Jinxed Things Ringing

Oh Little Did She Know

After 20 minutes we had easily followed Main Street and arrived at the said given hotel our parents had named. Our parents allowed Damien and I to have our own room, and our parents in another but a door that joined both rooms.


I blinked, my eyes still closed. Slowly regaining consciousness I took a deep breathe through my nose and exhaled, arching my back.


"I'm awake...I'm awake," I said slowly opening my eyes. Dames was retreating to his suitcase and I got up making my way to the bathroom. The distinct smell of shaving cream and cologne was lingering in the moist washroom.

When I got out I ( dressed in my according outfit knowing starting today, we would start cleaning the house.

When I left the bathroom, hair wet and eyes fresh Damien looked up from his suitcase and back down.

And then back up again raising his eyebrow.

"You're going to wear that?" Damien asked skeptically. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and rushed to the mirror. I turned my hips to the side to examine my outfit and then turned to the other side, this time smoothing out my shirt.

"Yes...what's wrong with it?" I asked.

"Well Jonny...we're not in California anymore," he said wincing slightly. I sighed.

"You have a point...but I'm sure it's still warm, while it's afternoon. It only gets chilly at night," I reason. Damien shrugs.

"Pack something extra," he says and I nod to him. I'm told in the summer; it's scorching. In the winter; it's unbearable. Spring and Autumn are quite pleasant.

The four of us walk to the hotel's parking garage and getting into our typical "out of the 70s" Volkswagen. My dad can't part from it, and I'll take his side on this one because the thing still works.

We arrived at the manor, that's what I refer to it now. It hasn't changed. It hasn't magically cleaned itself. In fact, in the sunlight, it looks much more pleasant and appealing.

My nerves came back when I reminded myself what Roger said about families leaving and not coming back. They could have been good, respectable families. What happened to make them leave?!

As soon as I thought of any paranormal activity...adrenaline filled through me. Would I hear noises? Maybe if I was lucky...a voice, perhaps. I didn't want to worry any more; and while the adrenaline was pumping, I rushed out of the house and waited at the front door.

My family followed suit, Damien wearing a grin.

"Excited?" He asked sarcastically. I nodded eagerly.

"Ok," Pop said as he took out the keys and started unlocking the door. "I suppose our main priority is to clean our own rooms first,"

"Anything you need is in the car. So just supply yourself with whatever you need right now," Ma said. Damien and I returned to the trunk of the car and opened up packages of sponges, windex, fabreez, brooms, mops, and buckets. We split up all the supplies and everyone grabbed their own.

"When I'm done with mine," I said to Damien as we walked through the door. "I'll help you with yours,"

"That'd be cool. Thanks," He said holding a bucket and cleaning supplies in one hand and a small stereo in the other. "Why didn't you bring your boom box?" Damien asked.

"I don't really pay attention to the music anyways. I'll get off task and start dancing," I laugh to myself. Truth was...I just wanted to stay quiet and hopefully catch any noise or sound.

We walked up the two sets of stairs and reached splitting point. There were actually four hallways, one could go. The house must have been bigger than I thought, but still small not to be a mansion.

"Why the fuck would anyone give this up?" Damien asked suspiciously. He then turned to me. "I'm this way," He said pointing to a hallway.

"I'm this way," I say pointing to the hallway next to his. I go ahead and reach the end and pull the string that opened up the falling staircase. The staircase let out a huge groan. This worried me slightly, but not so much when I climbed up it feeling safe enough that it could support my weight.

I walked up the staircase and into my room. Nothing changed. The window where I had wiped at yesterday was still smudged, the furniture was still uncovered, and the room was still dusty and filthy. I tied my hair back and sighed heavily.

My mind pushed the thoughts of a "haunting" far back as I got to work. I pushed all furniture to the edges of the room. Since my room had hardwood floor, I would have to mop.

