His Little Drummer Girl

Some devastating news

Two days later...

"Mum is something wrong?" Said Franky. "You and Dad have been quiet all morning."

Sammi sighed. "Look honey. I've got to go for a check up this morning at the hospital."

"What sort of a check up" I asked. Could mum be pregnant again?

"I.. er.. I found this lump and I'm just going to get it checked and removed. Its probably nothing" she said. "I don't want you worrying OK," she said to me. How could I not?

"Oh Mum" I said. Dad came over then and we all hugged together.

At the hospital...

The wait was awful. We'd only been sitting outside the room for about 5 minutes but it seemed like 5 hours.

Then the doctor's door opened and he asked us to join him. Tre and I held hands real tightly. We sat down on the chairs opposite the doctor's huge mahogany desk.

"There is good news and bad news Mrs Wright," said the Doctor. "The bad news is the lump was malignant." I heard Tre gasp. I was motionless. "But the good news is that we seem to have caught everything. We just ask that you come back in to hospital every four weeks for check ups especially as regards the history of breast cancer in your family."

I looked over at Tre and he had relief written all over his face. I Love him. He's been so worried about this over the past few days.

"Book an appointment on your way out and I shall see you in four weeks". Said the Doctor.

We held hands all the way back to the car without speaking. When we got home Francesca had seen the car pull up and was at the front door waiting for the news.

"Mum how did it go?" she looked anxious, my little girl.

"It looks as though they've caught everything," I said going up to her. "I just need to go for regular check ups. That's probably better than checking myself"

"Oh Mum I've been so worried" she said giving me a hug.

"Oh honey. That feels like one of mike's bear hugs." We laugh.

That night in bed Tre was holding me so tight I could hardly breathe.

"Tre, you're hurting me," I say.

"Sorry" said Tre. "I can't get close enough to you. I'm so happy about the results, but please make sure you check yourself more often in future."

"I will, and you can help" I laugh. "Tre?"

"Yep babe"

"You've not seen my tattoo for a few days have you?" I said laughing

"Well now, lets have a look and see where its gone shall we" he said diving under the quilt.

The next day...

"Tre, where have you been?" I asked stirring the casserole as Tre walks into the Kitchen. "I tried calling you a few times but your phone was switched off. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. Think so." Said Tre in a pained voice. He came and sat down at the table looking pale.

"Well you don't sound it" I say. "What's wrong with your arm?"

Tre was holding his arm awkwardly. He had something on his wrist.

"Is that a bandage on your wrist?" I say going over to him. "Tre what's happened to you? Are you injured?"

"No. Take a look." He removed the white swab and underneath was a tattoo. It read "Nice Ass!"

"Tre! What did you go and have that done for?" I asked him. "It looks so sore"

"It fucking is!" said Tre. "That's why I don't get tattoos done. They kill me! Get me some painkillers please honey" he said. He was breathing heavily from the pain and sweating with it too.

"Oh Tre" I say going over to the cupboard. "You're mad. I hope it was worth it"

"THEY are worth it," he answers.

"What do you mean they?" I say getting a glass of water for him.

Then he takes off his top and he has a bandage on his chest. He removes it and tattooed above his right nipple he has my name with a tiny pink heart next to it.

Four weeks later...

I'd had my check up and tests done and once again was waiting outside the doctor's office.

"Mrs Wright" the doctor said coming out the door. "Oh! Is Mr Wright not with you today?" he asks looking around

"No he's doing an interview today so I just thought I'd come here on my own" I said walking into his office confidently and just wanting this to be over with so I could get back home, I wanted to cook Tre's favourite meal for him tonight.

"Mrs Wright" said the doctor in a serious voice. "I'm afraid its not good news"

Everything drained out of me. "In what way?" I asked in a voice that didn't quite sound like mine.

"Well. The scan shows that you seem to have developed two lumps in the right breast and also one in the left. We will have to operate immediately to remove them. We will test of course to see if they are cancerous but to be honest with you I think they probably are."

"What happens then?" I asked robotically

"Well we'll keep you in and you'll have to have a course of chemotherapy to fight the cells. We should know more about the cells after the chemo. I'm sorry Mrs Wright. Can I call anyone for you?"

"Yes please. My husband." I muttered.

An hour later I was in a hospital room in bed, all alone. The past hour passed in a haze. I couldn't think straight.

