Jinxed Things Ringing

I Missed Your Skin When You Were East

"Ever since yesterday, I can't stop thinking about you. I mean, I've known you practically my whole life,"

Under my eyelids, I blinked. With a yawn, I slowly opened my eyes.

I could see Brendon across the room.

"I want you. I want you so bad," he said.

I let my head drop to my pillow and I closed my eyes.

"Bren, it's just a backpack," I say. My voice is croaky from waking up.

"Plus," I add. "That's...really gross..."

"Don't judge me," I could hear the pout in his voice.

"It's a little Mexican hoochie that talks to inanimate objects,"

"You racist bitch!"

"I have to pee," I say and get out of bed.

"Classy," Brendon nods as I pass him.

I turn the faucet on for the bathtub and let the water run. While the bathtub is filling up, I brush my teeth to pass the time. I go up the steps to my room and open the armoire.

"Dahm dah ooni-fawhr," I say pulling out the hanger containing my uniform.

"Uniform?! Goddamn woman...warn me before you look sexy! I have to prepare myself!" Brendon yells at me.

Brendon started opening up and was showing his true personality.

Which happened to be a typical teenage boy.
Poor guy hasn't had a friend in over 20 years.

I went back down to the bathroom and rinsed out my mouth. Stripping carefully, so that I wouldn't slip on the polished tiled floor, I entered the hot water.

"Not enough bubbles," I muttered, lifting my hair and tossing it over the edge and leaning back.

"Hey kiddo do you ha- a...ha...haa.....a..." Brendon trailed off as he walked down the steps holding a magazine in his hands. He quickly blushed and turned around.

"Jeebus! Seriously wear a bell!" I say ferociously blushing and pulling the curtain further towards my neck, so only that my neck and face were showing.

"Sorry," Brendon muttered. I blinked and let my face cool down.

"It's...uhm...fine," I say. Brendon turned slowly around and all I can tell you is:

Awkward turtle

I have never been in such an awkward position in my life. I just sat in the tub while Brendon just stood there.

His face just became pinker, and pinker...and wham.

Add a stem and call him a cherry.

"I...I'm going...to just- uh...yeah," with that Brendon shuffled back around and bolted upstairs.

I sighed and let myself sink into the water.


"Hey Brendon," I say skipping down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey uhm...hi...uhhh," Brendon looked up at me.

"Genviève?" I asked.

"Yeah...Genviève...hi Genviève," Brendon repeated himself. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm...sorry," He said guiltily.

"It's fine, really. I'll buy you a bell, I swear," I shrug walking across the kitchen.

Boy and let me tell you how big the kitchen is. Think of your kitchen. Then double it's size.

I know!

I got the box of Cinny Crisp out of one of the cabinets.

"What the hell is that?" Brendon scrunched up his nose and pointed obnoxiously to my cereal box.

"Cinny (pronounced- Sinny) Crisp," I say shaking the box letting the content make noise.

I pour some into the bowl and let him look at the golden squares clink in the hollow space.

"Oh...my GAWD!" Brendon shrieked and jumped up and down.

"I know! It's nutritious AND delicious!" I yell and jump around with him exaggerating my happiness.

"NO!" Brendon shakes his head. He pauses, "Shut up," he glares at me for mocking him.

"That!" he says pointing to the box. "Is Cinnamon Toast Crunch,"

My lips twitch into a slow smile.

"Say what again?" I ask tilting my head towards him to hear him.

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The taste you can see!" Brendon repeats himself proudly.

"Uhm...Cinny Crisp. Scrumptious to your sight," I inform him.

Brendon's mouth drops. And let me tell you. I had an urge at that moment to put my head in his mouth, and yell "Voilà!"

"You're fucking me,"

"That would be rape," I say plopping a spoon in the bowl.

"This is so silly!" Brendon stares at my cereal.

"Just because you're old," I sigh. Brendon narrows his eyes.

"Do you see grey hair on this lustful head of hair?" Brendon asks.

"Do you see any color in your hollow scrawny body?" I mock him. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh hush. I'm not that scrawny," he rolls his eyes.

"Ok bones," I say pouring milk into the cereal.

"Oh good you're awa-"

And no. It wasn't Damien who entered the kitchen at that moment.

It was my parents.

Brendon sat there. Petrified and shocked. As did I.

I could hear Brendon squeak, I knew he was going to vanish.

But I did the most irrational and most ludicrous thing that had instantly made my body perform.

