Jinxed Things Ringing

Paul Cates

"Help," Roger said standing at my doorstep. He was holding the hand of a small little girl.

"Oh she looks just like you!" I smiled and kneeled down to the little girl and placed my hands on her small tummy. She giggled.

"Well...my weekend is ruined," Roger pouted and stepped inside with his little sister.

"Why?" I asked taking Ally, Roger's little sister's, hand. Roger spoke so much about her, but it was the first time I was meeting her.

"Parents are gone for the weekend. So I'm in charge. I can't get her to nap," Roger said taking off his jacket, scarf, and mittens. I helped Ally out of her's. She was just so precious.

"I'm not sleepy," Ally said with a pout. Ally was eight years old and the most darling little girl you'd ever lay eyes on.

"Well, we'll just have to fix that," I said bending down to her, tapping her nose. She let out another giggle. My heart melted at her laughter.

"Oh my God a baby!"

I turned around to see Brendon coming down the stairs in excitement at Ally.

"She's hardly a baby," Roger said with a roll of his eyes.

"Hi baby!" Brendon said stopping three inches away from Ally. He looked directly down at her waving frantically.

"She's eight Brendon," Roger insisted.

"Hi baby hi!" Brendon squealed. He was getting really excited. Ally laughed. "OHMYGOD BABY LAUGHED!"

Ally fell into a fit of giggles.

"Hi," She replied to him. Brendon shrieked in delight.


"She's eight!" Roger persisted.

"I'm Ally,"



"Hip-hip-hip-" Ally sang.

"Popotamus!" Brendon completed the song jumping around

"Hip-hip-hip!" Ally shrieked.

"POPOTAMUS!" Brendon said scooping up the little girl in his arms. I laughed and clapped at their fun. Roger had his arms folded across his chest staring at the two with a frown. We both were sitting in the main parlor watching the ghost and girl play their game.

"Oh lighten up grumpy," I said shoving Roger playfully.

"She never listens to me," Roger said with a huff. At that moment Roger's phone started to ring. "Hullo?" he mumbled answering it. "Oh hi!" He said his demeanor instantly changing.

Brendon stared at me while he lifted Ally up.

"Oh...I can't...yeah...oh? Bummer...yeah I'm at Genviève's. Yeah...I know," Roger sighed.

I slapped Roger's arm playfully. He shot me an annoyed look but then softened up, covering the mouth piece.

"Oh! I didn't mean it like that!" He chuckled pecking my cheek. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Invite Louise over," I said.

"How do you know its Louise?" He raised his eyebrow. I shot him a look. "Okay you win. Yeah you heard the woman. GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!"

"There's a talking baby!" Brendon shouted loudly at Roger.

"Hi-hi...hippo.." Ally breathlessly said flopping to the floor exhausted. Brendon followed suit.

After watching Brendon play with Ally for a while more. The doorbell rang. Roger sat up and I patted his stomach.

"Down boy. I'll get the door," I said leaving the parlor to open the door. The beautiful red-headed girl stood awkwardly waiting.

"Hi Genviève," Louise waved.

"Hello Louise," I smiled warmly and opened the door wider.

"Thanks for letting me over," She said taking off her coat.

"Oh no problem," I said taking her jacket from her and placing it in the coat closet.

"Listen," She said stopping me for a moment. "Could we...uhm.. talk?"

"Sure," I shrugged and led her into one of the smaller parlors that are never used.

"I wanted to...apologize," Louise said her head hanging low.

"What for?" I asked.

"I...we...Roger and I...sort of..kissed," Louise finally said looking up at me. I didn't even flinch. I can't say I didn't see it coming...but. Ouch.

"Oh," I said averting my gaze.

"I'm..so so so sorry. The moment was sort...there...and...it happened. We both weren't really thinking. I'm sorry," She repeated. I sighed and looked at her with a smile.

"It's fine," I said. Louise looked like she was slapped in the face.

"What?!" She asked in a shocked tone. "Why aren't you upset?! You should be mad!"

"I know you and Roger like each other," I blurted out. Louise looked like she was in shock.

"Why the hell would you even suggest that?!" Louise shouted at me. "That's ridiculous,"

"Ouch," Roger said from the entrance archway. Louise's eyes widened.


