Carry Me Home

Promise Me You Won't Leave My Side

"Oww, ok, sorry Frank" Mikey says giving Frank the puppy eyes.
"Aww, your forgiven Mikey" Frank says hugging him.


Walking back from my first day at a new school makes you really think.
I think i'll be happy here, i made some great new friends.
Las Vegas is very clean, looking around all the streets are cleanish. The gardens look well looked after.
I turn the handle on the front door of my house and walk in, as soon as i step in mum starts asking the questions.
"What was it like? Who did you sit with? she said taking my bag from me.
"Mum, it was fine" i say and start walking up the stairs to my room.
"Okay sweetie, dinners at 6:30!" she says and walks off into the kitchen.
I walk into my room and chuck my bag on my bed and lie down facing the ceiling.
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sooo, it's been a while.
this ones short i know. its holidays i will write more soon :)
noone ever really comments these anyway.
oh well, i like writing :)
i think there will only be like one more after this, i'll move on to something else.