Jinxed Things Ringing


"No. Leave me alone."

"Oh come ON!"

"No. Go bug Brendon."

"Noooo. He's dangerous."

"Dangerous. Epic. Same thing," Brendon said as he entered the room.

"I'm in my happy place right now Jonny. If you take me from my happy place. I won't be happy anymore. If I'm not happy, you sure as hell won't. Be. Happy. Got it?" Damien growled.

"You...smell like- cheese," I said and stuck my tongue out at my older brother. "Come on Bren. Let's go buy some fabric."

"Jesus!" Brendon squeaked as we left through the front door. "It's ff-f-freezing!"

"You can feel?" I asked. He nodded as he shivered. I opened my jacket up and Brendon snuggled into the coat with me.

"Get fat woman. You're too small. Get fat and wear bigger clothes. I need to fit into them too, you know," Brendon demanded.

"I thought you said everyone hated fat girls," I replied.

"I lied. I just mean everyone hates fat girls named Jonny," He shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Y-you kn-know what? Yoo-you're ungrateful!" I said through chattered teeth.

"W-well... I-I d-don-don't th-think...FUCK! I cc-c-can't t-ta-talk n-n-n-no-now," Brendon's mouth quivered. I giggled a shaky laugh.

"Th-thi-this i-is r-r-rid-ridiculo-lo-lous," I laughed as our breaths were visible in the frozen air. Shivers ran down my spine and goosebumps traveled up the bare skin that wasn't covered my coat.

"Y-yo-yoo-you'r-re ri-rid-dicu-diculo-"



"Oooff," I groaned as I landed face forward on the floor of the fabric shop we entered. I felt a weight on my butt and saw Brendon resting his foot on my behind.

"I claim this planet in the name of Brendon, Bringer of Bacon," He shouted.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A lady's voice asked us. I looked up to see an old woman with an apron standing curiously above me. I shrugged Brendon's foot off of me and stood up, brushing the snow off myself.

"Oh my goodness. You two are soaked!" The lady exclaimed.

It was true. Brendon and I were sopping wet. Brendon looked almost like a wet dog.

I laughed at this.

"What? Are you laughing at the prospect of me catching the flu and falling terminally ill- oof," Brendon coughed as I lifted my knee up in his. . .special area.

"Dislocated groin!" He wheezed.

"Along with your dislocated brain," I hissed. I turned to the lady. "I'm just looking for some cloth to make my dress for Christmas."

"Hmm. Well is the dress formal or semi-formal? Did you have anything in mind?" The lady asked me.

"Well- I was sort of playing around with the idea of taffeta- something with a satin texture," I said thoughtfully.

"Ah. I see. I think we have some black taffeta over here," 'Edna', according to her adorned name badge, led me to one of the isles.


"MMmm...blue or black. Black for sure," I murmured to myself. "Okay Bren-" I paused and looked around. "Don,"

"OWIE!" I heard a shrill scream.

I rolled my eyes.

I looked to see a wooden staircase leading up to a room which looked like storage. I followed the step up to the room to see it vacant with a polished floor and a large mirror on the wall. It looked like a dance studio.

"Position and pose starts by pointing your toes! And placing your left foot, right!" Edna commanded the phrase as she prodded Brendon with a dancing cane.

Brendon unskillfully moved his feet back and forth trying to accomplish what looked like a dance.

"How about this..." He trailed off. He started snapping his fingers and moved those hands left and right in a beat. He lifted his feet up to the same 1, 2 beat and transitioned his hands quickly from snapping to open swinging.

"TADA!" He screamed as he finished with a spin.

I started laughing. Brendon's head immediately snapped towards me. I clapped obnoxiously.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" I asked him giggling.

"Tour. I had a dance number," Brendon said with a grin.

"What kind of band were you?" I asked not bothering to lower my laughs. "Oh my goodness...please tell me you're a cabaret dancer."

"No. But I did dance with some," He offered. I shook my head in disbelief.

"You need practice boy. That was amateur. Pointed toes makes pointed perfection!" Edna snapped at him.

"My butt cheeks are hurting though!" He whined.

"You're out of shape! If you come here at least," She paused thoughtfully. "Five times a week, we'll have that tush-tush firm and friendly!"

"Firm and what?!" Brendon shrieked.

"Nobody wants a saggy and baggy butt!" She barked.

Brendon looked sick to his stomach.