"I thought maybe you'd feel the same way. But I guess not..." Roger said kicking the ground.

"You don't like me," Louise said shaking her head.

"Louise! Admit it!" I finally shook her shoulders. "You're crazy about him. Everything he does! You love him! Open your eyes. He has,"

With that I gave her a hug and walked out of the room. I sunk down on the stairway and sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Thank you,"

I looked up to see Ally.

"For what?" I asked her with a big smile.

"For making my brother happy," Ally said pulling my hand. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. I had made two in-denial-lovers come together and little girl's dream for her brother's happiness come true. Who would cry on such an auspicious day?

Not me.


"You thought I couldn't get Ally to nap," Brendon said cockily as he entered the parlor. Roger and Louise were sitting on a couch together and I was sitting on a separate couch, knees pulled up.

"Good job Brendon," Roger grinned.

"Yeah," Brendon said. "Do you know where I could purchase a pony?"

Louise giggled and Roger rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you two go out and spend the day together? Ally's sleeping now. When she wakes up, Brendon will keep her entertained," I offered. Roger looked at Louise and she blushed. Louise shrugged and Roger nodded. They both got up and I escorted them to the door.

"Bye Genviève," Louise said and I waved back. Roger hesitated.

"You go ahead," Roger said to Louise and she nodded walking down to the car. Roger leaned against the doorway and looked up at me and I looked down at him with a guilty smile. He returned the smile.

My lip quivered.

I didn't cry.

"You did a good thing," Roger said folding his arms across his chest.

I nodded ferociously.

I didn't cry.

"Take care of her," I said gasping and placing a hand on Roger's shoulder. Roger sighed and pulled me into his chest. I let out a dry sob-

But didn't dare cry.

Roger kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you. So much..." He trailed off. "Genviève..." Roger lifted my face. He planted a light kiss on my lips. With that he backed away still clutching my hand. I sniffed as he walked backwards lifting my hand up. He turned away and jogged to the car. Through the window the couple waved at me and I waved back.

I didn't cry.

The car pulled out of the street.

"I'm sorry,"

I didn't turn my head as I watched the car leave.

"He was my first boyfriend," I finally admitted.

I didn't cry.


"Let's go out," Brendon suggested. I was sitting on my tea couch in my room. Ally was laying on the bed and Brendon was playing with her hair. I could tell that he had grown close to the little girl.

"I'm not in the mood,"

"Perfect!" Brendon whispered loudly. I narrowed my eyes at him. "This is your first break-up and I am honored that I get to be your comfort buddy tonight!"

"We didn't exactly break up,"

"In a sense,"

"He left me," I pouted.

"You did a good thing," Brendon said in a serious tone trying to convince me.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I asked bitterly.

"Are you mad at him?" Brendon asked softly.

"No," I admitted. "Okay. Let's go." I stood up and went to the armoire.

"What are you doing!"

"Well," I said turning around to Brendon. "When I walk outside naked, people throw things at me,"

"You can't get dressed,"

"You want things thrown at me?"

"No. I mean...you have to come in your pajamas. Otherwise it defeats the purpose!" Brendon whined.

"Okay, okay. Let me just get my glasses-"

"YOU WEAR GLASSES?" Brendon screeched.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Brendon! Wake up Ally why don't- we can't go," I paused and decided.

"Why not?" Brendon whined again.

"Ally! She's still sleeping," I said closing the armoire doors.

"No I'm not," Ally said sitting up rubbing her eyes. I casted a glare at Brendon.

"Baby go to sleep," Brendon said softly.

"I can't anymore Bear," Ally yawned. I bit my lip.

Brendon would be a wonderful father.

"You woke me up,"

"I'm sorry," He pouted.

"S'okay," She mumbled. "Where are you going?" she asked me.

"We," I corrected her. Ally hobbled off the bed and walked towards me with her arms stretched out. I picked up the petite girl in my arms. "And I have no clue," I said kissing her cheek.

"To get ice cream of course!" Brendon said in a 'duh' voice.

"Yay!" Ally said animatedly throwing her tiny arms in the air.

"Yay," I said softly.


"You look really pretty in your glasses," Brendon said bumping his shoulder with mine. I pursed my lips and gave him a smile.

