Jinxed Things Ringing

Do This All the Time

"Jon! Hey Jon! Genviève!!"

I quickly turned around to hear the last part.

Unfortunately everyone looked the same in their uniforms, so I wasn't really sure who my eyes were scanning for.


My eyes finally focused on the out of breath kid leaning on his knees to catch some air.

"Hi Roger," I exclaim.

"You...are....an...ex-....tremely...fast...walker," Roger gasped. I shook my head and laughed at him.

"Lemme see your sched." Roger said ignoring Bridget. I glanced at her and she rolled her eyes at Roger.

"You two friends?" I asked her with an amused look. She reeled her face back and gave me a "What-are-you-on?!" look. I raised my eyebrow at her attitude which was responded with an "Ughckk," sound. She thrust the folders at Roger and walked away.

"Drink warm milk honey!" I called after her. "That phlegm in your throat doesn't sound too pleasing!"

I turned back to Roger, "Girls these days," I say jabbing my thumb behind me. Roger shook his head and went through my schedule.

"My God woman...the only non advanced thing you're taking is PE," Roger said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Which I didn't even have to take in California," I groaned.

"Wow...you guys are fat," Roger said. I rolled my eyes.

"Nah. I went to a private school that wasn't apart of the district. They made their own rules," I rolled my eyes. I really did miss that school.

"You guys are so much more ahead than us..." Roger said scratching his head.

"Well if you ever need a tutor," I shrug with a laugh.

"Yeah...haah.." Roger laughs lamely. "Oh wait cool, we have French together!"

"I wouldn't imagine you to take French," I smile.

"Well the German teacher is shit," Roger rolls his eyes. I raise my eyebrows.

"Ich will ein bon bon," I say to him. It's Roger's turn now to raise his eyebrows.

"Oooohhh...sie wollen ein bon bon, eh?? Interesting.." Roger repeats my question suggestively. "I could provide this for you,"

I gasp and push his shoulder.

"Lets get to le Francais, it's first,"


"Bonjour," Monsieur entered the class with a bored look.

"Bonjour Proffeseur," the class chorused back. I slipped a smile at how pathetic everyone sounded.

"Quel jour est-il aujourd'hui?" he asked with a yawn.

Somebody replied with a stutter. After what seemed like standard questions, he caught sight of me.

"Ahhh. New student," He said with interest. "New?" He asked. "Eechanté,"

"Moi aussi," I replied.

"Parlez vous le francais? Et bon?" The professer asked.

"Un peu," I say.

"Oh mondieu. D'où viens-tu?" He asked.

"De la Californie," I replied. The teacher's eyes widened when I told him where I came from.

"Comment sont les mecs?" He asked with a glint in his eye. My smile widened and I let out a laugh.

"OH LA!" I shrieked with laughter. The class watched us with intense curiosity. "Ils sont bien," I manage a decent answer. The professor turned back at me with a laugh and continued his lesson.

School is going to be too easy.


"I'm home!" I yell out to the house, my voice vaguely catching onto an echo. I shrug and drop my blue blazer onto the ground.

But what I didn't notice is that my blazer didn't touch the ground, because immediately after I dropped it,

It came back at my face.

"ACK!" I said suddenly being suffocated by my own jacket. "Damn you poltergeist!"

"I was going to pick you up from school. How'd you get here so fast?" Brendon asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't seem like you'd be there to get me any time soon, mister," I glare and walk into the kitchen, Brendon trailing behind me.

"How was your first day of school," Brendon asked in a falsetto voice. I laughed at him.

"Gooooood. I made an enemy," I say in a little girl's voice.

"Oh my baby's getting future death threats," Bren sighed. I smiled at his voice. "But you didn't answer my question missaaaay. How'd you get home so fast?"

"Roger dropped me off," I say, twisting the cap of a water bottle off.

"Roger?" Brendon asks.

"Mhmm...Damien and I met him the first day we came here. Like...right before we even got to the house," I say.

"Aw phooie," Brendon pouts. "I thought I was the first one to claim you eye candy,"

"Sorry bud," I shrug.

"Did he actually come down the street?" Brendon smirked.

"You'd wish," I laughed. Everyone was too petrified to come down our lonely, empty street.

"Guess what," I told him.

"You're prego,"

"I'm what?"


"What the hell is a prego?"

"You've never heard....never mind...it's short for 'pregnant'..but anyways. What?"

"Oh fuck you-"

"That's what she said,"

"Who said?"



"She said..."

"Who is this she Brendon?"


"Brendon what the hell are you talking about?!"

"God!! What the fuck is wrong with this generation!" Brendon blew up in my face. My lips parted in shock. He angrily got up and disappeared.

No later than a minute, I heard a loud smash.

"What did I say?" I asked to myself.


"Ma, Pa?" I asked as I walked into the room. They both were sitting in their bed talking to each other.

Ma was reading a magazine and Pa was just resting.

"Hey hun, how was school?"

"It was fine. I got pretty good classes, I'll show you the schedule later...uhm..." I started slowly. "How did your day with Brendon go?"

Ma and Pa exchanged looks and sat up.

"Well honey..." Pa trailed off.

"He's not going to leave, is he?" I asked worriedly.

"Jon, we just don't know how comfortable we are with having a boy in the house," Ma said.

"And we still don't know...how...this is still possible...he's around..." Pa shook his head. "I still think we're all going loony,"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

"Papa...please don't make him leave...He's been here longer than you've known about this place," I pleaded.

"Do you know how old he is?" Pa asked me.

"He looks about 18," I shrugged.

"No...how old is he really?" Pa said.

"42," I replied. It sounded awkward coming from me, and then having the actual image of young Brendon.

"It's just that...there's a reason why nobody lived here for a while," Ma finally said.

"Brendon's a great guy! I know he wouldn't make people leave without a reason. He just probably loves this place! That's understandable...right?" I asked.

"Yes...but dear. Why is he letting us stay?" Ma asked rationally.

I didn't answer her.

I couldn't.

Because I didn't know.

"I don't feel comfortable with this...specter...around my teenage daughter," Pa shook his head. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

If anybody...Brendon shouldn't have to go.

"I'm leaving then," I say.

"Alright. See you later then," Pa said reclining.

"Papa, I'm serious. If Brendon doesn't stay. I don't stay,"

"Genviève," Ma said sternly. "Don't talk like that,"

"Mama I'm serious. If you think I'm the problem...then I'll go. It's not fair to have him leave. This is more of his home, than it is mine," I say boldly.

Pa rubs his eyes.

"Just give me time to let this sink in," Pa shakes his head disappointedly. I could tell he didn't approve, but it was one of those moments where he didn't want his daughter to be unhappy.

"Thanks Papa," I say.

As I leave the room, I feel a breeze on the back of my head...

I felt a pair of lips graze my neck...
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder if anybody realizes that I type these out at 4 in the morning.

The last chapter I stayed up the whole night for.

I didn't sleep. I'm sleepy. May I sleep now?

Please leave me a comment telling me I should continue or not. Let me know if I'm wasting my time not sleeping.