I darted to Brendon and flung myself at him. In those nanoseconds, I was somehow sure that I wouldn't go through his body- but that he would catch me.

He did.

I looked up at him, as he looked down at me with scared eyes.

"Don't let go," I demanded. He didn't but squeezed harder.

"Jon," He squeaked out. His voice was so shaken up, he sounded like he was about to cry.

"Bren, whatever you do. Don't let go," I said sternly. "I figured it out. Every time your energy is at it's peak- you gather enough to manipulate...sensory skills," I rush out.

Brendon's breathing became heavy. Well...he wasn't breathing per say...but hyperventilation.

He held me tighter.

"Genviève," My mother said sternly causing me to look back at her. I tried to move away but Brendon would let go.

"No way Genviève. I can feel you," Brendon said.

"Excuse me?" Pa asked dangerously.

"Ma...Pa..." I say slowly.

And what do I say to introduce Brendon?

"This is Casper,"


After I showed my parents, and had Brendon reluctantly let me go, I demonstrated by touching Brendon's cheek.

Brendon's face fell as my finger went through a wispy stream. I knew he was hoping I would be able to touch him.

Ma nearly fainted, Pa looked horrified. They asked so many questions to which we both answered. My parents were still not satisfied.

In the end, they both decided to stay home from work to talk to Brendon.

I was on my way to Damien's room. Brendon was walking with me.

"I don't want to stay and talk to your parents. I'm scared," Brendon pouted. His demeanor suddenly changed as he threw himself at me with happiness.

I gasped as he fell through me. I shivered violently when the experience was over. I had never had been fully through him.

My whole body was covered in a light frothy ice.

"Bren!" I gasped. Brendon turned around.

"Dammit," He muttered. "Sorry...I just thought..." he trailed off.

"I know. I don't blame you," I sent a small smile his way, while dusting off the frost that quickly melted.

We walked down the hallway and up to Damien's door.

"Damien!" I called to him pounding the door.

A pause.

"What!" I faintly heard his voice.

"I need to ask you a favor!" I yell to him bouncing on my toes.


"I'm not driving you to school!"

"Oh come on Dames! I never ask you for anything!" I shout.

"You always ask me for everything!" Damien shouted back.



"Dammit," I kick Damien's door letting a loud thud erupt through the hallway.

We both go downstairs where both my parents are talking to each other animatedly. No secret that it was about Brendon.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lavoie, may I walk Genviève to school?" Brendon asked.

Ma looked at Pa. Pa was about to decline, obviously, when Brendon interjected.

"I know where the school is. She won't get lost. I promise I'll come back. I want to straighten things out," Brendon said boldly. I looked at him in admiration.

Pa finally sighed. "Sure Brendon," He agreed.

Bren threw a cunning look my way and we left through the door of the kitchen.

"You are so boyfriend material," I say to him as we walk onto main street.

"I am," He agreed. I laughed. "What do you think they'll ask me?" Brendon inquired.

"Probably how long you've been living here. What you do here. The reason why nobody stll lives there," I sneaked in the last one, Brendon giving me a playful glare.

"You look cute in your uniform," Brendon said throwing a smile at me. I blushed.

"I feel like a fucking elementary kid," I said with my Dora the Explorer backpack.

"You are to me," Brendon laughed.

"Oh shut it Grandpa," I retorted.

We joked around as Brendon led me to school. Obviously nothing wrong with two "teenagers" walking to school together, so Brendon didn't hide himself.

I couldn't help but notice his clothing.

He was wearing tight black jeans with a large belt. A plain white cotton shirt and an unbottoned blue plaid shirt on top.

"So you never change clothes?" I asked.

"Not for 20 years," Brendon shrugged.

"Wait, so what if you became physical form again. You could change clothes and then would those clothes stay?" I asked.

"That's a good question," Brendon shrugged. He smirked slowly. "But you'd have to touch me to get dressed,"

I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

Main Street became Court Street. We decided to take the long way...well Brendon did. We still had time to spare.

We took a right on Summer Street and merged onto Newfield Street. Jenney Pond was on the left so we decided to stop and admire the view. Brendon informed me that Nelson Beach was a mile away and that he'd take me one day.

I sighed as we stood on the bridge and told him we needed to move on.

Walking along again we merged a short left on Birch Avenue, then Towns Street and finally on South Street.

Turning left on the merge of South Street was Obery Street. He led me to the center of the street also letting me know that if we had kept walking on South Street we would have came upon South Plymouth High school. The rival.

