Jinxed Things Ringing


"This. Is. Bogus," Michelle said in the most dead pan voice.

"I know," I sighed.

"What's your first?" she asked me.

"Phys. Ed," I said.

"How are you not in tears by now?" She asked in shock.

"I don't know. I guess I feel like I should be doing something since I haven't been all vacation," I shrugged.

"Well I guess I'll see you in bio then," She shrugged. I nodded and we parted our ways.

I entered the locker room to see it being inhabited by a lot of girl already. I went to my designated locker at the end and started to strip.

"Oh my gosh Jon!" A girl screamed. My head snapped up and I felt a little insecure.

All the girls started to stare at me. I hesitantly pulled my shirt closer to my half naked body.

"What..." I asked.

"What happened to you?" The same girl screamed. I looked at myself and noticed that they were all gazing nervously at my bruises and cuts that I acquired in Las Vegas.

"O-oh," I said. "Long story,"

"You look like somebody beat you up! Did you get into a fight?" She prodded.

"Uh. Haha...something like that," I shrugged carelessly.

After avoiding a few other questions, I managed to tie my shoelaces and go into the gym so I could get that period over with.

"Laps!" Mr. Peterson clapped his hands and like the pack of animals we were, started running around the gym. Not realizing, I finished early and perched myself on the bleachers, waiting for my classmates to catch up.

"How'd you finish so early?" Greg, one of my classmates asked me.

"Don't walk," I shrugged. Greg stared at me as if he had found the light.

"Dude!" was the last thing he yelled before scurrying off to his friends to tell a new found secret.


"Hey!" I looked up from my walk home to see a old red sports car pull up next to me.

"Need a ride?"

I smirked and hopped in the passenger seat.

"When are you going back to school?"

"I'm taking a semester off," Michael shrugged.

"I think you're stalking me," I smiled at him.

"Hey! I gave you a heads up. There is no possible way that this can be classified...you know what. Shut up. I know bester,"

I giggled. We finally pulled up to the driveway.

"Thanks for the ride. Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll see what Damien has been up to," he nodded unbuckling himself.

"You have to stay for dinner then," I offered.

"Dinner sounds good," He smiled. I smiled back and exited the car. Michael beat me to the trunk and grabbed my bag for me.

"Always a gentleman," I noted. He shrugged modestly. We walked up the steps and I opened the door.

We entered the threshold and no later Brendon came in from the parlor as I was locking up from behind me.

"Hey Jonny do we have any-" He stopped and looked up to see Michael next to me. "Hey man,"

"Hey what's going on," Michael nodded to him.



"Uhm. Well...Damien's room is just upstairs-"

"Yeah I know where it is," Michael smirked and started his climb.

"Wait! My bag!" I stepped forward but he didn't stop.

"I got it," He winked and continued upstairs.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You needed something Bren?" I turned my attention to him. Brendon was still watching Michael trek upstairs.

"You already brought him home?" He asked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I spun around to him as I was walking into the parlor.

"I mean that it's a bit too fast for him to be coming over, don't you think?" Brendon replied calmly. I knew what he was onto.

"He's staying for dinner as well," I snapped and walked straight to the kitchen.


"Here you go dude," Michael offered the peas to Brendon across the table.

Brendon who was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest stubbornly shook his head.

"You sure?"

"Not hungry," He grunted.

"So Michael dear," Ma smiled at our guest. Brendon snorted. "How's work going for you?"


"How old are you, anyways?" Brendon cut him off.

"Twenty one," Michael responded politely. "Work is good. The staff is really generous, I'm proud to be working there,"

"Do you live by yourself?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah. I have an apartment not far from here," He nodded placing the fork into his mouth.

"How much do you pay rent? Are your bills being updated frequently? Taxes an issue?" Brendon asked propping his chin on his fist.

"Taxes?" Michael asked.

"Brendon," I tried to stop him.

"Yeah. Taxes. You act like you've never heard of them. Don't you pay them? Have you not been or something?"

"Uh," Michael stammered.

"Brendon," I said forcefully.

"No Jon. Taxes are an important part of our society here-"

"Brendon!" I shouted and he snapped his attention to me. "Not. This. Generation," I said through gritted teeth.

Brendon's eyes widened and he sank back into his seat looking dejected.

"Sorry about him," I sighed to Michael.

"No worries. That was a good one..haha..taxes...haha. How old are you Brendon, is it?" Michael asked curiously.

"Yeah. It's Brendon. Just as you'd imagine,"


"Something like that,"

"Jon's still the baby then," Michael cooed.

"Shut up," I blushed trying to swat away his hand from my cheek.

