Welcome to My Not So Normal Life

Chapter Two

"Hi there." I smiled at Ryan. "Ready for date number two?" I was super hyper.

He smiled and replied, "Yes, I am. Are you ready?" I nodded. We walked along the dark road. "You're dressed slightly normal today." I looked down at myself. My dress was sort of nineties, like on Clueless.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a while.

"A little place. Just wait." He replied. I pouted and continued to walk by his side. We arrived at a little cliff overlooking the sea.

"This is so pretty!" I smiled. He kissed my neck.

"Carmen, I really like you, and I know it's kind of early in the relationship we've built but I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I kissed his lips ferociously. He smiled.
"Have fun?" Pete asked.

"Yes, I did. Did you have fun?"

"Uh, kinda pooped from the show, so I went to sleep."

"Why are you so normal?" I felt he had something to hide.

"Because it's time I grow up. I'm twenty-three years old and I need to act like."

"You're not twenty-three." He grinned and walked to his bunk. "Where is my baby?!" I yelled.

"Ah, you're home! I was waiting for the longest!" Joe gave me a hug. I smiled.

"I have great news!" I yelled.

"What?" He yelled back.

"Ryan and I are going out!"

"Wait, you've been going out since the first date."

"No, he has to ask first dummy!" I smacked him in the back of the head and changed in to my pajamas. "Good night Joseph, Patrick, Andrew, and Peter!"

"Good night Carmen." Pete answered. Someone grunted. I smiled to myself and went to bed.
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Sorry about the late update, I kept forgetting to post it. So sorry guys. Yes, it is a shitty chapter! Sorry again!