Across the street was the Jordan Hospital. I asked Brendon what the difference in schools was and he said there really wasn't any.

I nodded.

"Do you want me to come with you inside?" Brendon smirked.

"Yes actually," I said.

"You're not embarassed to have me go in with you?" Brendon snorted.

"No. Should I be? Unless you were purposefully trying to mock me on this matter. It's my first day at a new highschool. That would be harsh Bren," I said.

"God you make teasing you difficult," He rolled his eyes. He reached for my hand as we walked forward.

How could I tell he reached for my hand? I felt icy.

"Sorry," He mumbled not looking at me. I smiled at him. I wanted so badly to do nothing else but hold his hand. Not because of my nerves for school.

But just the longing to feel him again.
He probably wanted to touch me more than anything after hugging me this morning.

That's when it occured to me- he hadn't had any physical contact with anyone for over 20 years! Imagine his sexual frustration!

Don't laugh! It's quite sad actually. It had also hit me, that any type of flirting or affection towards me was only natural since he hadn't any company for a while.

"Man, high school girls got hotter since I was your age," Brendon said passing a group of giggling girls.

Thanks Bren. Perfect timing to interrupt my thoughts.

We walked onto the thresh hold of my new school and into the office. The middle-aged brunette lady looked up at us.

"Are you lost little girl?" She asked me.

My mouth could not have dropped any lower, than when Brendon's had when he saw the cereal box this morning. Brendon laughed and I had to shoot him a glare to make him stop.

"I'm attending this school, actually," I said bitterly. The woman looked taken aback.

"O-oh! I'm so sorry! It's...uh...just your backpack," She quickly said. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"He chose it," I said gesturing to Brendon. Brendon immediately shut up and coughed.

"Yes...well...she's new," Brendon finally said.

"Are you as well attending? You're not wearing uniform. New as well?" The lady asked.

"Oh..uhm...no," I quickly said. "He's out of high school," I said.

Brendon looked at me raising his eyebrow. He didn't look mad, but amused.

"It's true," I shrugged.

"Boyfriend?" She asked. "Legal boyfriend, I hope. Now that he's out of high school," She chuckled as she clicked away at the computer.

"Of course not," I added chipperly. The secretary looked at me gaping. I smiled triumphantly.

"I'll have Bridget help you," She said in shocked tone. A girl walked over and Brendon looked at me adoringly.

"I guess I'll leave you lover," Brendon said exaggerating. I laughed.

"Okay...we'll finish up what we left off at home," I purred. Brendon left. I thought of something quickly.

"One sec, Bridge," I chirped. I ran out towards the entrance where Brendon was walking. I threw myself on his back.

Shockingly I had latched on.

"Oh Jesus!" Brendon said worriedly when he turned his head to look at me.

"I wanted to say thank you," I smiled at him. "I guess I found a new way to make you...whole," I smirked.

Brendon carefully turned around to face me, making sure not to lose contact. He held my waist and dipped his head to knock his forehead against mine.

"No problem kiddo," he said. In a flash Brendon pecked my lips.

"B-Bren," I blinked taken aback. He squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them up tossing me a grin.

"I know. Sorry. I had to," He said with his smirk.

"Horndog," I rolled my eyes. "Good luck," I say with a serious tone, hoping his day with my parents goes alright.

"One more for the road?" He asked. I shift my eyes to see if the secretary is watching.

She is.

I hold Brendon's face and plant one on his lips with as much "passion" as I could muster. It was only my third kiss ever.

The other two still been stolen by Brendon.

"Bye lover," I say in a breathy tone as loudly as I can. He laughed and reluctantly let me go. I could feel the icy breeze retreating from my body.

I casually walked back to Bridget who watched me with a hint of amusement and envy.

"So Bridget. Care to show me around? Great," I ask/answer as we walk away. Not before I turn around to the secretary woman and say,

"It's not a free show lady,"

While I was actually thinking,

"Oh my God, I kissed a 42 year old ghost named Brendon..."
♠ ♠ ♠
I added the uniform thing. I'm pretty sure Plymouth North High School doesn't have a uniform code. Yes the school is real. I don't attend there.

I live in California. :P

But I use to live in Boston when I was younger. I thought it would be neat to "live" there again through my main character.

The streets are indeed real, as well as Jenney Park. I'm not sure if the picture is correct. But it is non-fictional place.