Jinxed Things Ringing


The next morning I got up feeling something heavy hold me back. It wasn't a blanket because I could feel how cold my bares arms were. I slowly lifted myself up to see I was still wearing my dress. It ruffled underneath me as I sat up. I looked around my surroundings. I wasn't in my room. Or in the parlor. Or in the house.

I was outside.

In the cemetery.

Against a tombstone.

Brendon's tombstone.

I don't even remember coming here at all! The sun was barely peeking through the trees as mist was surrounding the land. It must be dawn.

"Jon! Jon!" I heard a faint voice yell at that moment. I lifted my head and saw Brendon looking out from the kitchen window. I quickly put my head back down and pretended to sleep.

"Genviève," I heard him say breathlessly. He must have been looking for me. I heard him sigh heavily. Was it because I was outside? Was it because I was at a particular tombstone. Was it because I slapped him?

Brendon started fumbling with my dress. I didn't dare move even though I was worried about what he was doing.

What was he doing?

His hand went directly around my waist and made me sat up. I was still in my...sleep mode...so I slouched a bit lolling around. My nose started to tickle, but I had to remain "sleeping". It start tingling really hard until I couldn't take it any more and I-

"Achoo," I flew forward with a sneeze, opening my eyes. I looked lazily up at Brendon.

"Did I fall asleep out here?" I asked. I was surprised how nasally my voice sounded.

"Apparently," Brendon huffed. "C'mon, you've got a cold." I didn't protest when Brendon lifted me up, cradling me in his arms. But it was a struggle for him. "You're...dress..is...weighing you down...and..." Brendon said as his grip loosened on me. I took cue to land on my feet as he set me down. I clutched my head. I didn't realize how it started throbbing.

"Whoa there," I felt Brendon's hands steady my shoulders. "Don't fall over," He said.

I didn't know I was.

I just wanted to sleep. I was aching all over.

"Is there any way...this dress will co-operate?" Brendon asked tutting around my frame lifting the dress's hem at odd angle. I didn't respond, I was too busy trying to concentrate the aches away. Brendon kept fidgeting the dress's lace and tried to fold it upwards. Tired of standing in the cold, I reached for the back of my dress tugging at the bow. Brendon, finally understanding, untied the bow to help me. He stood back waiting to see what I would do next.

"Don't just stand there," I muttered. "Help me," I said irritably. I slipped the sheer sleeves off my shoulders and lifted my arms out of it. I groaned trying to slip the gown off.

"Wh...what are you d-doing?" Brendon asked.

"Off," I snapped. The dress stopped underneath my breasts as I struggled to get the heavy fabric off of me. I heard silence and then a giggle.

"Are we bringing it back to the middle ages?"

"It's a fucking petticoat,"

"God, I thought I was the old one,"

"What are you talking about?" I asked annoyed.

"A petticoat? Nobody wears those!" Brendon said with a chuckle, grabbing my dress and helping me shimmy out of it.

"What are you talking about? Everyone wears them," I said.

"Hm...not in my day," Brendon said thoughtfully. I felt a surge of cold air wrap me in its embrace as the dress fell to the floor. I sighed and closed my eyes. I didn't feel so warm and stuffy. Brendon put his hand to my neck. "Definitely sick," Brendon said. He lifted me up with what seemed like better ease and started moving.

"Mmmm," I moaned as my head started spinning. The wind picked up making me feel better and cooler. The atmosphere changed when he entered us into the house. The chill was no longer there and I felt like I had limited air. I felt incredibly stuffy.

I could hear Brendon's feet march across the wooden parlor's floor and a large door open.

"Hello? Hey- what the hell!" I heard a second voice. I was too exhausted to lift my head or open my eyes, but instead I just remained lifeless in Brendon's arms. "What the fuck is going on?!"

"I'm taking her to her room," I heard Brendon reply.


"Dude, calm down," Brendon said. I felt a slight bounce. We must have been going up the stairs.

"Calm down?! She's in her fucking underwear!" the voice shrieked. "PUT HER DOWN!"

"She's sick,"

"What did you do to her!"

I felt a stop, Brendon turned around. I was a bit glad that I wasn't awake to see him angry. It wasn't a happy Christmas feeling.

"Get the fuck out before I call the police,"


I yawned and immediately clutched my head. I felt like somebody was pulling my hair out of my scalp. I groaned and massaged my own head. I soon realized that I didn't have 40 fingers and removed my hands from my scalp, not so bothered that somebody else's hands were massaging my head. I soon fell back asleep.

The second time I woke up, my eyes cracked a sliver open, seeing the room beam a golden color. It must have been early morning. I felt a bit sweaty and warm as I reached under the covers and adjusted the bodice slip that I was wearing underneath my Thanksgiving dress. Not remembering anything, I sat up slowly. I raised my arms to stretch but my hand knocked into something instead. I quickly retracted it and turned me head seeing the sleeping form of Brendon Urie. Embarrassed that I hit him, I sat stock still hoping that I hadn't woken him.

I hadn't. I stroked the spot on his cheek that I had hit and got up, wobbling my way to the sun seat. My legs gave up from under me as I fell over, clutching the seat desperately. I sighed and smoothed down the hem of my hitched up slip. Blushing I climbed on the lovely cushioned window ledge and sprawled myself upon it enjoying the light of the sun's rays. It was still dawn so the seat in the window was nice and cold. I sighed at the chill cooling down my heated skin.

