His Little Drummer Girl

Adi is suspicious

Franky's POV

Fucking hell. Tre Cool, my Dad has just proposed to my mum on TV in front of millions of people. How embarrassing. I look over at Adrienne and she is crying. What for? This is meant to be a happy time. Mum and Tre look so happy together. Am I happy? Of course I am. My Mum and Tre are getting married. Mum and Tre. Mum and Dad.

It will be a few hours before they get home and after Joey and Jakob have gone to bed Adi and I start chatting. "How's that boy Charlie?" she asks.

"He's good," I say. "He's a bit jealous that I'm in California and he's still in damp England but yeah, he's good thanks" What's she asking about him for?

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"What? Charlie?" I blush. "No, he's not. I really like him though. He's always lived next door to us and he's just a real good friend. We know everything about each other."

"When I was your age I had this major crush on Mick Jagger" she suddenly said

"Mick Jagger, but he's ancient," I say to her.

"He was ancient then," said Adi laughing. "I really did believe that one day he would leave his wife, come and get me and take me away from everything and we would live happily ever after with loads of kids"

"Really" I said. What was she getting at? I think I knew. She obviously knows that I like Billie Joe. She thinks I have a major crush on him when really I love him. Let her think it's just a crush.

"Did you grow out of it?" I said looking away

"Yep. Grew out of it and then felt stupid. Looking back now I think I was crazy. He was old enough to be my father," she laughed. "But everyone has a crush at some point or other and you soon grow out of it when you start seeing boys your own age."

"Oh good" I said. "I'll remember that". I wanted to die and didn't like Adi much for bringing saying that.

When the guys come home there is a big celebration. Apparently Tre had put a ring on the rose stem. Nobody noticed apart from Mum. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was a diamond platinum ring but the diamonds formed a star. Everyone was cooing over this ring and I must admit it is gorgeous. Mum is very lucky.

"So when's the big day then?" asked Mike

"As soon as possible" said Tre

Mum looked up at him with big doe eyes.

"This lady here and that other little lady over there" he said pointing at me "need looking after. They need someone in their life permanently to look after them. That person is going to be me and I can't wait," he said hugging Mum close.

Everyone was cheering. I was happy but I still had to leave the room and be on my own for a bit, it was all so overwhelming. I went into the garden and started kicking a ball about.

"You OK?" my heart stopped. It was Billie Joe.

"Fine" I replied kicking the ball over to him

"What are you doing out here all alone then?" He asked kicking it back

"Just got a bit hot indoors. Everyone is so excited about Mum and Tre"

"Aren't you?" he said

"Well.. yeah.."

"But it all gets too much sometimes doesn't it. You want to go off on your own with your own thoughts, that right?"


"Look I was your age once Franky. I think I know exactly how you're feeling. It's a difficult age to be. I didn't have a dad then and I goddam wished I had. Mum had a boyfriend I didn't like and there were other brothers and sisters looking for attention. I was the youngest and smallest and didn't stand a chance. If I didn't have my music I don't know what would have happened. I'd have probably got into something bad. Who knows? You just have to see it through. Try and think positive. Now come back inside and put on that wonderful smile you've got. If not for your sake, then for your Mum and Tres. You're all so special to us you know."

He took my hand and led me into the house. Why can't you be younger and why can't I be older I thought to myself.

When I woke up the next day Tre said at breakfast. "I've got a surprise for you" he was grinning all over his face and mum was smiling too.

"What?" I said. "Tell me"

"Charlie's coming to stay"

"WHEN!" I said excitedly.

"Today" said Tre. Well to be more precise I'm picking him up at the airport in about an hour so if you want to come you'd better hurry and get dressed."

"No way" I said. "Charlie is coming here? When was this arranged?"

"Oh a few days ago" said mum "Tre said he wanted to surprise you with it. I'm surprised he's manage to keep it to himself for this long" she laughed.

Looking in the mirror I noticed that I'd got a bit of a tan and that my hair lightened in the sun. My blue eyes looked brighter because of the tan. I was pleased with how I looked. Bet Charlie doesn't even notice. I thought.

"Hey you look great," said Charlie coming out of the airport. He was pale looking from being in England. "This is fabulous," he said looking around.

We sat in the back of the car together and I asked him about school and he was asking what I'd been up to. He said he'd seen in the papers that my mum and Tre were engaged. It was big news for one day in England and had even been on the breakfast news.

"You're kidding," I said. I felt so embarrassed that everyone knew but felt a million miles away from England so it didn't really matter.

Mum was waiting at the door and gave Charlie a hug. Tre was laughing. "These two are like an old married couple," he said. "They haven't stopped talking and gossiping all the way home."

"Shut up Tre" I said. Charlie's face was a picture; he couldn't believe that I'd told Tre to shut up.

"Oh by the way thank you Tre and Sammi for inviting me over. Thank you for buying the tickets" Charlie said as if they'd given him the world.

"You're more than welcome," said Tre. "Now come on in and Franky will show you around."

While the kids were playing in the pool and Tre and Sammi were cooking, they discussed their wedding plans.

"How about a New Year wedding?" said Tre while chopping carrots

"That soon?" said Sammi

"Not soon enough for me" said Tre

"When's the tour over?" Sammi asked

"December, mid December. We could get married just after that?"

"I'd like that"

"That's decided then. Whatever you want you can have. How about New Year's Eve?"

"Wonderful" Sammi said. "I love you Mr T.C"

"I love you too sexy butt" he replied shoving a piece of carrot into my mouth
"So are you going to come and live with me before then or after the wedding? Do you want to get married here or in England?" said Tre

"If you'll have me I'd love to live here as soon as possible," Sammi said. "I'll fly home to England and sort stuff out and then get back as soon as I can. I don't want to be away from you anymore Tre" Sammi hugging him. "And lets get married here. Jen and her boys can come over. There's no one else. Mum and Dad are gone and there's no other family"

"When did your mum die?" said Tre not realising. He knew Sammi's father had died when she was a child as she'd mentioned in back in 1992.

It was about four years ago from breast cancer. My aunt died from it too about 10 years ago. Us girls have to be very careful you know, I'm always checking myself for lumps.

"Can I check you for lumps now?" said Tre and pulling one of his many funny faces. Sammi patted his hand away.

"Actually" said Tre "I have some other news for you"

"What's that"?

"Jen and the boys are coming over next week. I can't keep it from you. She's coming to live with Mike. For good"

"You're kidding," I said although a bit of me wasn't surprised

"No. She's sold up and the boys seem really pleased. Mike is over the moon. It's going to be difficult at first but I'm sure they'll be fine."

"One big happy family" Sammi said. "Tre I only want a small wedding. It won't be on the news and the papers will it?"

"We'll do our best to keep it out but we could issue one photograph. Just to keep them happy."

In the Garden...

"This house is awesome," said Charlie
"It sure is, but I'm used to it now" I say.

We are kicking a football back and forth but Charlie is such a good player that I can never get the ball passed him. It gets real hot so we decide to get down to our swimsuits and jump into the pool.

"I think I'm gonna really enjoy these next couple of weeks" said Charlie splashing me and I noticed he was looking at my bikini top.

"Me too" I say.

Actually Charlie looks quite hot in his trunks. May be its time I did start to try and forget the Billie Joe thoughts and get on with my life...