"Aw. We still wuv the wittle baby," He continued. I laughed at his 'baby' voice. Brendon rolled his eyes and I kicked him under the table.

Except not really. Because my foot went right through his leg.

"So Michael honey. How's Jessica?" Ma asked while sipping her wine.

"Jessica?" Brendon tipped his head towards the other boy. "Sister?"

"Oh Brendon!" Ma laughed. "Jessica is Michael's fiance,"

Brendon didn't speak for the rest of the dinner.


"But you have leverage,"

"What leverage?! And why wasn't I aware that I had it?!"

"Why would I admit to my own defeat? That's just stupid Jon,"

"Just accept defeat Urie!"






"God I hate you," I said throwing my cards at him and folding my arms across my chest. "Go fucking fish. And while you're at it, drown please,"

"HA!" Brendon cried and put down his cards. He had won.

"We need a new game," Michelle groaned from the bed.

"When the hell did you get here?" Brendon shrieked like a girl.

"Start paying attention ghost-boy,"

"Don't you have some street corner to lounge off of?"

"Don't you have some after-life you have to attend to?"


"Ditto," Michelle spat.

"You're boots look nice," I commented.

"Thank you," Michelle replied chipperly.

"Wha-what! Just like that she gets off the hook?" Brendon yelled.

"Of course. These were like two grand," She muttered looking at her feet.

"You spent two grand on shoes?" Brendon asked incredulously.

"Boots, Brendon. I'm not crazy,"

"Oh. Silly me."

"Are you excited for V-Day?" Michelle continued.

"Not really," I winced.

"Why not?!" She shrieked. "It's the season of looooovve. And sales! Senseis!"

"Sen-what?" Brendon asked.

"Senseis! You've never heard of Senseis? It's like the only most BEAUTEOUS designer of shoes out there! Duh Brendon! What century are you from?!" Michelle rolled her eyes.

"If I was alive I wouldn't give you a second look," Brendon stated in a dead pan tone.

"If you were alive you'd be alive, which you're not," Michelle countered.

"GOOD ONE!" Brendon shouted a little over-enthusiastically.

"She has a point though," I laughed. Brendon's smile dropped.

"I hate women," He muttered.

"No you don't," Michelle automatically.

"DAMMIT YES I- don't..." He slouched.

"Jonny hon, listen," Michelle said picking at her cellphone lazily. "Can we hit the mall today? I need a new outfit to go with these boots,"

"Translation, she needs a new body to host," Brendon murmured.

"Shut up Brendon, otherwise you don't get to come," Michelle glared.

"You have no say in that!" Brendon shouted.

Michelle arched an eyebrow. Brendon shrunk back.

"Let's go then!" I chirped.


"Things I need to do: number one. Not be here," Brendon groaned.

"Why are you always such a downer?" I turned to Brendon. He looked taken aback.


"You're always saying something negative or being mean or just....not positive!" I said exasperatedly. When Brendon had no response, I huffed and turned away to go to a different clothes rack.

I angrily flipped through the articles of clothing thinking about how Brendon was being such a douche.


"I'm sorry," I felt somebody's breath on my neck. I rolled my eyes and continued with my shopping.

"Hey c'mon," he whispered again.

"Leave me alone," I groaned. Didn't he get the message?!

"Excuse me..."

"Brendon!" I said exasperatedly and turned around to meet...not....Brendon.

My jaw dropped in disgust as some guy was trying to feel me up.

"Ew!" I said and shoved him away from me. The proximity that he was pushed up against me was one that I rather not relive.

"I just wanna get your number baby," He said slowly, eyes half closed and a smile that would creep out BeetleJuice.

"Oh my God!" I choked out. "Go back to jail, you sicko!" I shrieked.

Before I could blink, the guy before me was thrown against the opposite clothing rack. I frantically tried to register what was happening before Brendon was hovering over the guy.

Was he trying to help him up?

I approached Brendon, and with one hand he knowingly pushed me behind him to shield me.

"Don't. Ever. Fucking. Touch. Her," Brendon said in the lowest voice.


Why the hell is that sexy?!

I was panicking in my mind. Not because a man tried to feel me up, but because my best friend was turning me on!

My face immediately turned red.


"Yes-s?!" I asked...a little too loud. Brendon winced.

"OH MY GOD! What the hell happened?! I leave you two alone for one minute and I swear fucking Hulk Hogan is charging through here!" Michelle screeched running towards us.


"Things I need to do. Number one. Not be here," Michelle groaned. My head snapped to her and before I could tell her how similar what she had said was to Brendon's she had squealed.

"Oh my God that guy is cute," and then scurried off.

