Jinxed Things Ringing

Couldn't Let Me Go

As I pulled away, my eyes fluttered open completely.

Then my eyes widened. I gasped and stood up quickly backing away- stumbling and tripping. I grasped a pillar and clung to it, still in shock. He stood up quickly as well.

He looked at me. I looked at him. I caught onto most of his features. But none of them actually sinking in.

He opened his mouth trying to say something. He looked terrified- almost as if he was trying to explain.

But I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't-

He took a rushed step towards me, arms hoisted up; almost as if he wanted to touch me.

My instincts kicked in and I took a step back.

He suddenly looked very upset. His eyes pleading...

I just dumbly shook my head.

With one last look he disappeared. I blinked a few times until I gasped for air and sunk down- clinging to the pillar. Breathing heavily, my eyes raced around the room trying to glimpse on to anything that might have...well...been him.

I swallowed, closed my eyes, and leaned my head back against the pillar.

That was my first kiss.



I yawned and stretched, allowing my eyes to open.

Boy I'm not conscious a lot...

"Hi Mama," I say sleepily, looking up at her. She helps me up- figures I'm still leaned against that pillar.

"Oh honey it looks great!" Ma gushes. "I hate to say it...actually I don't hate to say it- I really do like this! It's so vintage,"

I smiled.

Mission accomplished.

One of the curtain poles drop onto the marble floor, sounding a loud and violent clank.

"Oh," Ma jumps. I blink.

"This house sure does have a lot of...activity," Ma looks around nervously.

"Don't worry," I say not moving my eyes from the curtain pole. "Nothing will happen,"


I entered Damien's room. I laid down onto his bed, curling up with a pillow.

"Hey," Damien says entering the room. "C'mere," He hold out his hand.

I look at it suspiciously and snort.

"No," I say stubbornly.

"Genviève! Just come here!" Damien orders. I roll my eyes and follow him into the closet.

At that moment- I find out...

It wasn't a closet.

"Oh my gawwdd," I say obnoxiously gaping at the room.

"I knoooow, right?!" Damien half shouts.

What I had guessed was a closet- turned out to be a parlor! A small one, but a parlor none the less.

"Each hallway has a master bedroom- not including the Lord's quarters," Damien says. I raise my eyebrows. "This is a very old house Jonny," Damien says.

"Not that old...America had gotten its independence when they came here Damien...they didn't have any Lord's. That's in England," I say entering the room while running my fingers curiously over the couches.

"Not that kind of Lord. It was mostly for the wealthy people who had owned this home. The Lord and Lady of the household," Damien states. I nod.

"Isn't this a bit feminine for you?" I ask turning around with a smirk.

"Fuck you," Damien laughs. "At least I have two rooms,"

"Hey! I have a parlor...it's in the middle of the room. The widow's of the house weren't a very respectable status in society then," I rolled my eyes. "So her parlor was in the same room,"

The windows fly open, not before letting out a rattling shudder.

Damien rushes to close it. "That's odd...not much of a wind,"

I leave the room.


For the next month, more and more violent happenings have taken place. Not physical to any of us.

But random things. Paintings falling. Doors opening. Doors shutting. Chairs tipping over. Cushions throws around.

"Jonny...we need to talk," Damien says grabbing my arm. A huge slam upstairs erupted through the house. Damien and I were in the main parlor. The parents were downtown. The slam came from upstairs.

"Dames it was just my door- I left my window open..." I said quickly. Damien grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front door that was open.

It slammed shut. Damien turned to me frustrated.

"Did your fucking window do that too?" He glared.

"Damien..what's wron-"

"Shut up," Damien growled. He reached for the door.

It automatically locked itself.

"Fuck you!" He shouted angrily out loud. I knew who it was directed to, however.

He unlocked the door and opened it taking me outside. He led me to a small cafe and sat me down in a secluded booth.

"What the hell is going on Jon?" Damien asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"Genviève, tell me the truth. These...things...are happening when you're around. The paintings across the room fall when you enter. The windows from your room fly open when we're downstairs. Cushions 4 yards away from you fly off the couch....it's like...it's trying to get your attention..." Damien says look at me with a confused tone.

I sighed and thought back to our kiss.

I don't even know his name.

"It doesn't want to hurt you though..." Damien says softly. I look up at him and slowly say.

