Jinxed Things Ringing

New Years Party

"I don't want to be here,"

"Stop whining Genviève. We're bonding," Ma scolded. I crossed my arms and huffed.

Ma sighed irritatedly.

"I don't know why you're so upset. Brendon's here as well!" Ma said rolling her eyes.

"Because I drugged him, duh!" I said in 'uhm helloooo' tone.

"You mean drag," Brendon corrected me.

"Yeeaaaaah," I said slowly shifting my eyes.

Brendon looked worried for the rest of the car ride.

We were out doing errands for the big New Years Eve bash. Apparently it was a Christmas Party, New Years Party duo celebration.


"Your enthusiasm really sets the mood Genviève," Ma said in the most dead pan voice.

"You should probably stop be before I do that again," I turn to Brendon.

"Does my breath smell? Why do I smell chloroform!"


"Dear Jesus," Brendon breathed out. "How in the world do people have this much money to have this?"

"What are you talking about?" I shook my head at Brendon and grabbed his hand, dragging him along.

"What are you talking about! Look at this place! It's bigger than COSTCO! TIMES TWO!"

"It's just a warehouse for party supplies. What's a Coast-co?" I asked confused. Brendon's jaw dropped.

"No way you guys got rid of Costco!" He said in utter shock.

I just sighed in annoyance. I hated how he directed the blame as if I had control on any matter when the world changed. I mean, c'mon! It's been twenty years!

"So we need...lights, streamers, hats-"

"Wait, where's Ma?" Brendon asked.

I smiled a little at this. Brendon had taken to calling my mother 'Ma'. She didn't mind. It made Ma incredibly happy and bubbly every time he referred to her as such. I think it was one step closer to having Brendon a permanent member of the family.

Not like a brother though...because...uh..it...we- er...



I'm not having this conversation with you.

"Aw don't blame the party cups, Genviève. They didn't do anything to you,"



"Okay. Your total comes out to a ridiculously-large-number-that-I-think-your-college-tuition-will-
start-to-suffer-from-because-this-price-is-just-that-bogus," The cashier girl said smoothly. The bagging girl didn't flinch.

Okay so she didn't exactly say those words but I lost count after the fourth zero. The decimal point didn't even come yet.

"Here," I said painfully handing over a credit card. It was my parents', but it still hurt to know how much they were splurging.

"Oh that's so bad!" I heard the bagging girl giggle.

Brendon chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

So that's why she didn't flinch.

Stupid Brendon and his inability to look bad.

Whatever. Let him flirt.

I grabbed the several over-stuffed bags in each hand difficulty, still managing to forget a handful.

"Bren-" I choked a bit struggling with the shopping.

"Hm?" He asked uninterestedly.

"The bags," I gasped.

"Huh? Oh," He said and swiped a few in each hand non-nonchalantly, not bother to help my drowning self.

I groaned.

Along with the long treacherous walk to the car, the bagging girl walked us there.


I finally managed to get to the car very slowly, seeing two very social people already there.

I glared at Brendon when I dropped everything as his feet.

"What took you so long? And why are you sweating?" He asked accusingly.

"Ew," The bagging girl whispered. "Wait...aren't you...that Lavoy kid?"

"It's Lavoie," I corrected her breathlessly, shaking the hair out of my eyes.

"The Christmas party was amazing," she gushed. "I told everyone about how the house isn't so spooky and to come to your New Years bash,"

Brendon looked proud.

Wait. Why wasn't he mad?!

He should be like...throwing the car at her face or something!

"Err...yeah, thanks," I replied unsurely.

She nodded and it became silent.

"This is awkward," She giggled.

"Yeah," I agreed with her whole-heartedly, "Like when the gas wears off early and your dentist is buckling his pants..."


"Careful Genviève, you could fall," Steven, one of the Henderson kids, warned me.

"I'm fine Steven," I muttered balancing on one foot trying to hang the lights on the ceiling. I managed to string two boxes worth of white lights across the ceiling, instead of hanging streamers. I thought it would look better with a sagging look.

