Jinxed Things Ringing

First Period

We left that god-forsaken hotel and that god-forsaken state.

Honestly what was it good for?!

"Drinking?" Brendon replied.

"I need to stop thinking out loud," I mumbled.

"Ah, nobody drinks Arizona's anymore Bren," Michelle replied to him leaning back into her seat. We were back at the airport getting ready to go home.

"What! Those are delicious!" Brendon said incredulously.

"Mmm...company changed. It's called Phoenix now," She laughed. "Sometimes they'll have a misprint, and we'll find a few odd drinks,"

"That's crazy," Brendon sighed.

"Does it make you feel better that if you find an Arizona drink that you can call into the company to receive money and somebody that day gets fired?" Michelle asked.

"Maybe if it was Friday,"

Brendon wasn't feeling so top gun since we left.

I can understand why.

"I wish Spencer was with me," Brendon sighed.

My left shoulder jerked forward slightly. I tapped my foot and glared at the floor.

Half an hour must have went by that I kept fidgeting in thought.

"Are you okay?" Brendon asked me.

With a quick jump, I sprinted to the opposite way of the gate.

Well...attempted to sprint.

I hobbled.

But very fast, dammit.

Ever since my beat down by that old hag, I haven't properly stood. I'd go see a doctor at home.

"JON!" I heard them call after me.

"They think I'm mad...I must be mad..." I muttered to myself. I skidded to a stop. "Wait. I'm talking to myself...I AM mad,"

I shook my head and then proceeded to run pathetically past the security check and to the front desk, slamming our tickets on the counter that was taller than I was.

I had to stand on my toes to stare the attendant in the eyes.

"I need to change these tickets," I stated.

"Oh...uhm...to where?"

"Las Vegas, Nevada,"


"I can't believe you," He whispered as our foreheads touched. He held my face in his hands as I smiled up at him.

"I can't believe me," I whispered back as my hands rested at his waist. We both closed our eyes just enjoying each others company at the back of the plane.

I was at the end of the plane looking out of the window, when Brendon approached me.

My heart was going to erupt out of my mouth if we were going to be giving such affection like this often.

But I didn't mind.

As long Brendon was happy.

"Hello, this is your captain speaking. We currently are reaching about 17 thousand feet in the air and traveling around 400 miles per hour. We're passing over the Grand Canyon on our left..."

"It's so pretty," I said tearing away from Brendon.

"Mmm," Brendon said resting his chin on my shoulder. I sighed.

"How are your wounds healing?" Brendon asked.

"I think I won't need stitches for my head," I said reaching to my eyebrow. "But other than that...I think I'll be fine,"

"I promised your parents I'd never let you get hurt," Brendon hissed.

I bit my lip.

"I'll be fine when we get home," I said.

"I promised your parents we would be home before Christmas,"

"And we will," I said stubbornly. "They won't know we went for a detour,"

"I can't believe you," Brendon whispered.

For the fifth time.


"What am I going to say?" Brendon asked. "What do I do? How do I..."

"Brendon! God, shut UP!" Michelle grunted while lugging her suitcase along. Brendon had my bag slung over his shoulder.

"First thing first. Where are we going?" I asked him as we stepped outside the airport.

"Summerlin," Brendon said.

We managed to find a taxi no less than twenty minutes and the approached the small suburb.

"Can we go through Hualapai Way?" Brendon asked the driver. He nodded and we turned onto a narrow road. "There's my high school," Brendon pointed to a very rectangular narrow building.

"Pula Verde?" Michelle asked.

"Palo Verde," Brendon corrected her. The mesa behind the school made it seem almost rock-like itself.

"It's like...in the middle of the desert," I commented. Brendon nodded.

"That wasn't such a great thing about it," he replied. "Towards Gorman?" Brendon asked the cabbi. He nodded.

"Las Vegas is not too far kids," He smirked.

"No need," Brendon said. With a smile he added, "We're coming home,"


"I think I'm going to be sick," Brendon winced.

Michelle stuck her arm through his stomach.

"No you're not. You're still fog," Michelle replied.

"Michelle," I nudged her in the side. She sent Brendon an apologetic look.

We decided that we would go straight to Spencer's parent's house. To assume the worst and they died, leaving Spencer to keep the house.

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm just gonna..." Brendon trailed off and marched right across the driveway to the doorstep. He knocked obnoxiously and waited, bouncing on his toes.

