Jinxed Things Ringing


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"I'm tired," I said following up with a yawn.

"How do you get tired of laying in bed all day?" Brendon chuckled kissing my shoulder blade.

"I don't know," I giggled, rolling my shoulders back, feeling the soft pillows of my bed behind me.

With a playful grunt, Brendon seized my thigh and turned me so that I was faced towards him. He forcefully clutched my waist and pulled me into him. I kept my hands on his chest, the only thing separating us and my left leg wrapped around his waist.

With animal-like strain, he ravished my neck with his lips and my body with his hands.

"Brendon," I gasped and shoved him away. He flopped backwards unstably and fell onto the fluffy mattress. I giggled at the sight of his shocked expression, torso sprawled openly.

I smirked and climbed over his jean covered legs and straddled onto his pelvis. I trailed a finger down his bare chest.

He bit his lip, failing to hide a grin as he kept eye contact. Starting from his belly button I trailed kisses up to his abdomen, to his chest, and then resting on his neck, feeling his own hands rest on my hips.

He chuckled and I smiled into his soft spot, peering up at his perfect face.

"You're beautiful," I smiled up at him. He scrunched up his nose and let out a soft snort. I felt his stomach quickly stiffen up as he laughed.

"Should my masculinity be offended?" He laughed. I shrugged and kissed his neck again. He closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure.

"I can't remember being this happy in a long time," Brendon said softly. I beamed.

"When was the last time you were this happy?" I asked him with a smile.

"Mmmm. Probably the day when I realized that I came out of depression and made something out of myself," Brendon recalled. I smiled and softly kissed his neck again.

"What does this make us?" I asked him sitting up. He copied my actions.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well. What does this mean?" I said gesturing to us laying half naked in my bed. I was in my black sheer slip that I wore regularly to bed.

"Well," he said thoughtfully, puffing out his lips, "that I get to do this whenever I please,"

And with that he crashed his lips on mine, kissing me with such eagerness that when he pulled away I felt slightly inclined to stay in the kiss but reluctantly let go as well.

He grinned proudly at his answer. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile.

"Do you want to know something depressing?" I asked him, crossing my legs.

"No," he answered simply tip-toeing his fingers up my leg.

"I can't help but to think that I'm here with a dead person,"

"I said no!"

"Technically you don't even exist!"

"Genvièeeeeeve," Brendon whined.

"I'm pretty much kissing nobody,"

"I said 'no' didn't I? I'm pretty sure I did,"

"So the existence of no person is sitting here,"

"Does 'no' still mean a negative command these days? It's not one of those crazy lingo things, is it?"

"No one is here to see me in my scantily clad outfit w-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips. Belonging to who?

Oh nobody.

"I like your scantily clad outfit," Brendon growled hooking the material with just a finger and flicking it upwards.

"Let's take a better look at it, shall we?" Brendon asked lifting the sheer material over my head.


"There she is!"

"Hello," I greeted my family at the kitchen island. My voice echoed through the spaces of the large culinary station.

"Haven't seen you around lately," Ma smiled at me.

I smiled back and shrugged.

"Well aren't you glowing," Damien sputtered through a mouthful of cereal. I didn't even have the sass to retort.

"Where have you been?" Ma asked.

Off doing things with a lifeless person that a girl shouldn't be doing...

"Where's Papa?" I asked avoiding her question.

"At work, he had to leave early," She said. "I'm going to the grocery store soon and maybe to the mall to get some new clothes. Do you want to come?"

"Uhm," I said thinking. "Nah. I'll pass,"

Damien gasped obnoxiously.

"Did you just shoot down an offer to get clothes? Is it the end of the world yet?" He screeched.

"Calm down," I laughed. "I'm just not in the mood,"

"But you're so chipper. How are you not in the mood?" Ma asked me. I giggled and shrugged. She shot me a suspicious glance but dismissed it.

"You've been locked up in your room lately, I'm getting worried. Or should I be? You're so happy!"

"I guess its because I'm spending so much time in the nice weather thats been coming through my window. I absolutely adore my room. I want to have a tea party one day," I gushed.

"Hmm, maybe we can arrange that. Ok. I'm off. Don't do anything stupid," She warned Damien and kissed the top of his head and pecked my cheek.

"Bye Ma," I sang. As soon as I heard the heavy doors shut Damien turned on me.

"Why are you so happy?" He glared.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I can't be?" I asked.

"You have a . . . glow," He narrowed his eyes.

"Why, thank you?" I asked.

"Are you sleeping with Brendon?" He blurted out.

It was one of those moments where I should have taken a sip of water and spat it out in a mist.

"What?!" I screeched.

"Well..." he said almost disgusted by it, himself. "Have you?" He asked meekly.

"NO!" I shouted. "Dear God no!"

"Well...you have been messing around with him, that much I know," He feebly managed say.

I nodded in admittance. I couldn't deny that Brendon and I had gotten much more . . . physical with each other in the past month.

Every waking moment, unless I was at school, was spent stealing kisses or cuddling or just touching.

In the morning as the sun crept through the dew covered windows, a misty ray would shine through the sheer curtains and leave a cool waking. I would be surely awake in Brendon's bare arms, just feeling the smooth skin of his abdomen or just playing with his coarse fingers.

We didn't need to talk. Everything was glorious in its silence. Such an elegant peace would we rise in the cold air.

"He better watch where he steps," Damien warns.

"Because Damien," I sighed. "The girls that you fool around with don't have brothers either,"


"You're being a hypocrite!"

"You're confessing that he's just fooling around with you!"

"He's not," I bitterly snapped.

"How do you know?" Damien asked annoyed.

"Because he could have anybody and he chose me," I said. I thought over my words. I wanted to cry a little. He chose me.

"Wrong. He only chose you because you're the only option!" Damien broke my joy. "Sure he could have anyone. But how?? He's dead remember!"

I winced.

"Stupid teenage girl hormones. I can't handle this shit," Damien muttered. "This is so hard-"

"That's what she said," I blurted out.

"Who?" Damien asked.

I couldn't help it. I bursted out laughing. Damien tried not to smile but failed.

"Hahaaha what?! No really, who said that?!"


"I have to get out of here," I moaned covering my face with my hands. Brendon smiled and pulled my hands away.

"Why?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"Well, I've been pretty much been locked up here with you," I giggled.

"Oh is that so? Does that make you my prisoner?" He chuckled pulling my waist in towards him.

With both hands on his face, I kissed him gently. He sighed into the kiss and strained me closer. I straddled his waist and wrapped my legs around his torso.

I pulled away.

"Yes. I can't stay in here being ravished by you every waking moment of the day,"

"Hey! It's not...rape," He frowned. I laughed.

"What if it was?"

"It's not even noon and you already have me discussing rape," Brendon groaned squeazing my sides affectionately.

"it's a complex subject," I added, my fingers tracing every curve of his face. "Like, I think it shouldn't be considered rape if they don't know your name,"

Brendon shrugged. "I'd imagine that somewhat standard rape procedure," He agreed thinking it over.

"I mean the whole about not identifying yourself. What rapist is like, 'Yeah bitch! Take it! MY NAME IS RAY! RAYMOND SMITH. MY PAD'S OVER BY THE RIVER, ON OAK STREET. YEAH BITCH! THE ONE WITH THE RED DOOR! UHH!"
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