Jinxed Things Ringing

Valentine's Day

"I'd hit that,"

"Wow. You really are old," I shook my head laughing at Brendon. We were watching TV on the Top 20 most beautiful girls in the world.


"Hit that? Really, Bren?"

"Dang. I never thought the day would come when I would be outdated on slang,"


"I mean, c'mon! It's like America's douchebag term," Brendon craned his neck and stretched, his shirt rising up revealing some pale skin.

"What do you think England's term is?" I asked him.

"I dunno...I'd dip my crumpet in her tea?" Brendon shrugged.

I laughed. This boy was absolutely ludicrous. And...I-

"Did you just lick my ear?" I asked dreading to hear the answer.

"Technically no. I'm pretty much not solid, so... yeahh," Brendon said as in the most nonchalant tone. I scoffed.

"What do you think will happen to us?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Whatever will happen Lucia, we'll make it together," Brendon batted his eyelashes. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll...grow old. And you'll still be you. Perfect, as ever,"

It was Brendon's turn to scoff. Suddenly his displeasure turned into that of happiness.

"Jon! Say you died-"


"Just hear me out,"

"This is morbid!"

"Say you died...do you think you'll come back as a ghost too?" Brendon asked excitedly.

"Brendon," I whispered. I felt my blood go still. Brendon's face slowly contorted into regret.

"Oh my God," He sighed and buried his head in his hands. "Jon, I'm so sorry. I really don't-"

"Brendon," I said after thinking it over. I looked up at him. "You're lying,"

"What?" He asked.

"You're not sorry," I shook my head.

We sat in silence.

"I was just joking,"

I let out a small laugh. He just never gave up, did he?

"Humor's a good thing you know," Brendon stated, twiddling his fingers.

"How so?" I decided to humor him. Pun intended.

"I always think of it this way: If you're an ugly guy and you want to get laid, then you have two choices. Play an instrument or make women laugh," Brendon theorized.

"Or...rape them," He quickly added.

"That's not a laid tact. That's assault!"

"Hey, you do things your way. I do things mine," Brendon put his hands up in defense.

"That could be your super power?" I offered.

"What? Raping people?"

"Nice. I like how you said people and not women. I meant about the ability to impress ladies,"

"Nah. I'd probably find a way to implant annoying songs in other people's head's. It will be my super villain power," Brendon crossed his arms in pride.

I chuckled.

"Hey," He broke our moment of silence. "Want to hear my idea for a Star Wars porno?"


My dearest Genviève,

We've gone out tonight. There's money on the counter if you get hungry.

Love, Ma

"Dammit," I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Brendon asked leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"Everyone's gone. I guess it's just you and me tonight buddy," I sighed.

I could feel him smile onto my shoulder.

"Hey, I have an idea. Are there any grocery stores around here perchance?"

Two hours later. It was 8 PM.

The fire was going in front of Brendon and I as we lay so comfortably on the rug. We delightfully sipped our respective wines and occasionally munched on some baguette with brie.

An hour later and two wine bottles empty, but our glasses still full. I was leaning against Brendon's chest, the two of us enjoying the fire's warmth.

"Happy Valentine's Day Brendon," I murmured. I felt his hand brush the hair away from my shoulder, and knowing it was coming, his lips fell onto my skin.

I let out an inaudible sigh of pleasure. The wine didn't let me feel conscious or nervous. I didn't care. The sexual tension was killing me. And apparently him as well.

I set my wine down leaning into him more, letting him continue his escapade up my neck. I craned my head backwards so our lips could meet. I lifted my hands behind myself so I could grasp his head, pulling his face closer to mine as we lip-locked.

His lips moved so smoothly against mine. We pulled away briefly.

"What do you call a fish with no eye?" Brendon muttered pecking my lips once more. He lifted my by my waist, to turn me over so I was straddling him.

"Mmm," I responded tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. I could feel his stomach clench beneath me.

"Fsssshhh," He chuckled lazily to himself.

I smiled and shook my head, going back to work on his neck. I could feel his hands run up and down my backside and on my hips, once and a while squeezing and sending pleasuring pulses throughout my body.

He turned me over so that he was laying on top of me on the rug. He slowly caressed my face before kissing me again heatedly. I arched my back, so that I could be closer. Feel closer. To him.

