding a camera. Michelle squatted with the little girl and smiled for the picture. Eventually the mother and daughter left.

"You are too adorable Michelle," I said falling on my back into the grass. It wasn't soft as you would think it to be. It was bumpy and I felt a rock jab my back. Michelle giggled.

"Aw, thank you Jonny," Michelle replied.

"No problem Poco,"

"Hey! No men in the kitchen!" Reanna said pointing a spoon at Brendon.

"Don't worry ladies, he's okay," I said reassuring Brendon. "Could you just stand back for a bit?" I asked him. He nodded and stood near the door. I went forward and pretended to be reaching for the cutting knife that was sitting on the table along with some vegetables.

"Reanna?" I asked quietly.

"Mmm?" She asked reaching over me to pull a glass.

"Is Brendon looking this way?" I asked, barely moving my lips. Reanna caught on and carefully glanced behind me.


"Could you do me a favor?" I asked her.

"Sure," she said with a smile.

"Scare him," I said.


"Scare him," I repeated.

"You mean like...boo! Gotcha'?" Reanna asked.

"No, no. But...as in...you know...scare him...say something to him that will terrify him," I said to her. She nodded and went over to Brendon. She looked him directly in the eye and said something I couldn't really comprehend. I grinned when I saw Brendon's face turn a reddish color. I quickly pounced on him, feeling his flesh.

"Don't ever get her to scare me," Brendon gasped catching on to what had happened.

"What'd she say?" I asked inquisitively.

" I told him I knew what he was," Reanna said with a laugh. "Men are always nervous when you ask them that. They feel like they're on the spot." I couldn't help but giggle at that. It was ingenious!

"So why do you need me...like this?" Brendon asked.

"Well, I felt guilty how we were all talking about food. Sooo, I decided that you should be able to eat on holidays," I said. Brendon's eyes widened.

"Oh no, I couldn't. You know what'll happen," Brendon rushed.

"Bren, hush," I silenced him, by covering his mouth with my hand. "It's Thanksgiving. It's practically a holiday just FOR food!"

Brendon's face relaxed and looked at me in that adoring type way. He kissed my fingers and I pulled my hand away. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked away.

"Don't do that," I said quietly.

"Why not?" He asked stepping forward to grab my hand lingering near my ear.

"Brendon," I said exasperatedly looking at him directly this time. He nodded with small smile. "Now help me make food!" I said and we got to work.


I was upstairs with Brendon trying to figure out, how we would get ready. Brendon borrowed some dress slacks and a dress shirt from Damien, so getting dressed would be no problem...but he sort of...stunk.

"How is this going to work?" Brendon asked. His confusion slowly turned into a suggestion. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ugh!" I said slapping his chest. "God you sicko...oh! I have an idea,"

"Me too," Brendon smirked. I rolled my eyes. We walked over to Damien's room and borrowed some swimming trunks. He wasn't in his room, so he must have been in the shower.

"Aaahhh," Brendon nodded his head. "Good thinking,"

We walked back to my room, and I dug out my bikini. It was a regular maroon/plum colored two piece, but it would suffice.

"Hey genius...how are we going to get dressed?" Brendon asked. I thought for a moment and spotted the curtain separating the small staircase to the bathroom and my bedroom. I smirked and Brendon looked in the direction I was.

Brendon stood on the other side of the curtain, while I stayed on the side where my room way.

"Shirts first," I said and we positioned our ankles to touch at the middle of the curtain. I slipped of my shirt and bra, putting on the top of the bikini.

"Ready for the pants?" Brendon asked.

"Mmm..yeah," I said and I held on to Brendon's elbow, and he did the same to mine. I managed to pull down my jeans and felt Brendon put a bit of pressure on my elbow. "You okay tiger?" I giggled.

"Shut up," He said gruffly. I could hear his feet ad against the wooden floor, until there was crash. No sooner than heard, I was yanked onto Brendon's side and fell on top of him, my pants still around my feet.

We both started laughing hysterically as I placed my hand right by Brendon's head trying to support myself. Brendon's hand was placed on my lower back and the other trying to hold himself up. My eyes were squeezed shut from laughing so hard, my whole body shaking with laughter. With a final shriek I gave up and just completely fell onto Brendon. Brendon with a surprised laugh, used his hand which he was holding himself up to support me as we rolled to the side.

"I...can't..." I screamed in laughter gripping Brendon's shoulders.

"S-sorry," Brendon howled.

