A Day in my cuckoos nest


Standing there in a dark hallway nothing in front of me but bars and shackles, sleeping patients in every corner. I'm dressed in all white, I cant remember a thing, "Where are my real clothes?" No one watching but a sleeping night guard. I walk slowly towards the nurses station open the door and move slowly to the file cabinet.

I open the cabinet sit in a bright red chair, I open the file and read...
*Diagnosis- Rage blackouts
*Symptoms- Blackouts, and extreme rage.

*Cure- 5 months of therapy (Daily)

I jump up out of my seat. scatter to the corner, keys jingling, that sound reminds me of the last sound I heard before I woke up in this place, "Chains!" I am hidden in the corner now I see a petite nurse walk into the room, I slowly get up out of the corner and move to the door so she doesn't see or hear me.

I open the door to see a very large night guard standing in front of me with handcuffs, he grabs my arms and puts the handcuffs on me. He pulls me and stars moving me towards the sleeping room, "No I don't want to got that way I want to get out of hear!" I am screaming now, then my knees go weak, then everything goes dark.
I awaken I cant move. I'm strapped to the bed, "My wrists hurt." I look at my hands there all bloody, "Was I beaten?" I lay back and try to ignore the throbbing pain, I feel like dying, I'm burning. Finally I fall asleep.

In the morning I wake up to a big watchman in my face, hes unstrapping me, he has bandages in his hands. I sit up, he takes my hands, and starts to wrap them in the cloth, he now hands me a pill and some water. I am now being sent to a room to get my check up.

I get walked into this white room to bright for my eyes. I get put on a table and wait for the doctor. Five minuets pass then I see this large woman with a bright red suit on come in, she starts to examine me. she checks my heart and my blood pressure, then she starts asking me all these questions. I cant answer any of them because I'm still confused, but then I start to scream again "I'm in pain!" "I'm tired!" I go on a rampage, searching for anything I can get my hands on to kill the pain. My bandages are soaked in blood. Then I stop and think "I'm not insane!" before I can get another thought across the big watchman comes in and grabs me, a sharp pain shoots through my head. Darkness rises.

I wake up lying in a white padded room with no windows "I'm suffocating." My head is throbbing. I'm thinking the worst now...

Death comes in mysterious ways, mine just happened to come painfully and disturbingly. I was mistreated, and miss diagnosed. I am in a mental institute. I wasn't here more than two days, but hey the pain is gone and there gonna pay. I don't blame myself I blame them.
I swear I'm not insane! =]
Get out alive
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This scared all my teachers at a certain point lol But hey this is how I write......hope you liked it.