Jinxed Things Ringing

Do This For Me


"Can't talk right now. I have to get my credit card out of the toaster,"


"What's up my brotha from anotha motha," Brendon said trotting in the kitchen.

"Credit card. Toaster. Busy," Damien muttered glaring at the toaster.

"'Nuff said," Brendon said shifting his eyes. He then turned to me. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Mmm. Well, I was going to stop by Michelle's house and look up a few people about uhm...you know," I said finishing awkwardly.

"Hm?" Brendon looked confused. "Oh. About the curse," He said calmly.

"Yeah. That,"

"Well I'm coming with you," Brendon said.

"Didn't think it any other way," I shrugged grabbing a banana.

I went upstairs and got dressed and then came back downstairs.

"Damien! I'm out!" I yelled.

"Okay!" He called back. I left the house with Brendon and we walked the twenty minutes to Michelle's house.

"I want to ring the doorbell," Brendon smiled. He motioned to reach for it, but then pulled his hand back. "Go for it," he said lamely. I laughed and rang the doorbell. A minute later the door was opened to reveal a very tall, lanky, dark haired boy.

"Why hello," He said smoothly after taking a better look at his guests. He leaned against the doorway folding his arms across his chest.

"Is Michelle here?" Brendon asked in a bored tone.

"Mhm," The guy said.

"Cool," Brendon said and passed the guy. I shrugged and followed Brendon. "WOMAN!" Brendon screamed towards the giant staircase.

"Bren," I giggled.

"WOMAN!" Brendon screamed again. It must have been an odd sight to see a strange boy standing in the foyer yelling out to the large house.

"Jesus Brendon!" Michelle said looking over the banister.

"I don't like when you call him an idiot, Michelle," I chastised her.

"I didn't call him anything," Michelle defended herself. I blinked.

"Oh. I guess I must have thought it in my head," I said and walked up the staircase.

"Hold it right there!" The guy who opened the door said. I froze and turned around. "I'm Jeff," he said grinning at me.

"Awesome," I said after a moment of silence. I turned around and continued up the huge staircase going towards Michelle.

"Do you have a name?" I heard him chuckle. I sighed and turned around. Brendon was standing right behind me following me up the stairs. He also paused.

"Genviève," I stated and turned around.

"No!" Michelle screeched suddenly, realization dawning upon her face. I jumped slightly and she sent me apologetic look.

"Yessss," I heard Jeff whisper loudly. He sounded like a pedophilic snake. I glanced at him to see him standing triumphantly, hands on his hips.

"What?" I asked a little worried. Brendon looked freaked out.

"You should have lied about your name," Michelle groaned. "I was too late to stop you,"

I looked at Brendon in fear and Brendon returned the look.

"You see, I'm the lord of my castle," Jeff said sauntering towards the staircase in a cocky manner. "And as the lord, it's up to me to provide. And it's up to her-" Jeff said pointing to me. "To be my grateful French chambermaid Fifi LaBanza,"

"What the hell!!" Brendon and I shouted at the same time. We both exchanged looks before charging upstairs, dashing into Michelle's room and slamming the door behind us.

"We need to get out of here," Brendon panted. I nodded ferociously. Brendon paused briefly amidst our panicking. "Why aren't you my Fifi LaBanza?" Brendon asked curiously.

"We'll discuss uniforms at home,"

"Sounds good. Window,"

"Right behind you," I said gesturing towards the French window.

"Guys!" Michelle screamed barging into the room.

"Shit! ABORT! ABORT!" Brendon screamed.


"So let me get this straight...your brother has this sick, twisted idea that any girl with a French name will be his maid?"

"Well not exactly. The name is French so he assumed..."


"Uh. Pretty much,"

"Oh. Okay," Brendon said and leaned back in the chair.

"Alright guys," I finally said as I was typing away at the computer. I had researched an Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificate website. "Last name...Celeste," I muttered to myself.

"First name Adriana," Michelle added. I think at that moment we all held our breath when the 'searching' button was flashing.

"That's not right.." I muttered.

"No. It's accurate...it's in fine print," Brendon said pointing to the bottom. "Deaths that occurred at least 50 years ago. It hasn't been that long,"

I bit my lip and looked for a person locater. Brendon and Michelle sat back on the bed and started talking about music. I vaguely heard the word Pumpkin, but didn't bother. I founded a search engine and entered the name in the accurate boxes.

"Angela...Adeline...Adria-" I froze. "You guys," I managed to choke out. Brendon and Michelle instantly turned to me. I looked at them both in horror.

"Jonny?" Michelle asked.

"She's still alive,"


"I can't believe this," Brendon had his eyes closed and was laying on Michelle's very large King sized bed.

"Institutionalized," Michelle tutted and shook her head sadly.

I remained quiet staring at the floor.

"Jonny babe? You okay?" Michelle asked me. I remained quiet. I looked up.

"I have to go to Arizona," I said boldly.

"Don't talk like that," Michelle chastised me. When I didn't respond, Michelle got upset. "Just like that Genviève? You don't think do you? Don't be retarded!" She shouted.

"What the hell am I suppose to do Michelle?" I asked quietly. Michelle groaned in frustration.

