Jinxed Things Ringing

Not Your Song

"OK...first thing is first," Brendon said keeping his hand tightly on my arm.

"Smoothie nut," I said.

"God are you blind?!" Brendon shrieked. "Smoothie Hut,"

"I wasn't referring to the building," I said with a smirk and Brendon laughed.

When we entered the air conditioned and citrus scented shop Brendon start smiling like a goon.

"I use to work here," He said proudly.


"Thanks. I can't believe it's still here," Brendon said dancing in his spot.

"They wanted to tear it down," Spencer informed us.

"What!" Brendon shrieked.

"Yeah. A lot of things here are brand new. But all the fans who knew you worked her petitioned to keep it going," Spencer said scratching his arm lazily.

Brendon's face stretched into a small smile.

"I have the coolest fans ever," He whispered looking adoringly at the menu.

"Did you wear the visor as well?" I asked him with a laugh.

"Shut up," He said blushing.

"OH my GOD! YOU DID!" I said accusingly.

"Let's order," He muttered darkly dragging me to the front.

"Hey, what can I get you?" The girl behind the counter asked.

"A banana strawberry smoothie," He said.

"Same," I replied.

"Get me a...peach smoothie," Spencer stated.

"Mango," Ben said.

"Mango," Michelle repeated.

"That'll be 17.34," She said punching the numbers into the cash register.

"Here you go," I said handing over the credit card to the girl.

"No dammit. Jon, you should have let me pay," Spencer yelled.

"Your signature here," The girl asked and I complied.

"Hush Spencer," I replied.

"You should have let him pay," Brendon agreed angrily.

"He can pay for dinner," I said calmly pushing my card back into my wallet.

"Agreed," Brendon said.

"Hey!" Spencer yelled.

"What?" Brendon asked annoyed.

"You can't agree for me!"

"Are you objecting?"

Spencer turned to me, "Agreed."


"I hope you're happy."

"Define happiness." Brendon demanded cockily.

"Your death," I replied with a hard set glare.

"Well my life still goes on," Brendon said happily stuffing the pizza into his mouth even though its going to fall out of his stomach in a gooey mess anyways.

"Brendon don't be a douche," Spencer said sipping his coke.

"But she deserved it!" Brendon whined.


". . . One day we'll all look back on this and think Man, somebody should have taken that pizza," Brendon said with a nervous smile.

I huffed and sat back in my seat arms crossed. We came to a old favorite restaurant of Brendon's although we had to stay incognito because the previous owner passed the business down to his son, an old friend of Brendon's.

"Ben let me borrow some quarters," Spencer demanded from his son.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you always have some loose change in your pants, you freak," Spencer rolled his eyes.

"No. Not that," Ben said blushing ferociously. "Why do you need quarters?"

"Because there's a pinball machine over there. And I want to see if anybody beat my score," Spencer replied in a 'duh' voice. "Okay listen. I'll pay you back."

"Sure," Ben said rolling his eyes and fishing for the money.

"Ben, Ben, Ben. . . Have I ever lied to you?" He asked with a grin as his son dropped a few large coins into his palm.

"Everyday," Ben muttered. They stared at each other for a minute or two before Spencer just left his son to play a game on the pinball machine.

"You two are hilarious," Michelle laughed. "Oh ice cream man!"

"I'm so craving a choc-sicle right now," Ben groaned.

"Let's go then!" Michelle cried.

"Noooo. You're going to waste my money," Ben argued.






"Annoy, tiny blonde one. Annoy like the wind!" Brendon cheered. "We'll-" Brendon said as he threw his arm over my shoulder. "Be here if you need us. Please don't need us."

Michelle flipped him off and decided to sit down from across Brendon and I.

"You go ahead Ben. I'm going to chaperone these two love birds," Michelle said glaring at Brendon, who in response sighed in annoyance and scratched his head lazily.

"Refill?" a waitress approached our booth with a jug of coke. I nodded and she poured soda into my plastic cup. Michelle shook her head politely.

"And you...sir?" The waitress asked Brendon slowly.

"EW," Michelle mouthed to me. I giggled. Brendon looked clueless as he shook his head.

"Let me know if you ever get... thirsty," She said in a breathy voice and walked away seductively.

Michelle and I burst into hysterical laughter and Brendon's grip around my shoulders tightened.

"What?" Brendon asked.

"In case you require translation, that was her hitting on...you," Michelle said mimicking the waitress.

"She is kinda hot," Brendon shrugged looking back to see if she was still around.

"But aren't you like, married to Jon in your imagination?" Michelle snorted. Brendon laughed out a bark.

"That I am," He said proudly, I rolled my eyes. "But it doesn't hurt to sneak a peek sometimes."

"Just for funsies," I added with a shrug and Brendon beamed.

"I still own at pinball- hey! Where's that one kid!" Spencer said as he slid into the booth.

"You mean that overgrown sperm that is the product of your DNA?" I asked.

"He went to get me ice cream," Michelle said.

"Whipped," Spencer said in a loud voice. We turned to look out of the pizzeria's front window and there stood a very unhappy Ben glaring at his father.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Ben's muffled yell was heard. Spencer shook his head and turned around, then proceeded to take a slice of pizza.

"Hurry up!" Michelle beckoned him. Ben quickly grabbed the ice cream in one hand and clutched his loose change in the other and ran straight to the door.

The closed door.

"There are two different types of pain," Spencer stated coolly. "Pain. And man pain."

"What's man pain?" Michelle asked.

"Man pain is when you do something stupid," Spencer stated. Brendon snapped his fingers a few times.

"I know where that's from...from...Allen...TIM ALLEN! HOME IMPROVEMENT!" Brendon yelled, jumping in his seat and pointing a finger at Spencer.

Spencer nodded ferociously.

"That episode was bomb man. It sucks we don't have those shows anymore. They're all lame now," Spencer reminisced.

"Aw shoot. That was our favorite episode. We would quote it all day," Brendon sighed.

"It's so hard to look at you right now," Spencer said to Brendon and then turned away.

"Dude. Don't think of me as dead. I'm still here. I've never left you," Brendon reached out to his friend.

"It's not that. You have pizza sauce on your chin and it's fucking disgusting," Spencer grimaced. I broke out laughing.


"Dammit! You shanked my Jangaship!" Brendon cried.

"I shanked your Jengaship? We're playing Connect Four," Ben shook his head.

"I thought this was Monopoly," Spencer sighed.

"Jackpot!" Michelle screamed.

"I guess we should stop playing Taboo then," I shook my head.

"Brendon you numskull! You were suppose to be in charge of the entertainment!" Spencer yelled throwing the dice at his friends head.

"I place the blame squarely on tight pants," He winced.

"Mmm. I have an idea. Let's feed the boy different things until his balls bleed!" Spencer yelled.


Ben winced.

30 minutes later. . .

"OWwwwhhhh," Ben shuddered.

"At this point... the test subject. Was dead," Spencer stated tapping his chin.

"I was not dead!" Ben protested lamely.

"Shut up," Spencer snapped. "And all of this data could only bring us to one conclusion. He's adopted."

"That's not true either!" Ben cried.
♠ ♠ ♠

It'll be weird when I have to face Brendon Urie
and remind myself

he's not actually dead.

Just three more weeks.