Then the door opened and there he was. It struck me again how handsome he was. He had on a wonderfully smart black suit, black shirt and a stripy black and white tie that was slightly at an angle. His hair was sticking up at the front and he had his eyeliner still on. His face was drained of all colour.

We didn't speak for ages. He just came over and we hugged and he held my hand and sat in the chair next to the bed. "You smell so good" I eventually said to him. "I love it and you've put your black nail varnish on just for me." I laughed stroking his hand.

"I love you Sammi" was all he said. He sounded real sad. My poor Tre.

"You'll have to tell Francesca tonight Tre. We can't keep this from her. Please tell her and bring her in tomorrow. I need to see her"

"OK" was all he said. I watched him walk out the door. He looked like he'd aged 10 years and had the whole world on his shoulders...


Dad has told me that my mum has breast cancer and that she will be in hospital for a while. I can't believe it. We were all so happy just getting on with our lives and enjoying it. Poor Mum, but Dad said we have to keep positive for her and not to let her see that we are sad.

I can hear him on the phone to Billie and then he calls Mike, within half an hour they are at the house. Those three can't stay away from each other I thought. How lucky to have people to turn to at a time like this.

I can't sleep for thinking about it. I just want mum to get better and we can just get on with everything again.

Two weeks later...

Mum is still in hospital but she doesn't look that bad really. She is allowed home tomorrow but not allowed to do too much so Dad says we've got to help her out. I think Mum is going to be OK after all.

The doorbell rings and I can see his familiar outline through the glass of the front door. Billie Joe. Funny my stomach doesn't lurch so much now but I know my feelings will never change and I can hide them well.

"Hi Titch" he said as I opened the door. "Dad around?"

"No he's over at the hospital visiting mum," I answer opening the door wide enough so he can come in.

"How's she doing?" he asked stepping into the house.

"OK I think. Hopefully she'll finish the tests and chemo and be coming home soon" I say and then suddenly for no apparent reason I burst into tears, its all got too much.

Billie Joe grabs me to him and snuggles me into him. I can smell his deodorant and gum all at the same time.

"Its OK" he says stroking my hair. "Come on, let's go through to the garden and sit in the shade. I'll fix you a drink. How about that" he says.

I just nod and he takes me out to the garden with his arm still around my shoulders.
He brings out two glasses of root beer.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I've made a mess of your t-shirt"

"No worries" says Billie "I have had much worse than that on my t-shirts believe me" and smiles. The smile that I love. He should do it more often.

He pours out two glasses of root beer and hands me one.

"You OK really?" he asks sympathetically. "Sorry. Stupid question when your mum is ill. Perhaps you should have come around to our house. I don't think you should be alone." Said Billie "you're welcome any time you know that."

"I know" I say.

The next thing was so embarrassing I could have died. I must have had some snot on my nose and he actually grabbed my tissue and wiped it off. Then he put the tissue in his pocket. Oh my god.

"Look, why don't you come around to ours now. The boys are at home and playing soccer in the garden. Come on lets make a team up against them. We can whip their asses" he laughs.

"OK then" I say.

I quickly send Dad a text message to tell him where I am then go upstairs to freshen up. When I come down Billie Joe has already washed up the dirty glasses and is waiting for me by the front door. It's only a short walk to his house.

"Have you done any more writing lately?" he asks as we walk along.

"Yeah. I'm so wide awake at night thinking about mum I can't sleep so that's when I've been writing."

"Cool" he replies. "Can I see your stuff sometime? You don't have to but I'd like to"

"May be," I say but wanting to change the subject. How the hell can I show a mega songwriter my stuff? How embarrassing would that be?

Joey and Jakob are at the front door when we arrive. They always manage to cheer me up this lovely family. Adrienne comes out to see me and kisses me on the cheek.

"What do you think of Billie Joe's hair?" she asks me

"Well... I quite like it" I say pretending I'd not seen it before.

"You're about the only one then," she laughs. "I think it looks awful and doesn't suit him," she says going back into the kitchen. How can Billie Joe ever look awful?

We played football for ages mixing and matching the teams then they all declared that I was the best player out of all of them. I loved this family they were such fun and so close.

I was just about to leave when Billie Joe suddenly felt in his pocket and brought out the snotty tissue. "Hey Franky, think this belongs to you" and then throws it at me. We then spend two minutes throwing the tissue back and forth and couldn't stop laughing. The boys must think we're nuts I think to myself. After throwing the tissue for what I decide is the last time I catch sight of Adrienne at the window but she doesn't seem very happy.