"Just heed my warnings Genviève. I come from a long line of psychics," He said before stalking off.

"You mean psychos," I muttered.

"Now that isn't the Holiday spirit," Brendon's joyful voice sauntered through the air. "Aren't you feeling fabulous?"

"Just fab," I droned.

"I feel fab," Brendon stated with confidence.

"Well pin a rose on your nose. Hey do you think you could-"

"I could help with that," Samantha came in seductively. I sighed in annoyance.

Brendon raised his eyebrow.

"You busy?" She asked Brendon. He shrugged. Samantha smirked and grabbed his arm, tugging him along, walking backwards out of the room.

That hit the spot.

I kicked the stool I was standing on forcefully, satisfied with the crash it made against the wall.


"Jon wake up,"

"Hm?" I asked sitting up in my bed.

"Nice," Brendon laughed. I ignored him.

"What d'you want?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You have to finish decorating," He stated and turned around to walk out.

"Where were you last night?" I asked him as I yawned. He paused.

"He was with me," The same prissy voice answered.

"All night?" I raised my eyebrows.

Brendon shrugged.

My jaw dropped. They both turned to leave until I stopped him.

"Where are you going now?"

"God Genviève. You're not his mother, so stop babysitting him, kay?" Samantha snapped and walked out with Brendon.

I huffed and crossed my arms, with a groan I dragged myself down the steps to my bathroom.

"Oh...no," I said simply as I looked at my reflection. "That will not do,"

After dressing in some sweats and a white tank top, I went downstairs and straight for the kitchen.

"Good morning," I announced to the large group hanging around in the kitchen.

"Good morning," separate people responded.

I was getting use to having so many people in the house. I liked it.

The house felt even bigger.

"Do you want something to eat honey? I made pancakes," Aunt Sarah said. She wasn't really my aunt. But I had grown up to calling all the women of the house by that title.

"Sure. Some orange juice please," I asked. The carton was passed around the kitchen like a maze before it reached to me. I laughed and poured myself some in a tall glass.

"Hello people!!"

"Oh my God, why are you everywhere," I clutched my head and groaned hearing the voice for the second time that day.

But next to her proud self, was Brendon.

Standing like her trophy.

I ignored him and took a sip from my orange juice.

"Jonny!" a squeaky voice shouted.

"Oh my goodness," I gasped as I was hit in the torso. I saw a patch of brown messy hair and picked up the little boy. "James!"

"Jonnnyy will you play with me outside?" He asked me with bright eyes.

"Yeah Jamesy boy. Let me eat first, kay?" I asked him.

"Mkay," He said and poked my nose.

"Owwww," I giggled playfully. James laughed his cute five year old laugh. I sighed. I loved kids.

I set him down and he rushed out of the kitchen to the back door.

"Brendon!" the shrill voice of Samantha snapped. I looked over to Samantha trying to get his attention, whereas Brendon looked nowhere near interested in her.

Instead he was watching me.

With a goofy smile.

I gave him a grimace and walked deeper into the kitchen with my plate of pancakes and orange juice.

I wouldn't need him that day.

I was his toy.

He wasn't going to pick me up and throw me away when he found something new and shinier.

Then again...

It wasn't my fault that I was dull unlike the other pretty dolls..


I was finalizing the party touches. I had just put black cloth over a bunch of the tables and spilled silver confetti around the serving dishes.

"Genviève? Genviève honey, go get ready," Ma said as she entered the ballroom. Her heels were clicking across the polished floor.

"Almost done," I sighed as I blew up a few more balloons tossing them about, letting them drift across the floor.

"That's good enough darling, just go get ready. You have less than an hour," She noted hesitantly.

"You know I don't come down until later," I reminded her. I never like showing up early to my own parties. I liked waiting until it had actually started, to begin greeting people.

"Yes, yes dear. Now shoo," She pushed me. I ran out of the ballroom and down a few corridors before reaching the grand stairs that led to my room. I skipped the stairs two at a time before reaching my staircase.

Jogging up the steps, I noticed somebody sitting on my bed.