The door opened to reveal a tired man with thin dark hair and a dark beard.

I could see Brendon freeze up.

"Hey buddy," Brendon finally said softly. The man visibly paled.

And then slammed the door closed.


Michelle held Brendon as he cried himself to sleep. We remained in front of the house, hoping that Spencer would let us in.

He hadn't.

It was nearly midnight.

We arrived at 9 AM.

Michelle was also hunched over Brendon as they both slept. I paced back and forth in front of the house trying to think.

I looked at Brendon and bit my lip. Kneeling down, I swept the hair out of his eyes.

I quickly straightened up and began pacing again.

The sound of the door opening caught my attention.

"It it too late to have a heart attack?" I heard him ask.

My heart lurched and I looked at him thankfully.

"Come inside," Spencer said.


Without waking her, Spencer lifted Michelle bridal style and carried her into the house. I slung Brendon's arm over my shoulders and he unconsciously followed me, but dragged his feet along grudgingly.

"Oof," I dumped him next to Michelle, but made sure that their ankles were touching. Spencer shot me a confused look.

"I'll explain somewhere more...not here?" I asked. He nodded and waited for me to follow him out of the room.

"Jonny," Brendon mumbled. I quickly shot around at the sound of my name and kneeled down to the bed's height.

"Go to sleep Brenny," I said soothingly. If I was going to convince Spencer that he was real, then I'd have to make sure Brendon wasn't there to scare him out of his wits.

"Thank you," he whispered before falling back to sleep. I sighed and turned to follow Spencer downstairs into his living room.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked awkwardly.

I shook my head. He nodded.

"This...is...weird," He finally said. I smiled.

"As long as you won't beat me up?" I asked.

"Is that what happened to you? You look a bit shabby, I'll admit...but I wouldn't expect-" Spencer said astonished.

"Your...you erm...kids...won't wake up...will they?" I interrupted. Spencer shook his head eagerly. I sighed.


And proceeded to tell Spencer Smith how I found Brendon Urie haunting my house.


"This...this...is a joke!" Spencer cried. "You're lying to me!"

I pleaded him with the energy I had, "No! Please! I'm not!"

"I can't...take this right now! It's-" Spencer got up shaking his head when he stopped mid sentence.

Brendon was standing at the edge of the stairs, looking into the living room with a tear-streaked face.

Spencer's face contorted.

Brendon walked over to the man-

and fell straight into Spencer's arms.

They both cried into each other's embrace.

My stomach twisted and churned at the sight.

I couldn't take it anymore, I bolted out of the living room, straight to the front door and hobbled away into the night.

I eventually collapsed on the sidewalk, not too far from the house heaving in and out.

"This is too much emotional stress," I said nursing my head in my hands.

I couldn't keep dragging myself like that.

But it was heart-wrenching. Nobody should live to see their friend die.

Nobody should live to see their dead friend.

It wasn't right. Over 20 years of lost music.

Lost friendship.

You'd cry if you saw it.

I heaved out one last dry sob and shakily drew in my breath.

I decided that I should probably act stronger from then on. If I was going to help Brendon, and God knows he's emotionally unstable, I would have to carry us through. One one of us should do the crying.

I would leave that to Brendon.

Poor man. How depressing.

I shuddered to think of his life alone. Could you imagine yourself in a house for twenty years with nothing but your own thoughts? And you couldn't eventually die because you were already dead.



"Excuse me...hello? Are you okay? Hello?"

I blinked a few lazy blinks, before squinting to see a boy crouching over my body.

"Where am I?" I asked hoarsely.

"Ohmygod. Did you lose your memory? What's your name? What year is it? ARE YOU SINGLE?" the boy screeched.

"What?" I asked with a giggle. "No...I'm- I'm fine. Thanks,"

"Ok good," He said straightening himself out and standing up. He held out his hand for me to grab, which I did, and he pulled me up.

"That's why you were sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk looking like you fought Fonzi?" he asked. I let out a chuckle.

I looked around myself, and surely I must have fell asleep outside. It must have been noon by now.

"I just- long story," I explained to him.

"You're not a hooker...are you?" the boy asked me with shifty eyes. "And...are you busy right now?"

"Oh god! NO!" I said slapping his arm. I started laughing after that. "I'm NOT a hooker,"



"SO. What is your name?"