Brendon let out a soft moan with sent my mind spinning into ecstasy.

"Genviève," He sighed.

"Bren," I groaned gripping his hair with my fingers.

"Genviève. . ." He pressed on.



"Ah mother -ucker!" I screamed as I lurched forward. There was no fire. No wine. No Brendon.

"Jesus. I've been calling your name for the past like hour. . . minus fifty eight minutes!"

"Brendon," I groaned rubbing my eyes lifting myself out of my bed.

"Happy Valentine's Day my sweet," Brendon giggled as he bounced on the bed. I groaned and flopped back into the pillows.

"Mphy aafe oooh,"

"I love you too," Brendon cooed.


"Girl! Stand up for yourself!" Michelle yelled at me. I pouted. Brendon cocked an eyebrow with his hand still raised high in the air.

"You're not that tall, but you can still make a difference!" Michelle prodded. I crossed my arms with a huff and threw myself back on the couch.

"You've won this battle ghost," I narrowed my eyes at him. Brendon beamed and sat back down next to me satisfied he had managed to keep the remote out of my reach.

The resonance of the doorbell sounded and Brendon squeaked.

"Relax pansy. It's just the door," I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Even the biggest of lions are fearful of the mouse," Michelle smiled.

"Yes. And it's a rat named Genvi-"

"ROGER!" I screamed as I opened the door. I flung myself at the boy who immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"Hullo," He grinned at me as we pulled apart. I gave him a cheeky smile.

"I'm so happy you're here. They're picking on me," I said pulling on his hand, tugging him to the living room.

"Hey Roger," Brendon said. "How's it hanging?"

"Uh. Hanging?"

"You know. . . how's it going?" Brendon said impatiently.

"Oh! Not bad. How about you?"

"To the left, to the left," Brendon sang. Everyone stared at him. "What?! To the left! Nobody? To the left, to the left. . . everything you own is in the box to thaaa leffttt! In the closet that's maah stuff, yes if I bought it please don't- . . . uh. . . touch,"

"Stop Brendon," Michelle seriously commanded with a look of worry across her face.

Roger laughed a little apprehensively for Brendon's sake, removing his jacket.

"I want to get hit by a truck," Brendon moaned.


"No?" Brendon asked.

"No," I repeated. "Go ahead. It's your turn to say 'no',"

"Hah! Truck. Good one. Where would you even find one of those!" Roger laughed sitting back into the couch.

Brendon raised his eyebrows.

"I mean. Trucks! You know, trucks!" Roger kept on laughing.

"You repeating the word isn't going to help me understand what the fuck you're saying," Brendon furrowed his eyebrows. Roger's face melted.

"Uh. Roger, Brendon's from uhm. . . England! They don't have those restrictions there," I covered up nervously.

"You don't have an accent," Roger noted.

"He moved back and forth. Ha, ha. You know how it is, not really having time to develop an accent,"

Roger nodded unsurely.

"SO!" Michelle changed the subject. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her.

"What are you doing here Roger?" She asked.

"Well. I was going to stop by later but I had a doctor's appointment today about hte way I was oversleeping. I overslept and missed it," Roger shrugged.

"How productive of you," Brendon muttered.

"I know right?" Roger agreed with Brendon good natured. "I'm probably going to take my girl out to dinner tonight,"

"Ah good 'ole Valentine's Day," Michelle sighed.

"What are you doing Shell?" Brendon asked her.

"Going to Twei [pronounced Tway]," Michelle shrugged.

Michelle's father was a music producer so he and his family had the luxury of going in and out of clubs.

"In New York?" Roger asked with his eyebrows raised.

She nodded.

"Uh...hey, do you think you could get me in there tonight?" Roger asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure," She shrugged apathetically. "Jonny do you want to come?"

"I don't know," I said unsurely.

"Oh come on girl! It's Cupid's night and I say we all go out! Drinks on me!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Just for being a hag-bag [word of the day kids,]] for not updating

I put in some sexy stuff. Yeahhhh. I've had some shit writer's block.

Okay, that's a lie...

But this story is like a clingy best friend.

Lots of fun, but then starts to annoy me. But sooner or later, I'll start craving it just like it craves me.

Plus I've been working out on some other stories saved up.

And posted an Alex Marshall zombie story.

Don't player hate. :[