"Brendon," I stated as he was cleaned up again for that night.

"Wow...you look...great," Brendon's eyes twinkled.

I looked at him as if he grew four ears.

"Brendon...I'm all gross," I corrected him. I was wearing my sweats and white tank top, my messy pony tail flopping around lazily.

"You have no clue how-" He breathed as he walked towards me.

I stepped away.

He stepped forward.

I stepped away.

Brendon's eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have to get ready," I whispered brushing past him.


I pouted as I looked in the mirror.

Okay, so...not bad.

I knew the party had already started by the sound of the more up-beat music, rather than the classical stuff that was playing the previous week.

I bit my lip trying to figure out if the curls in my hair was a good idea or not. I left it anyways, knowing it was too late to try to save it.

I smoothed out the bottom of my gold dress I had bought for a cheap price last minute and twirled quickly in it.

I slipped on my gold heels and sighed again heavily.

I walked down the steps of my attic bedroom and ventured down the hall, feeling like I was passing hotel bedrooms.

I finally reached the end of the corridor and instead of meeting an elevator, I was approached with the staircase.

Gingerly stepping down a step at a time, I made my way downstairs, clutching the banister.

The open doors to the ballroom were in vision as I saw everyone enjoying themselves.

What I had realized however was that no persons above the age of 30 was present in the room.

I slightly grimaced and then made my way to the doors.

I scanned the room at the people present enjoying themselves, drinking, dancing, and chatting away.

The DJ that was at the head of the party caught my eye and cut the music.

I looked at him in the 'what the hell are you doing' stare and he smiled as if he had saved the president.

What was he expecting?!

A grand entrance??

I realized that suddenly all eyes were on me as I stood at the doors.



I guess they were expecting a grand entrance.

This wasn't the Christmas party y'know, I thought irritatedly.

I smiled politely as I walked down the middle of the ballroom. I had no idea what was expected, but no later, Damien was by my side.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I have no idea," he snapped at me.

"Should we say something?" I asked him in a harsh whisper. He shrugged. I cleared my throat at the expecting young adults

"Hello everyone," I stated sort of soft, but allowed my voice to get stronger, "Happy New Years. Glad you could make it..." I shifted my eyes adding a, "Enjoy your night!" and the music suddenly started again as if it came on cue.

I shook my head and turned my body to Damien.

"Where the fuck are all the old people?" I asked him.

"Well princess," he snapped, "Two hours ago, the adults retired to a different ballroom for cigars and wine,"

I sighed.

"There, there dear sister," Damien patted my shoulder sincerely. "Do you want something to drink?"

I nodded.

"I'll get you some wine," he said and was off out of the room. I knew he was going to the kitchen to get me a drink.

I scanned the room taking in the features of everyone, recognizing a few faces from the Christmas party, but the others were unrecognizable.

My eyes stopped at the drink table where Brendon was standing laughing with a group of girls and a few boys around him.

As if on cue, his eyes suddenly locked with mine and I stubbornly looked away.

But just in time, Damien came back with two slender wine glasses in his hands. He handed me one and we sipped gently at our respectful drinks.

"Let's mingle," Damien muttered and pulled me along.

I groaned.

"This is fucking soc," I growled. I knew our family's social status would be shooting to the sky after our parties.

"Only a few hours greaser, then you can smoke your joints," Damien laughed at me. I couldn't help but smile at his remarks.

"Hey Damien," a boy with blonde-ish brown hair greeted. Damien nodded his head at the boy.

"Jon, this is Michael. Michael, this is my sister Genviève," Damien introduced us. I smiled and grabbed onto his extended hand.

"Nice to finally meet you," He laughed. I just smiled.

I have never felt so fake in my life.

"This is my sister Alyssa," He introduced me to the blonde by his side. I noticed that the girl had been staring at me, almost drooling. "She's in love with how you look," Michael laughed.

"You look gorgeous," She spluttered out.

"Thank you," I replied. "You look stunning as well,"

Damien pulled me away finally and grinned at me.