"We kissed,"


Damien suggested for a few days that I should stay at the hotel. The house would be fine without me.

He wanted to perform...an experiment of some sort. He was disturbed when I told him. But like any natural older brother-

Cringed and said maturely, "Ewwww,"

Damien said that the cleaning process would be faster if certain distractions weren't there.

I stayed at the hotel for close to two weeks.

One morning Damien woke me up.

"Ma and Pop are going to take us out for breakfast," He said.

"Is she awake?" Pa asked entering the room. Following him was Ma.


"Actually...uhh Pa, do you think I could go to the manor?" I asked. I paused for a moment. "Alone?"

"Don't call it the manor," Pa rolled his eyes.

At the same time Damien and Ma said "No,"

I looked at them in confusion.

"Hun, I don't think its safe if you go back alone," Ma said slowly. Damien nodded ferociously.

"Pa!" I whined. Pa looked a little skeptical.

"Your mother may be right...I mean all the things that's been happening-" Pa shook his head.

"What?! What's been happening?" I was sitting up now. I looked at Damien with a glare. "What happened while I wasn't there?"

Damien sighed. "He's upset...I think he's look for you," Damien scowled.

"He?" Ma and Pa asked at the same time.

"NO. No way am I letting you go back. A boy! A BOY!" Pa ranted. I rolled my eyes.

"Pa...Pa...PA!" I shouted. He stopped and looked at me. "We might as well go back to California then. If I can't go back to our home...then what's the point of moving here?" I asked.

Pa shook his head.

"Papa listen. I know...I know...it is a..he...but he never hurt me. I...talked to him," I winced waiting for the result.

"What!" all three chorused.

"Just...let me go...I promise you...nothing will happen. I just know," I say looking up at them with the most sincerity I could muster.


The car pulled away and I saw Damien glare at the house with hatred. I waved.

I was standing in front of the house now. I took a shaky breath and walked up the steps.

I swore I saw the curtains shift and then move back. I opened the door.

In less than a second- the door slammed shut behind me. I heard footstep.

I stood my ground though. Casually walking in from the parlor, he rushed to me.

And grabbed my shoulders.

"Where have you been," He gushed. I stared at his face. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

I blinked.

My lips twitched into a smile.

Then a laugh.

"You're..you...uhm...haaaahaaaa," I ramble like a crazy person.

His lips parted, he smiles at me in a amused way.

I close my eyes and then open them.

He's still there. Holding my shoulders. I let out a crazy laugh.

"How are you doing today, Casper?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes and lets go.

"I thought they sent you back...to where ever you came from," he sighed.

Now we were a respectable distance apart. I reached up with my right hand and tried to touch his face. He closed his eyes for a moment. His features sunk in now. If I closed my eyes...I could definitely know what he had looked like.



Pale...of course..

Brown messy hair.

Squashed nose.

Huge eyes.

Big lips.

My fingers slipped right past his cheek, disappearing through a wispy cloud. I quickly brought my fingers back with a gasp.

"Holy fuck!" I jump, rubbing my other hand was nursing my fingers. They were cold.

"But..but...you just...touched me a second ago..." I said stammering.

"Honestly? I have no clue how that happened," He said.

I laughed again.

"I'm going crazy," I said walking past him and into the parlor.

"You're not going crazy," He said sitting on the opposite couch from me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. "Then why the hell have you been so violent?!"

"You were the one who fucking ran away from me like I was some sort of..." He stood up angrily.

I shot right up as well.

"Like what?! Huh, Casper? Like a GHOST???" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry, I must have missed the whole 'friendly ghost' gimmick,"

"You-....you....you kissed me!" He finally said.

We both became silent.

In one swift movement he stepped forward, grabbed my neck and pulled me forward.

We kissed each other passionately.

My hands found his hair. His hands found my waist.

Our bodies both became acquainted with each others'. We were pushing against each other so close, you'd imagine we haven't seen each other in years...

We both pulled away in unison.

"Hi, I'm Genviève Lavoie," I say breathlessly.

"You are incredibly French," He replies. I smile slightly.

"Hi..." He finally says.

"I'm Brendon Urie,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, yes...you finally know who the story is about...

The one and only Brendon Boyd Urie.

La dee frickin' daaa.


Nyaahaaaa. He's dead. :)