"Why are you so keen on me wearing them?" I asked. My hand started swinging back and forth and I realized that Ally was swinging from my hand. She grabbed Brendon's and swung his as well.

"You look cute in them,"

With that said we entered Dairy Queen. Brendon was especially excited because Dairy Queen was around when he was little and brought back fond memories for him.

"What can I get you?" The girl behind the counter asked us sweetly as we approached her.

"What do you want Baby?" Brendon asked Ally.

"Uhmmm..." she said tapping on her chin. "Bubblegum!"

"Aw your daughter is precious," The girl said scooping up the desired flavor.

"Oh," Brendon blushed. "She's not my daughter,"

The girl looked up from her scooping and looked between Brendon and I.

"Ah," She said and looked back down with a smile. I rolled my eyes. Brendon beamed.

"Dude," He whispered at me. "I'm totally getting hit on,"

I laughed. "She's waaaay too young for you," I mocked him.

"Shut up," He hissed.

"And for your sister?" the girl asked Brendon. I opened my mouth to correct him but Brendon beat me to it.

"Hah! She's just my mistress," Brendon shrugged as if it was nothing. I let out a loud laugh.

"I...don't know what I want," I said looking at the flavors.

"Get bubblegum," Ally said plopping a tiny spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"Alright then. I'll have bubblegum," I said to the girl.

"Bubblegum it is," She said.

"Me too!" Brendon chimed. I looked at him strangely. "What?" He asked with a pout. "I don't want to be left out!"


"Can I go play on the swings?" Ally asked as we approached Stephens Field. It was off of Sandwhich Street in Plymouth.

"Sure," I said letting her run off ahead to the playing structure.

"It's too cold to be playing out here," Brendon shivered.

"Oh shut up," I silenced Brendon. "She's happy,"

"She's mental,"

"She's a baby,"

"She is," Brendon finally agreed with me.

We sat down on a frozen bench watching Ally swing on the equally frozen swing set.

Two old ladies were walking through when they spotted Ally. I watched them curiously.

"What kind of psychos let their daughter play around in this weather?" One lady asked the other.

"Obviously one that can't afford any real entertainment. Look how she's just frolicking around-"

"HEY!" Brendon shouted at the ladies. The two old hags looked shocked as they turned to us. "Are you saing my child looks like a hobo?"

One of the ladies sniffed the air as if she owned it. "Of course not! Don't be silly young boy! Hobos have beards,"

"And ladies don't look like RONALD McDONALD!" Brendon shouted at them obnoxiously. The ladies gasped and hurried their way through. I covered my mouth from choking on my own spit, I was laughing so hard.

"Teaches them to talk smack about my Baby," Brendon said with a growl.

"Oh Brendon. You're so sexy...the way you..." I said trying not to laugh. "Fended off those...big bad...grandmas!" I shrieked. Brendon couldn't help it.

"Well what can I say? I'll do anything to impress a helpless lady," Brendon wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, so just because I'm single?" I asked him.

"Yeah pretty much. So, what are you doing for dinner tonight?"

"You're shameless,"

"Thank you,"

"It's not a compliment,"

"Whatever. So, how about that dinner?"


"What?! Things haven't changed! I'm still dead and you're still hot! But on the rebound!"

"Brendon!" I shrieked but couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, okay. But all in seriousness. Those hags deserved it. Their first Christmas probably was the first Christmas,"

"Brendon! Be nice!"

"I tried 'nice' once. Didn't care too much for it,"

"Is that what happened to 'smart' as well?"


"I have a new man," Michelle gushed out as she entered my room.

"Does the man know yet?" Brendon asked looking up from the magazine he was looking at. "Turn," He said and I flipped the page.

"Oh shut it poltergeist! His name is Paul Cates,"

"Nice cover up," Brendon chuckled.

"Bren!" Michelle whined and picked up the nearest object...which was a shoe and threw it at him.

"Hey!" He protested as it went right through him and fell on the spot he was sitting. "This is awkward!" He yelled looking down at the shoe resting in his crotch. I laughed. "Hey missy," Brendon turned on me. "It had a heel! I could have died!"

"Promise?" Michelle muttered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo! Number Twenty!

I think it did indeed call for a filler. I'm still in pain. Bring on the love.

Like this one!
And Definitely this one!

Take care guys.xoxo