I fell back asleep..

Without noticing the small smile Brendon Urie was holding as he watched me fall back asleep.


"No I'm sorry, I don't have your sheep,"


"It's from Frien- you know what...you look like Little Bo Peep! Nyah!"

"Will she be okay?"

"She's just caught a fever,"

"Oh dear...how?"

"She fell asleep outside on Thanksgiving night,"

"Oh my God! Really? She's absolutely mad, I tell you,"

"She is.."

"I mean honestly! Freezing cold out and she decides to go bonkers like that and just...falll asleep?!"


"The common sense she holds sometimes!"

"Oh. My. God," I said sitting up at once. "Michelle!"

She smiled sheepishly at me.

"If you want me to feel better, I'd advise you to leave me alone," I snapped and turned back over in my window seat.

"Awwww but I came to visit you instead. I came from the wedding you know,"

This time I fully opened my eyes to take a good look at Michelle wearing a ridiculous dress. Frills, puffy sleeves and the bottom poofed out like dome.

"You look like a bell," I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Aw! And you look like the sun," Michelle cooed. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Thanks for taking care of me Bren," I said looking up at the man. He stood there with a small smile, arm's crossed, legs apart.

"Meh. Hey Michelle,"


"Are you wearing a petticoat?"

"Genviève...is he seriously asking me about my underwear?" Michelle asked me petrified.




"Who's Little Bo Peep?"

"Little who what?" Roger asked as we sat in the parlor. I was still sick and Roger came to visit me. I had requested that he not in fear that he may also get sick, but there was no stopping him.

"Never mind," I said to myself. "How was your Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"Oh it was great!" Roger said brightly. "I picked up Louise just on time. If I left any later, I would have been done for,"

"I'm glad you made it. Food good?"

"Delicious! Louise made this excellent cake, oh God, it was aces," Roger said rubbing his stomach.

"What kind of cake?"

"Mmm...it's hard to place a type because there was so much going on in it...cheesecake slash chocolate mousse slash..."

"So she bakes well I'm assuming?"

"Well?! She's bloody fantastic! She cooks too. She made me a pasta once, it was...incredible. It was funny though...she made it on my birthday as a surprise, because she tries to give me a party every year but it ends up not being a secret, and she...." Roger continued to talk.

I smiled.

I couldn't help it.

My boyfriend was in love with his best friend.

I wasn't upset.

They were meant to be.


"Devil!" Brendon screamed. "Thy name is women!"

"Oh hush Brendon. It's not like I'm taking away any privileges from you. I'm doing you a favor," Michelle rolled her eyes as she sat on the bed next to me.

If you are wondering, then yes. It is still the same day. Roger had left. I sent him out. Out with Louise actually. I told him to get out and have some fun while I was in bed sick. I think my goal was to get Roger to admit his feelings for Louise. I didn't want to break up with him leaving us on bad terms for no reason. I wanted to end things as a lesson. A good note.

"Yeah but...I like feeding her tea," Brendon whined. "You can take wash cloth duty- actually no. I like that too. Uhm..."

"Brendon! Why do you want to take care of her so badly?" Michelle asked. I chuckled closing my eyes. I was feeling weaker and weaker, so Michelle was feeding me teaspoons of tea. Brendon blushed.

"I dunno.." he mumbled. "It just...I like looking after her...it's nice to be there for somebody," Brendon said shuffling his feet.

"Thank you Bren," I said hoarsely. My throat was so scratchy, I sounded like I was a smoker.

"Ssssh," Brendon said taking the spot Michelle allowed him. He took the teaspoon and fed me another sip. "You've done so much for me already. I should return the favor,"

So I was just a favor? My heart dropped a bit. I groaned.

"What? What's wrong?" Brendon asked.

"My stomach," I moaned. It was aching so badly I couldn't stand it. My eyes started watering as I clutched my abdomen. I turned over and squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want them to see me crying. I felt a small hand rub my back gently.

"Oh honey," Michelle cooed. "Bren. I need you to leave the room," She commanded.

"What? No! Why?" Brendon asked sounded worried.

"Just do it. She's in pain right now and I'd like you to trust me to take care of her," I heard her snap. I involuntarily let out another moan. The aches were so painful, I couldn't stand it.

"Michelle," I whimpered. Brendon looked terrified.

"Go!" Michelle yelled and Brendon instantly left the room. "Jonny babe. Turn over for me," She said helping me on my back. She gently lifted my slip up to my breasts so that my underwear and stomach was exposed. I didn't care. I just wanted to feel better. Michelle took the sponge and wiped my stomach carefully. The cold sensation eased me somewhat, but the twisting knots and pains weren't stopping. After moments of wiping my bare stomach she turned me over. Eventually she just stripped me of my slip so that the material would get in the way. Michelle sponged my back and rubbed my back gently. In the end, it helped eased my stomach.

I blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is extremely short. Sorry I was late. :[

I'm currently typing this at... 2 AM.

I am sick. I have food poisoning. You now know where my inspiration comes from.

I just got it today. The day I was going to update. I went to sleep around 8 because I was just in excruciating pain...and I woke up recently feeling guilty that I didn't update.

Please send me love. I am in extreme pain and it would mean a lot if you sent me a lovely well-wishing.