I went down the metal spiral staircase into the bathroom and opened the tap water. It gurgled and clanked. I waited patiently. Brown rusty water flowed. It still looked like water but was just rusty. I sighed...the pipes would have to be changed. I turned off the water.

I went downstairs and told Pop. He just advised me to use the garden hose. I left my bucket and went back upstairs and went down the hallway that Damien had gone down. I faintly heard a guitar rift and kept walking until I heard it clearly. I looked through a room and he wasn't in there.

I went to the farthest back room, which the door was open to. I entered and found Damien removing the torn lace curtains from his windows.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Do you need your bucket?" I asked. He shook his head. I noticed that he had a carpet floor. I guess my room was the only wood one.

"I need the vaccuum though. I'll come back down with you," He said handing me the bucket. We both went downstairs and outside. I filled both buckets, while Damien retrieved the vaccuum cleaner.

We both went upstairs, holding our materials carefully.

When I got back to my room I spilled one of the buckets of water over the floor, watching the water spill and spread across the wood. I spread some bottle of cleaner all over the water and swished the mop through.

I repeated cleaning the floor three more times, requiring me to take two more trips up and down the stairs. When I was finally finished I cleaned all the furniture that had wood, which was the armoire, the legs of the daybed and sofas, the tea table and the writing desk.

I did this six times. I got sick of the lemony smell and my fingers were all oily I decided to get to work on the actually cloth covered parts of the room.

I found out that the beds weren't stained or anything. They were just dusty.

So I removed the covers, sheets, and pillow cases off the bed. I removed anything that needed to be removed so I could dry clean them.

I shampooed the couch and the sun seat...18times. Yes sir.

Impossible you say! Impossible is nothing!

I realized I said this outloud and giggled to myself. Everything looked great at this point. I pushed everything back to its original point. I sprayed the room with fabreez and opened the windows that I had washed, shined, and waxed.

It was almost evening. Almost. I smiled to myself. I giggled and squealed jumping around the room. I was so excited to move in now.

I went back down my staircase, reminding myself to clean those. I barely managed to heavy the drapery and beddings to the car because it was heavy fabric that was made from.

I slumped against the car and pushed myself to go back upstairs and heave the mattress of the bed. That would have to go. I couldn't keep this. Oh no. I would keep the sheets and beddings...not the mattress. I heaved it and dumped it ontop of our car.

I raced back up the stairs to help Dames with anything he needed. He was right. His room was very, very big. Since he was halfway done, we completed the other half together with ease.

"Thanks girl," He said bumping my hip. I laughed.

"Don't do that. It makes you look gay," I giggled.

"What the hell betch," He said in a nasally voice. We found our parents' room with ease since that's where the sound of cleaning took place. It was night now. So we helped our parents clean their room. We were all exhausted now. As we walked through the foyer my mother clicked her tongue.

"This furniture will have to go," She said with a frown. A huge bang emerged, sounding like it came from upstairs. Everyone froze. Damien looked at me with a little shock.

I looked at him with happiness. But then remembered something and sighed.

"I couldn't shut the staircase closed all the way, I couldn't reach...I was afraid it would fall," I rolled my eyes.

Then I turned to my mother.

"Ma, you can't get rid of this furniture!" I whined. "Just look at it!"

"I am," Ma said with disgust. The front door creaked. A breeze came through.

"Ok, let me make you a deal. I'll shampoo the furniture and clean everything," I rush. "It'll look beautiful, especially when the sunlight comes in. Everything looks golden!" I gush out.

"If you like it, then can we keep it?" I ask with begging eyes.

"Jesus Genviève, don't waste your begging on furniture, what will you use when you want a puppy?" Damien asks with a laugh.

"Damien!" Pop says smacking the back of his head. "Don't give her ideas!"

Damien winked at me. "Why do you want to keep it so much?" Dames asked.

I shrugged.

"There's something special about it."
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Thanks for reading!

Sorry if this one bored you.