Jinxed Things Ringing


"You okay?"

"Yes. For the fourth time woman, YES!" Brendon said agitated. All three of us were half-way through our plane ride. We had that three seats next to the window. Michelle had the window seat, Brendon had the middle, and I the aisle.

"Sir, here's your drink," a stewardess said approaching our seat. I took the drink from the lady and set it on the tray in front of Brendon.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Brendon screeched at her. The lady looked petrified at his outburst.

"Y-your drink sir!"


"O-oh! I'm so sorry," she stammered. Brendon took an angrysip slurp.

"Wait...THIS IS DELICIOUS!" Brendon yelled at her in the same animosity as before.

"I'm glad-"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING ME THIS SOONER?!" Brendon shouted and the stewardess scurried away. I turned to look at Brendon who was sitting nonchalantly sipping his lemonade.

"So...you okay?"


"This is awkward..." Brendon said wincing slightly. I felt him squeeze my hand. I gently squeezed back.

"Oh suck it up. So she killed you and this is her house. Big whoop! Shouldn't this be...like...some sort of closure for you?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, you're all about the nurturing," Brendon said sarcastically.

"Need a hug?" She retorted.

Slowly we all made our way up to the front steps. It was...weird, to say the least. It looked like a home. A regular home. Somehow, I guessed I would be facing a shitty neighborhood with thugs and rottweilers. Something that could have looked a bit crazy like the situation. Michelle rang the doorbell. I suddenly froze.

"Wait! What's the plan?!" I asked frantically. Michelle gasped, but it was too late. The door opened and a woman who looked like she was in her old seventies or sixties opened the door.

"Yes? May I help you?" She asked. Nobody said anything. I guess we all were in the moment to think of an excuse to actually get into the house.

"Er...we're acquaintances...with Adriana," I finally said. She was silent.

"Come in,"


"So...how did you know her?" Mrs. Celeste asked setting down the tray of tea and cookies. Brendon reached for one and Michelle quickly smacked his hand. He shot it back and slapped the same hand that slapped him. If I wasn't busy trying to make up an excuse, I would have applauded Brendon for his ridiculously fast reflexes.

"Oh uhm. We went to school with Adriana," I said in the most convincing upset tone.

"You look like you still go to school," Mrs. Celeste snipped sipping her tea gingerly.

"Thank you," Michelle chirped brightly ignoring the lady's rudeness.

"It's quite tragic what happened to Adriana," Mrs. Celeste said woefully. Her aging body looked strained. No doubt from the stress of her lunatic daughter.

"We tried to visit her grave but couldn't find it," I said coolly taking a casual sip. I needed her to think we were clueless about Adriana.

"Yes, I had to discreetly have her buried. The hype it caused was too dangerous to risk. I didn't want any upset fans to find her," She replied. Obviously it sounded fake to us because we knew the truth. But I felt like asking how long she was staying the hospital.

"You...look familiar," Mrs. Celeste said. I looked up to see she wasn't staring at me, but at Brendon. Brendon scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name,"

"Kyle," He replied.

"And you were a friend of Adriana?"

"We knew each other," Brendon nodded. "I recently found out about the...tragedy...and we were in town, so I thought.." Brendon trailed off modestly.

Clever bastard... I thought to myself. He convinced me.

"Has anyone told you, you look like Brendon Urie?" She asked.

Well, of course the lady would know who Brendon was! Her daughter was placed on a restraining order and before that a raging fan. No doubt her mother would know just as much about him if not less than the daughter.

"All the time," he chuckled. "Maybe that's why Adriana and I weren't so close,"

"It makes sense. Poor girl probably wouldn't resist herself on you," Mrs. Celeste said. Brendon arched his back and sat up straight and let out a chuckle. The room became silent. It wasn't a comfortable silence either. I knew Mrs. Celeste was getting antsy to see why we really were here. Suddenly, Michelle let out a dry sob.

"Oh!" She covering her face with her hands. "Adriana," She sobbed. I smiled but quickly coughed and shook my head in dismay. "Mrs. C-Celeste..w-would you m-mind if we went to her r-room? One last t-time?" Michelle stuttered.

"That would be fine dear," Mrs. Celeste nodded and took Michelle's hand leading her up the stairs. Brendon and I in pursuit. On the wall staircase were pictures. A beautiful brown haired girl with straight pearly teeth sat in one of the school picture day photos. My stomach lurched and I inwardly tightened my stomach.

That was Adriana.


"She loved these!" Michelle threw herself at the plush toy. Mrs. Celeste surveyed the well decorated room. It looked like a teenager could have still occupied it. I half expected shrines to cover the walls but they were blank with a few art work here and there.

Michelle stuffed her face into the toy and discreetly gave me the evil eye. I cocked an eyebrow. She widened her eyes at me. I tilted my head. Michelle jerked her head to the door. I turned around to see nothing but the hallway. Michelle threw herself into a wild crying frenzy over a piece of paper that looked like old homework left on the desk.

"ADRIANA!" She stressed. "She always had a way with words," Michelle stated as if commemorating her. My eyes widened in realization. Brendon also caught on and prodded me on. Michelle was distracting Mrs. Celeste. I quietly backed out into the hallway and further into a different room.

Where's the master bedroom? My heart was beating extremely fast. I could hear Michelle's crying from the other room. Brendon was standing in the archway of the door standing guard for me.

I quietly slipped into the farthest room. It was the largest one. It must have been Mrs. Celeste's room.

Where do I start?! I frantically thought. Hell would be to pay if I got caught.

"Mrs. Celeste...do you think you could show us the...er...yearbook?" Brendon asked a bit loudly. I knew I needed to hurry because Brendon, Michelle, and I weren't in the yearbook and suspicions would arise. I went to the closet and squeezed myself in. I went to the very back and it was empty. I peeped through a few boxes but nothing of importance to me. Turning around a squeak emitted from the floorboard. I froze. I waited a second praying that Mrs. Celeste hadn't heard the noise.

Wait... I thought to myself and bent down. I tapped the floorboard again it squeaked. I cringed. She HAD to have heard that. Michelle's frantic sobs were dying down. I had to hurry.

I lifted the floor board to see a bunch of grassy material. Sifting through it I groped through the pitch black darkness and felt an edge. Tugging at the corner of what was I box, I pulled out a very large container. My eyes widened.

Brendon was in that box! Everything! From posters to shirts to badges to shoes to clothing to CDs to DVDs. My heart pounded faster.

"What year were you all together in?" Mrs. Celeste asked.

"Oh...erm..." Brendon said and coughed loudly. I dug my hands around through the items of Brendon's face but couldn't decipher anything. It was took dark in the closet.

"Where's your other friend?"

I froze. I

"She went outside to take a breather," Michelle sniffed.

"Oh," Mrs. Celeste said stiffly. "Well...I think I have some yearbooks in my closet. Let me get them,"

"NO!" Brendon and Michelle both shouted.

"We mean. We should be going anyways," Michelle coughed.

"Oh it's not a problem. Just a second," Mrs. Celeste said.

"No, please. We wanted just to stop by and give our condolences. But we have a flight to catch," Brendon said.

"Oh. Well thank you for visiting. Tell your friend outside as well that I bid you all a farewell and safe trip," Mrs. Celeste said. I could almost feel the reluctance.

I almost fainted when I heard the door close.

I was still in Mrs. Celeste's closet.

Holding a box.

Of her daughter's victim.
♠ ♠ ♠

I have school. I'll update tomorrow, I promise.