We were currently in the music shop of the mall surrounded by various instruments.

I decided to look for Brendon, where I found him by the guitars.

"You play guitar, too!" I asked in shock.

"Played," he said sadly, reaching out to touch the neck of the guitar but only for his fingers to disappear right through it.

"You still can," I said walking up to him. He raised his eyebrow. I blinked slowly and arched my head up to his face, letting out lips level, but not letting them touch.

From feeling the cold nothingness to slowly feeling the heat of another body, Brendon was slowly taking solid form.

No longer than a minute later...

He had finally completely became solid.

How do I know this?

His lips were firmly pressed against mine, one of his hands securely placed on the back of my head pushing our faces together. The other hand resting on my neck. My hands rested on his hips in utter shock, before pulling away.

"You sneaky bastard," I breathed.

Brendon only responded with another kiss. I didn't pull away this time.

We left the shop, without me getting to hear Brendon play the guitar.

It must have slipped my mind somehow...


"I'm sorry that you and Paul didn't work out," I patted Michelle's back as she sobbed a bit over-dramatically on my shoulder.

"Why? Did he decided to interrupt some different looney person's imagination?" Brendon snorted.

I threw him a disdainful look.

Michelle sniffed.

"No, it's fine. I like my men at my feet, anyways," She commented coolly, composing herself. I laughed.

" 'Atta girl," Brendon said. "Jump right back onto the horse,"

We didn't miss the sexual innuendo that time.

Michelle and I chatted a bit more before Damien barged into the room.

"It's for you," He grunted and threw me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Genviève?" an unfamiliar voice echoed.

"Yes..." I said reproachfully. "May I ask who is calling?"

"Oh right. It's Phillip,"




"From school..."


"I'm...well...oh. You really don't know who I am?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," I laughed. "I really don't,"

"Oh. Can't say I blame you. You're still pretty new to the place. Anyways, I was just wondering if you had a date to the dance-"

"Dance?" I countered.

"Valentine's Day dance," Phillip informed me. "It's this Friday. Are you going with someone? Or at least....going?"

"YES!" Michelle screamed for me. I whipped to her with wide and scared eyes.

"Huh? Wait...yes...to what? The dance or you're going with someone?" Phillip asked.

"Oh...uh...I...both?" I replied.

"Ah. I see. It's fine. I should've called sooner. Sorry to have bother you. Bye,"


"Oh my gosh! Who are you going with? AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! Do I know him at least?" Michelle shrieked.

"You ass!" I said throwing the phone at her head, hearing a satisfying clunk. "I didn't know I was going in the first place,"

"It's better than going with Phillip. He's the school Chess Team captain," She shuddered.

"What's wrong with that?" Brendon asked. "Don't be so shallow Michelle, just because somebody does something different than you,"

"No it's not that. He's incredibly horny and tries to get into his date's pants on the first night,"

"Ah jeez. I can't believe I'm going to say this...but....good job Michelle," Brendon said slowly.

"But how am I going to get out of this? Wait. Why do I care? I'm not going anyways!" I rolled my eyes to myself.

"WHAT!" Michelle screamed. "But you haaaaaave to!"

I blinked at my hysterical friend.

"Hot damn. I think she's convinced!" Brendon screamed. I laughed at Brendon's sarcasm.

"Oh Genviève...such a rebel. First year to the school and not showing up to school events. Such a rebel," Michelle sighed me.

"Oh yeah, I'm a rebel. Yesterday, I crossed the street, and get this- I only looked to the left!"

Brendon chuckled.

"Do you enjoy ruining your rep. Genviève? C'mon. You'll give the impression that you're too good for petty school dances," Michelle urged me on.

"It's fun as hell," I taunted her. "You know what? That's a bad simile... because I would assume hell isn't very fun,"


"Bitch! I am too good for school dances!" I flicked my wrist in the air and leaned back into my pillow.

"You enjoy doing this to me, don't you?" Michelle asked dully.

"Dude. Brendon's a rebel! He was a rockstar! Tell her Brendon,"

"Tell her what?" Brendon asked.

"Of your rebellious days," I prodded on.

"Uh...well...OH! Dude, I was driving in a passenger seat of my friends car this one time and I was piss drunk. My friend was driving at like...45 miles per hour and there was a Mexican guy getting in a truck close to my side. So I stuck my hand out the window and smacked his ass. He screamed really loudly because he thought he got shot. It really hurt my hand,"




"Get out."

"But I-"




"Aww man,"
♠ ♠ ♠
SO ... I'm sorry?

My excuse: finals.

My birthday was on the 18th. Give me comments as a gift.

Happy holidays.