A few days later...

My breasts are real tender where they have operated but it's wonderful to be home. I've been home for two days and just feel about ready to start doing a few things about the house. I've prepared Tre's favourite meal of lasagna and can't wait for him to come home. I'm going to open a bottle of champagne but I am only allowed one glass because of the drugs.

Everyone enjoys the meal. It's just like before I went into hospital really and no-body talks about the cancer at all. I suddenly feel very tired so Tre orders me to bed while they clear up. I can hear them laughing and joking in the kitchen, I love them both so very much.

When Tre comes upstairs I'm suddenly wide-awake and ask Tre to make love to me. He can't believe it. "Are you sure honey?" he says. "Aren't you sore, I don't want to hurt you?" "No Tre. I love you, come here" I say to him putting my arms out. He is so tender and loving it is just as good as always and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next day...

"Hi Mike, it's Sammi" I said into the phone.

"Hi sweetheart, what's wrong? You sound anxious."

"Yeah I am, its Tre. He's been gone for hours and I can't seem to get hold of him on his phone. Its been switched off. I'm worried that something may have happened to him."

"Oh. Don't you have any idea where he could be?"

"No. No idea at all. He just said he had to pop out for a while. That was at 8am this morning. Now its 6pm and I'm concerned for him."

"You sound it honey. He's probably gone for a drive somewhere. You know Tre. Look do you want me to drive around and have a look for him? He may have gone up to the mountains. He used to drive up to the picnic spot up there and park up when he had a few troubles. He could be there you know."

"Oh Mike could you? I'd be so grateful. I know he's been through a lot lately and I'm so worried about him"

"No problems. I'll call you as soon as I know anything"

"Thanks Mike"

"Its fine Sammi, not a problem at all."

Mike called Billie Joe immediately and they both drove up into the mountains looking for Tre. On the approach to the picnic spot where Tre had been known to come if he had any worries they saw his car parked up.

"There he is" said Billie. "I'll call Sammi and let her know we've got him".

They parked up behind Tre's SUV and got out. Tre was in the driver's seat slumped over the wheel with his favourite photograph of Sammi and him at Milton Keynes. His eyes were red and swollen. He looked a mess.

Mike opened Tre's door.

"Hey buddy, you OK?" he said. "What you doing up here all alone? Come on out and get some air."

But Tre didn't answer. Just carried on staring at the photograph of Sammi.

"Come on man" said Billie. "You're not doing yourself or anyone any favours sitting up here all alone. Sammi's worried about you. Come out."

Tre got out of the car. His face was wet from crying. Billie handed him a spotty hanky and he wiped his face.

"Sorry guys, it all got too much. I had to get away on my own for a bit to think things through"

"We understand," said Mike putting his arms round Tre.

"She's back in for more treatment tomorrow," said Tre. "She's so brave, it's not fair. I'm so scared for her. What will I do if she doesn't pull through? I can't lose her.. I can't" he said sobbing onto Mike's shoulder.

"Its OK man" said Mike. "You cry if you have to, go right ahead, don't mind us"

Billie and Mike's eyes filled up with tears watching their best friend so upset. They hated all this and if they could do anything to help him they would.

"It's gonna be fine Tre" said Billie. "Sammi's a fighter, she's going to get through this you know then we'll all look back on it as though it had never happened. You'll see. She's tough"

"I know, but what if... "

"Don't go thinking that" said Mike. "Take each day a time. Now come on sort yourself out. Sammi's really worried about you and that's not going to do her health any good is it? Come on, I'll drive your car and Billie can follow us home."

Tre did as his friends suggested and got into his car in the passenger seat. He kept sniffing into Billie's hanky.

They pulled up onto Tre's driveway and Sammi was already there and came rushing out.

"Oh Tre I've been so worried about you" she said coming over to hug him.

Tre gave her the tightest squeeze ever and just said "hey babe, what you worried about me for, I'm a big ugly beast who can look after himself, just had to take a little time out. Now, I need to do some tattoo hunting... "

Mike and Billie watched their friend and Sammi enter the house. They felt so sorry for him and just hoped and prayed that nothing serious did happen to Sammi. How would Tre cope? How would any of them?