"Not bad kid. You'll make a name for yourself, yet,"


"Is that your fifth glass?" Michael asked me. I laughed at him.

"Excuse you," I giggled. "It's my second. And it's cider,"

"Ah, my plan has been foiled," He snickered.

"You are sick," I told him, but laughing.

"Well you can't blame a guy," He shrugged. "So how old are you?"

"Sixteen," I replied with a smile.

"Ah, a young'un," He sighed with happiness.

I laughed. "And yourself?"

"Proud to be 21," He grinned.

"Hm. Are you working right now?" I asked him.

"Uhm. Yeah, sort of. I'm interning at the Jordan Hospital- d'you know where that is?" He jabbed his thumb behind him.

"Hmm... let me see. Oh is it that hospital near Obery?" I asked him. He nodded. "I go to North Plymouth,"

"Ah," He said with a big smile. "Maybe I'll drop by for a visit,"

"That would be nice," I smiled back. He was a nice guy.

"Yeah. So besides that, I'm still going to school,"

"Oh really? Where?"

"BU," He replied. My eyes widened with acceptance.

"That's a good school," I noted.

"Yeah. I really like it," He laughed. "How do you like North Plymouth. I, myself, attended there."

"It's good, it's good," I said. "Different from California though."

"Like oh my God, no way,"

"Shut up!" I laughed slapping his arm.

"Meeee-yoooow," He clawed at the air with his free hand, while holding his arm. I shook my head in disbelief laughing at this man.

"So..." He said bouncing on the balls of his feet, hands stuffed in his pocket.

"So?" I giggled.

"Would you maybe- I don't know...Aw, hell with it. Dance with me," He demanded. I laughed and set down my drink, taking his hand while he lead us to the dance floor.

I placed my left hand in his and my right arm stayed on his shoulder as we slowly ball room danced with the other couples.

"This is so formal," I groaned throwing my head back, following his lead.

"You dance...very well, I must admit," Michael stated. "Have you ever danced before?"

"Nope," I shrugged. "It's not that hard. Just follow everyone else,"

Michael and I finished the song and before I could pull away, his grip tightened. I smiled while we started the new dance, this time a fast pace tune.

I couldn't help but have so much fun dancing this fast paced, possibly Irish song with Michael. I was laughing loudly and giggling as he twirled me quickly, one hand behind his back.

The quick upbeat sound of the violin in the jig didn't help the matter that I was incredibly happy.

Suddenly, my dance partner stopped quickly and the other partners passed by us, continuing the steps.

I didn't have time to look at him in confusion because another person was by our side.

"May I interrupt?"

I sighed and looked away.

"Sure man," Michael said and gave my hand to the dark-haired boy.

His arm instinctively wrapped around my waist and I rested my hand upon his shoulder. His other hand supported both our hands in the air.

We instantly joined the dancers in the interrupted song.

"You look beautiful,"


"You dance very well,"


"I love you,"

...- My head snapped up to meet his gaze with wide eyes.

He chuckled.



"What do you want ghost?"

"Ouch. Okay fine. How about an apology accepted?"


"Aw. Why not?"

"You know why,"

"And you don't think I should be redeemed?"


"But why??"

"You know damn well why!"

"Then refresh my memory,"

"Don't get cheeky Urine,"

"Ah. So we're resorting back to taunting?"

"You yourself said you deserved it!"

"Wait...what! No I didn't!"

"...You subconsciously were..."

He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile.

With a quick sweep he kissed my cheek.

All was well again.


"So what was his name?"




"That boy you were dancing with?"


"Just somebody that was introduced to,"


"You looked like you were having fun. Teeeelll meee!"


"Says you. How is she doing?"


"Doesn't matter,"


"Then why were you asking me!"


"Other way around skipper! Tell me who he was!"



In a moment the lights went out and balloons, glitter, streamers, and sparkles fell from the roof.

Lips were placed on lips.

When the lights returned.

Brendon's lips were still placed on Samantha's.

"Doesn't matter," I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is late.

I'm crashing.