"She's ready to pay," He chirped. Quietly adding, "My tukhas* can't take any more friendly firmness."


"How long are you going to take?" Brendon whined.

"I want this dress perfect," I stated. "I'm going to spend everyday until Christmas to fix this dress."

"Why is it so important?" Brendon asked out of boredom.

"We have people coming from California to spend a week with us," I replied.

"What?!" Brendon exclaimed.

"I know," I sighed. "But apparently, no flights are leaving out to California, so we have all our friends, family friends, and family coming over here. We have to rooms- so the parentals thought why not?"

"You're parents are too social," Brendon stated.

"I suppose. But this dress really means a lot to me. I would have started earlier if I knew that there was a sudden change in plans. Stupid Samantha is coming over," I muttered.

"Ooh! Do I sense some family rivalry?" Brendon quirked, immediately becoming interested.

"She's just the stupid daughter of some family friends. One of many," I sighed. "She always had something against me. She tries to out-do me in everything."

"Wow. Not vain at all," Brendon said rolling his eyes. I paused from my work to turn around.

"No! I'm serious! One year for Easter, I bought this really nice sun dress and Samantha wore a ball gown! Valentine's day, I gave everyone a single rose and she bought people bouquets! One year she went as far as ruining a skirt I made because she knew I looked good that day!" I added with a pout.

"What's she like?" Brendon inquired.

"Well, she's smart...and beautiful and uh, she says the funniest things like 'I will conquer the world' and 'Evil must triumph over good!. You know. Things like that,"

"Ah. One of THOSE girls," Brendon snickered. My eyes widened in realization.

I threw myself at Brendon.

"She's going to want you," I said fearfully.

"Well duh!"

"NO! I mean. She'll try to steal you from me!" I cried out.

"Steal me from you?" a smirk was evident in his voice.

"Yes." I stated confidently. "You. Are. Mine."

"Jealous much?"

"Please. I know you'd never go near her anyways. You just wouldn't," I stated casually, throwing my legs over Brendon's lap.

"Then what are you so afraid of?" He asked massaging my calves gently.

That's what I liked about Brendon.

Simple gestures from him were the sweetest.

He'd go out of his way to make sure I was comfortable.

"Don't question me, boy," I said in a southern accent.


"As man and being evolutionarily awesome-er than you...I order you to...stop being mean!" Brendon stamped his foot.

"Just do it, for Pete's sake!" I sighed at Brendon. Damien couldn't help because he was performing this week for the Christmas Pageant.

"Fine! But for Pete!" Brendon said huffily and started dusting the drapery. We only had a week to prepare the house for our guests.

"Achoo!" I sneezed. "Bren, ease up a bit. All the dust is flying everywhere!"

"Sheesh Louise woman! Bossy, bossy, bossy!" Brendon snipped. I walked over to the curtains he was dusting and opened the closest windows. I preceded to do the same to all the rooms in the parlor we were in.

"You know that I could have just done that for you, right?" Brendon asked.


Brendon looked straight at a window and stared at it intently. At once, the window flew shut, almost too quick to comprehend. I laughed.

"Sometimes I forget that you...you're...well, you," I stated.

"Yeah. I get that reaction a lot," Brendon said seductively running his hands down the front of his body. I laughed. "Whaaat?" He whined. "You of ALL people should be impressed,"

"Of what, exactly?" I asked sarcastically.

"My hot bod," He groaned in pleasure. I couldn't help but smile.

"You're ridiculous," I shook my head.

"No. You're in denial," Brendon said walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Mmm. What?" Brendon asked.


"No, tell me. I can tell something is bothering you,"

"I'm just a bit stressed. So much has happened in these months and this week is going to be pretty hectic too. I'm just a bit...worn out,"


"What? What did I say?"

"Nothing. Never mind,"

"Tell me,"

"I just- I- I'm sorry I've been stressful to you,"

I gasped. "Oh Brendon, no! You're not the cause of my stress," I said taking his head in my hands and looking his straight in the eyes. "You are the reason why I'm still here myself. You keep me sane,"

Brendon face got warm underneath my fingertips.

"Mr. Urie...is that...are you blushing?!" I giggled.

"Wh-what! No! ...I....shut up!" Brendon said and gave me a huge hug.

I didn't hear the door open. Not once. What I did hear was Damien back from his performance.

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*Tukhas pronounced- too-khus. AKA very jewish term for BUTTOCKS.