He held out his hand.

"I'm Brendon," He said. My smile dropped as I placed my hand into his. I shook my head. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, no. Just. Goes with the long story," I replied with a polite smile.

"I like your name. Very le francais," He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Thanks. I was named after my grandmother. I like yours too," I said letting a big smile creep onto my face.

"Aww," He blushed playfully. "Thank you! My dad named me after-"


We both turned around to see the older Brendon and Spencer approach us.

"Brendon!" Spencer shouted.

"What?" Both of them asked.

I froze.

And started laughing. I turned to the boy I just met.

"I think I know who your dad named you after,"


Brendon couldn't believe it when he found out that he had a kid named after him. He was incredibly touched and wouldn't stop hugging Brendon Jr.

"Amazing," Brendon gushed over him.

"I know, right?" Ben, as Spencer liked to call him, was enjoying the attention.

"When he was younger," Spencer told us earlier. "I told him he was named after my best friend Brendon. Ben couldn't pronounce his 'r's so he would say Bwenden which turned into Bendon. And now Ben,"

"He thought I was a hooker," I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"It's okay. That's what I thought too," Brendon comforted his new little buddy. I gaped at him.

"He wanted to buy me!" I exclaimed. Brendon gasped.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that you were open for business!" He shouted at me. I rolled my eyes.

"How old are you?" Ben asked Brendon.

"Ben," Spencer hissed.

"No! I meant...you look really young to be my dad's age,"

"Are calling me old?" Spencer asked.




"You're grounded,"


"Dude Brendon. You've got to try this parenting thing! It's fucking rad,"

"Dad! You can't- wait...did you just cuss?! DID YOU SAY RAD?!"

"You get to have sex AND get a small person to do your shit for you,"


"But it poops a lot,"


I burst into a fit of giggled and Brendon threw me a grin. He stood up and sat next to me on the couch I was sitting on.

"I think we should have one," Brendon told me.

My eyes bugged out of my head and I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"Oh God! EW!" Ben shrieked, his attention now turned to us.

"Brendon," Spencer said with disgust.

"Thanks guys," I said in the most dead-pan tone.

"Why not?" Brendon asked in a whine.

"Because I has to get me one of those educations," I answered.

"Fuck it. We'll live on the...power...of...a rainbow," Brendon craned his neck.




"Works for me," Brendon shrugged and leaned back into the couch. I was watching Spencer who was watching his best friend with glowing eyes. Tired, but glowing.

They must have not slept the entire night previously.

"I really would kill for some chow right now," a voice came from the staircase.

"Michelle! You look...like...shit," I admitted.

"Thanks," She said rolling her eyes. "You and your impulsive gesture of affection."

"You know me, I'm impulsive," I replied with a shrug.

"That's why I stick around you," Brendon smirked.

"God. Make him stop," Ben said in a sicking voice towards Brendon.

"Hey," Brendon snapped pointing his finger at Ben. "When you get a girl, you call me up and let me know how whipped you are."

"You two are dating?" Spencer asked in an astonished voice.

"No," "Yes,"

We both shot each other looks.

"NO!" "YES!"

More glaring.


I sighed.

"Yes we are,"

"No we're not," Brendon said smugly. His eyes went extremely wide and then groaned as everybody else laughed at him.

"Ok Brendon. Whatever you say. We're not," I agreed with him. He pouted at me.

"Why won't you love me," He hissed.

"Because when I was four years old I really wanted a pretty Polly princess pony. And I loved my parents very much. Did I get that pony? NO!" I said crossing my arms across my chest.



"Oh," Brendon said scratching his head. "So how's Ryan doing?"

"Great man. He moved out to Boston," Spencer said with a big smile. "His kids-" at this Brendon closed his eyes and let out silent hysterical laughs, "are...the best. He...named you Godfather,"

"What?" Brendon asked in a whisper.

"Yeah. Keltie almost left him because she thought it was unholy to name somebody dead the Godfather," Spencer explained.

"Holy shit," Brendon whispered. "Jonny,"

"Yeah Bren?" I asked him. He looked up with disbelief.

"I'm...an uncle," He shook his head.


"I can't believe I'm an uncle to those kids," Brendon shook his head.


"I can't wait to see them-"


"This has to be the best thing that ever happened-"

♠ ♠ ♠
I probably missed first period.

Let me go to school now.

Leave me story comment.