"You klutz," I said smiling widely, my laughter dieing down. I slapped Brendon's chest.

"I said sorry!" Brendon laughed.

"Don't move too much," I said and wiggled under him managing to kick off my pants. Brendon stopped laughing and used one of his hands to rest on my lower waist to make me stop moving.

"I'd say the same for you," Brendon said in a husky voice closing his eyes. I blushed and managed to pull both of us up. I retreated back to my side of the curtain and once again held onto Brendon's elbow as we successfully got into our respectful swim wear.

"You ready?" Brendon asked.

"Just a sec," I said lifting the lace bottom to my waist. "Okay, we're good," I say. Brendon's hand moves from my elbow to my hand and laces them together. It felt nice, but very wrong. We weren't suppose to be together like this. Brendon gently pulled me forward down the stairs and into the bathroom. I yanked Brendon back so that our faces were very close.

"Don't you ever mention this to anybody Urie," I say dangerously and he nods understanding that I was being serious.

We both enter the tub hesitantly together and Brendon reaches to the shower faucet. Water sprays out of the nozzle drenching us both, Brendon mostly, since he stood closer. Brendon closed his eyes and lifted his face up. I watched him with a small smile. He was mix between a child and an old friend. A child-like view point in the way that he was still so innocent to this new world. He was also like he had met an old friend. Reacquainting is so sweet to him.

I hesitantly lifted my hands and wrapped them around Brendon, letting them rest on Brendon's bare chest pulling him into me. I rested my head on his back and felt him sigh as he grabbed my hands with his and give them a gentle squeeze.

I could feel callouses.


"Alright, ready?"

"Err, almost," I said trying to tie the bow of my dress with one hand. We had done everything; we both did our hair, Brendon shaved, I did my makeup. Now we were putting on our last elements on. "Bren, I need help. Could you tie the bow?" I ask.

"Sure," He said and walked straight into my back. I giggled. We both walked forward to the floor mirror. I felt his hands flutter on my back before lowering to my waisting and tying the silk ribbon into a bow.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome," Brendon said leaning forward and resting his chin on my shoulder. He examined me through the mirror. I wasn't really paying any attention to his reaction because I was fretting over my dress. I smoothed it out, turning my waist checking out if the dress was okay.

"It's...not too much is it?" I asked with furrowed eyebrow. I tensed when I felt Brendon's face push into my shoulder. I felt his lips trail down my neck as he placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"You're perfect," he said. I closed my eyes and turned around to face him, hands on his shoulder.

"Brendon," I said looking up at him. He grabbed my hands affectionately keeping them on his chest. "Stop,"

"What do you mean?" he asked running a hand down my cheek. I moved it away roughly.

"I mean that. Stop it. I have a boyfriend. I...I realize that...just. I can't be your..." I tried to find the right words.

"Genviève," Brendon said softly.

"Brendon," I said exasperatedly. "We can't...do this," I said.

"Why not?" Brendon whispered.

"Because," I was frustrated and tired of hands fluttering around my body; clogging my mind. "I have a boyfriend,"

"You don't like him,"

"I do,"

"You don't,"

"I do," I said confidently. "Even if I didn't, I wouldn't cheat on him," I spat.

"If you didn't, you wouldn't be with him,"




"We can make this-"


That's all it took.

One slap.

"You're out of line," my voice said shakily as I looked away. Brendon's jaw tensed and set firmly in place. After that, no other incidents occured. Brendon escorted me downstairs and everyone complimented my dress. All the ladies had outdone themselves however, the food was all set in place on the long dining table stretched out and every seat filled by one person or another.

Damien took the head of the table. I sat to his right, Brendon to his left. Grant sat next to me. Jason sat next to Brendon.

"Shall we say Grace?" Damien called out to the table standing up. "I know that not everyone with us at this table is religious, but a kind gesture of gratitude for one another, rather than a call out to a higher being," Damien said very politely.

He sat down and everyone joined hands and bowed their heads, closing their eyes.

With a strong voice Damien said,
"We give our thanks for everyone being here and allowing us this company tonight. For food to eat, for clothes to wear. For teaching us that loving deeply lets us feel well, live completely. We give our thanks, Amen,"

"Amen," Everyone mumbled and lifted their heads, passing around food and joyfully conversing with everyone.

My eyes remained shut, hands folded in my lap, head bowed.

"Amen," I whispered.

A tear fell into my lap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let us let you love me.


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