Jinxed Things Ringing

Christmas Partay

"Just be patient Genviève!" my mother's older sister's daughter, Sarah, said to me.

AKA my cousin.

"I can't. I don't like how this feels," I complained.

"Well that's what happens when you don't ever wear makeup. You're not use to it," Sarah said using some sort of white spongy thingy to push onto my face.

I winced as she rubbed my cheek a bit too hard.

"Ouch," I whispered.

"Whoa!" Brendon shouted when he entered my room.

"OUT! OUT OUT OUT!" Sarah shouted to Brendon. Reaching to the bed post, she grabbed the lace canopy and allowed it to fall, covering the side of the bed I was sitting on, veiling me away from Brendon.

"Was...that...makeup you're putting on her?" Brendon shrieked trying to approach the bed.

Sarah jumped up and blocked him from getting to me.

"You can't see her. I'm getting her ready!" Sarah said annoyed.

"B-but that was foundation! She doesn't need that! Her skin is already flawless!" Brendon argued.

"Listen Brendon. Every year I get shit from Genviève that she doesn'tneed want makeup. The only time I get to make her look pretty and you come in and try to prevent the same thing. Now I brought all my best stuff here to work with. ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME MAKE HER LOOK PRETTY OR NOT?!" Sarah screamed irrationally.

I was a bit scared to allow this mad-woman touch my face now.

"But she already looks pretty," Brendon said quietly, scared to tick Sarah off anymore.

"As cute as that line is, it's over-used and won't work on me buddy," Sarah huffed.

"I'm not leaving then," Brendon crossed his arms and sat down stubbornly in the middle of the floor.

"JESUS!" Sarah screamed and stomped out of the room.

I, not being able to see anything properly, heard a distinct chuckle on the other side of the veil.

"Am I allowed to see my blushing bride now?" I heard him ask in his melodious voice.

When I didn't reply, the lace was lifted vertically, being held by Brendon's hand as he peeked at me.

Now taking his words to heart, started blushing. Brendon threw me a lop-sided grin.

"She didn't start yet," He commented. I smiled. "Good."

My smile fell.

He didn't notice the small effort, she did put into the half done make up. I inaudibly sighed and rose from my bed, hanging from the posts.

"Why does it matter if I wear make up, Bren?" I asked as he walked around the room.

"Why? Do you want to wear makeup?" Brendon asked suspiciously. I hesitantly shook my head before replying.

"Just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat," Brendon said raising an eyebrow.


"It killed the cat," Brendon stated again.

"What cat?" I asked again. He wasn't making any sense. He wasn't planning on doing anything to any pets, was he?

"Never mind," He grumbled.


"Welcome friends. I am Charles Lavoie and this is my wife Odette,"

I could hear Pop's voice at the top of the platform that was inserted into our largest ballrooms for the Henderson brothers to play their instruments. The Hendersons were family friends of ours at had six boys and two girls. All eight of them played instruments and they volunteered to be our little orchestra for that evening.

I sighed. I knew I would have to face our towns people at some point.

This was so embarrassing. We were admitting ourselves into the public being the freak family.

A knock emerged from my door.

"Come in," I called not moving from my spot in front of my vanity set. Looking through the mirror I saw Brendon peek his head in.

"You okay champ?"

I nodded and rested my head on my balled up fist that was leaning on the top of the vanity.

"If you're not up to it, I guess we could party in here," Brendon smirked. I was sitting in my satin robe, the tie undone so that my undergarments were revealed.

I wasn't bothered much by Brendon. He was harmless to me.

"Are you not going to come?" I asked him looking at his plain appearance.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just waiting to be solid again so I can look the part," He sighed in annoyance. I nodded.

"You could help me you know," Brendon said softly.

"How?" I asked. I then noticed that he was holding something behind his back.

Sneaky boy..

I played along anyways, even though he was planning something.

Swiftly, before I could realize, Brendon closed the gap between us and raised his arm into the air.

I looked up with a dazed stare realizing what he was holding.

"Merry Christmas," Brendon whispered swooping in for a kiss.

The mistletoe toe fell to the floor...


"I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this.." I muttered silently to myself as I approached the ballroom.

When I arrived I was impressed how set up and professional our party had turned out. Not only that, the whole room was filled with people I hadn't recognized.

All were standing quietly and intensively listening to Pop's speech.

"Really guys? No lives of your own on Christmas Eve?" I grumbled.

I ducked my head and lifted my satin red dress from the front so I could walk more easily.

The guests slowly realizing my presence stood aside allowing me a path directly to my father and mother. I made a direct path to Damien who was standing dashingly on the side of the stage.

"Ah. Our pride and joy," Pop echoed holding out his arms to us. Damien offered me his hand and we slowly made our way to the top and stood to the side.

Everyone's eyes staring intently at us. Reading us. Judging us.

I could hear the faint sound of whispering.

"Our son, Damien Guillaume Henri Lavoie the third," HA! Guillaume. (Pronounced: Ghee-yô-me. In English it would be William)

"And our daughter-"
Aw shit.

"Genviève Marie Henriette Lavoie the second,"

Damien and I winced. Our names weren't exactly the best thing we were proud of. Especially when our parents said it in their French accents.

Now that's just obnoxious.

For some reason, our audience found this incredibly amusing and started to applaud.

Damien and I exchanged worried glances.

God forbid anybody would repeat our names ever again.


I guess that was the last word that I heard Pop say because our guests had cheered into party mode and started socializing.

I hadn't realized I was still standing up there cluelessly and blinked a few times, the music already started playing suavely.


"Bren," I breathed out. He looked absolutely handsome in his tuxedo, hair a little mussed up.

"You look amazing Genviève," Brendon said offering me his hand.

I blushed and accepted it.

"Thank you," I said as we walked down the steps. Once we reached the bottom, the Hag herself swooped in.

"You look nice Genviève," She sneered.

I observed her dress.

Lo and behold.

It was the same. Freaking. Color.

I glared, knowing her catch. Trying to out do me.

"She looks stunning," Brendon butted in and whisked me away before I could register Samantha's face.

"Thanks," I breathed out. He nodded.

"Drinks?" He asked. I nodded.

He steered us a past of girls who were surrounding a certain boy.

I could make out the words-

"Now ladies...that would be Damien Guillaume Henri Lavoie the third...after my arrière grand père..."

I rolled my eyes.

Show off.
♠ ♠ ♠
do you know where i am right now?

out the door.

to go see Panic At the Disco. yep.

leave me comments how jealous you are.