"You don't even know which institution. Let alone which county! The website doesn't let out that information!" Michelle said gesturing to the computer. I leaned forward to reach into my back pocket. I fished out my wallet and flipped it open. I pulled out that dreaded card.

"Don't Genviève," Brendon said. I ignored him and looked at the trace packages. I settled for the most expensive. "Genviève!" Brendon shouted. He sounded angry. I briskly turned around to glare at him.

"I can get her current address, 10 year history, phone number, roommates, neighbors, relatives!" I listed off. "Brendon, this is everything and more!" I typed in my credit card number.

"It's a fucking hundred dollars!" Michelle yelled at me.

"I have to," I said clicking the enter button and received an instant notification. "I'll have the information by tomorrow," I finalized.

"You're an idiot," Brendon hissed angrily.

"Bug off," I snapped at him.

"Your parents are going to be mad," Michelle added. I shrugged. I sucked on my bottom lip in thought as I mumbled to myself.

"I just need a plane ticket-"

"WHAT!" Brendon and Michelle screeched.

"You heard me," I snapped at them.

"This is too much Genviève," Michelle sighed. "You're getting way too into this,"

"There was no a little way into this Michelle! This isn't an idea we toy around with a bit and then drop it whenever we feel like it! I'm doing this for him!" I shouted pointing to the boy on the bed. "THIS IS ALL FUCKING FOR HIM!"

"I'm coming with you," Michelle muttered after a pause of silence.

"No you're not," I stated.

"Like hell you're leaving me here," Michelle shouted. I nodded.

"We don't have much time. Once we get off the plane we have to head straight to the-" I started planning out our trip.

"Both of you. Idiots," Brendon muttered. It was Michelle's time to turn on him.

"What is your problem! IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL WE'RE DOING THIS FOR YOU!" Michelle shouted.

"Oh yeah. Thanks guys...FOR TRYING TO GET RID OF ME!!"

"You shouldn't be here in the first place," I said shaking my head.

"What if I want to now?" Brendon asked softly. He looked at me with begging face.

"You need to...move on...or do whatever it is you should be doing," I replied.

"I know...I should be. I've known that I should. But it didn't matter when you moved in," Brendon explained. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Bren. If not moving on...we need to know at least why you're here," I reasoned with him.

"It's because of the curse. Case closed. Get your money back. We'll go out for dinner,"

"It was written in a letter. We need that letter," I said. Michelle nodded.

"She's right. We won't get anywhere without that letter," she said.

"Here we come Arizona," I smiled.


"I can't believe I'm letting you do this," Damien said shaking his head as I stuffed my briefcase with clothes.

"It's not that big of deal," I said softly.

"You just blew all your life's allowance and job paychecks off in one day," Damien sighed disappointedly.

"Not all of it. I still have quite a bit," I said walking back and forth to my armoire. "Ma and Pa are going to come back tomorrow from California. You and I are going to Michelle's house to get the information about the Celeste girl and then all four of us are going to the airport. I'll board on the flight while you pick up Ma and Pa," I say stating it out.

"What'll I tell them?" Damien asked with irritation.

"You won't tell them anything," I said.

"I'll have to lie either way Jonny," Damien replied.

"No you won't," I said pausing to stop in front of him. "I won't let you get in trouble for what I'm doing. Just tell them I've gone somewhere with Michelle. That's not lying," I said.

"But it's not telling them the whole truth,"

"Why tell them the whole truth? They won't ask for it. They'll only ask you where I was. I'm gone with Michelle. That's where I'll be. That's the complete truth," I stated.

"Touche," Damien said squinting his eyes at me.


Dear Mama and Papa,

I know you must be very scared about where I am right now. I'm in Arizona. Ma please put down the phone and don't call me. I'm probably on the plane. I will most definitely call you when we land.

I'm helping Brendon. You've said it yourself. We have no clue why he's here. He doesn't belong here. So we've gone to look for the letter that is a lead to his death. I swear to you I'm only gone to confront his fears. I know you'll understand in the end, because:

1. There's absolutely no reason to be mad. I'm helping a friend.
2. I did not spend one penny of your money. This is all my cash.
3. Michelle is with me. I'm not alone.
4. I'll be back before Christmas.
5. I know in my heartI'll do anything for him I'm doing the right thing.

I know you're disappointed however that I didn't call you and let you know. But I know you wouldn't have let me do this. I need to do this.

Don't think Brendon has influenced us to do this. He's trying to stop me as we speak. He doesn't believe we should do this. I know he's afraid.I don't want him to be afraid. I want to be there for him. He needs this.


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lavoie,

I'm regretfully sorry to tell you that I cannot stop Genviève. Partly because I cannot physically stop her and she's quite stubborn. I never intendedto fall in love with her this to happen. I wanted your permission first but Genviève would not have it.

I'm writing this with the little physical ability I have managed to muster to tell you Genviève is safe. I will not let her come in any harms way.I wouldn't be able to live with that I know you hate me and think I put her up to this. I won't trouble you at all if I come back and you would not want me there.

My best regards,
B. Urie
♠ ♠ ♠
I have to let you guys know...

I'll have to cut back on daily updates. :[

School is starting in exactly 6 days.

I have 3 summer books to read and a months worth of work to complete.

I'm so dedicated. I'm jeopardizing my education for you.

Send me a comment if you're equally dedicated.