Criminals Also Need Love Too. Right?

Chapter One

Well hello their. My name is Avon Maria Elizabeth Cortez or as know to the State jail cell mate 891. Yeah you can say I ‘m a trouble maker but does it look like I really care what you or any people think of me….Nope! I’m still incarcerated. I been rotting in this hell hole for 7 years. Yep you heard I been in juvenile since I was 13 Then moved to Adult Women Jail house till I was 19. Which is now. And I can just jump for joy…..NOT!

You must be looking at me like I have to heads sniffing crack. Well one thing first where do I go. Well I’m sitting here in my cell thinking where do I go at the moment. I just want to get the fuck out of here. Sure I been growing up in this place
But I don’t want to spend my life here OH GOD NO! That would SUCK! I know people that’s here for life I just got lucky. Wondering why I’m stuck here well that a long story I don’t really feel like talking about maybe later. Just telling that story gets me emotional just by laying on my bunk I feel uncomfortable thinking about it. Even the bunks here are uncomfortable.

I got up from my bunk and looked throw my small window. Seeing the sun out and seeing officers everywhere and convicts talking about. I wanted to go outside but everything is schedule for you and for me….I can’t go outside with other inmates. Why…Well that’s easy I beat the shit out my roommate and was token out of population. So the only good thing about not being in population is that I don’t have a roommate. But bad because I don’t really interact with others . Well except when we are allowed out our cells.

I turned around when I heard the count start. I hate the count that is one thing I’m not going to miss. Just hearing that night stick bang agents the medal bars and them counting gets on my nerves. Yes I do have anger issues. But if you don’t like it could I give you a tissue for your issues?

Once the banging noise stop at my cell I looked up to see Officer Reese.

“In position Avon” He said I got up not really in the mood to fight and walk to my cell door and turn my back and bend down to the door slot opening and put my hands behind my back. Once he cuffed me he opened the door and cuffed my ankles.

“All right lets go” He spoke again and started to walk down the hall hearing yells and banging’s.

“Not really talkative today Avon you mostly be cursing at me or threading me.” Officer Reese said. I raised my eyebrow.

“I’m not dumb ass. Now the more I do stuff to you and others it puts more time on me and in one more day I’ll be out of this hellhole so your lucky I want to leave” I said as I looked straight ahead of me. He nodded

Once we got to the door he opened it and walked me inside to see the 2 men sitting at a table. One of the men was my lawyer Mr. Hall and the other one is THE man that’s ahead of this place Mr. Nester but we just call him Nester without the Mr. part.

I stand in front of both of them with my head held high ready to get my news. Mr. Hall had the biggest smile I ever saw so I guess it’s really good then.

“ Cell Mate 891 we just read you profile to see that you are going to be released tomorrow morning at 4 to Hugoton Beach California. With 1 count of felony. The other 2 counts were token away. So consider your self lucky. You will be watch for 2 weeks of ankle bracelet. One slip and you will be back here for another year. During your 2 weeks you will get phone calls form Probation Officer or you can call your P.O for any questions. Once you leave this room you will get your ankle bracelet and pack up and in the morning you will be token off the premises and put on the Hound Bus to your trip Home. This meeting is over” Nester said and got up and walked out.

I was so happy I was leaving early. Mr. Hall got up and walk to me and gave me a hug and wished me luck. I walked back to my cell with a HUGEST smile on my face. I took down pictures of me and my friends and put them in piles and letters.

“Mail Call!” A guard yelled

They started to had them out. Once they got to me and slipped it into the opening of the door. I walk to towards it and open it up to see my best friend Meg wrote. Even when I been gone for 7 years we still talk by phone letter and by visits.

Dear, Avon

Hey what up! I can’t wait to see you! I Want you to so badly to meet my boyfriend and his friends! They been so good to me. Oh and you remember Val she said Hi and can’t wait to see you too when you come home! I told The Man w/e you call him that you were staying with me. Hope you don’t mind. Well see you on March 27th.


Please be good for the Man!

Once I was done reading the letter it felt like reality hit me hard upside the head that I’m really leaving. And it’s for good. I put that with others and looked out the window seeing the sun was not out anymore I put everything in a box they left for me in the cell and laid in bed.

“Lights Out!” A Officer said

The light went out once he said. I closed my eyes fell asleep. But only to be waken again hours later by a yell.

“ Cell Mate 891 Get Up!” Mr. Reese said I got up walk to the door and was cuffed. They opened my door and I stepped out and another Officer grabbed my things and I started to walk out of my Unit For the last time. Once we walked out to the front lobby they checked my things and searched me one last time. Once I was clean They Gave me clothing Meg left for me. Which was a black sweeter and a wife beater that showed my stomach and tattoos that I got from here which was two guns on each side. And stars going souring across my stomach. Also my two big wings I have on my back and my arm that had the names of my brothers and sisters names. I also put on tight pants and black sandals that also show off my other tattoo of a rose marry beads on my ankle. Meg also left my a pair of sunglasses and eyeliner and eye shadow. Once I did my make up and put my sunglasses.

Once I was done they walked me outside toward the Hound Bus and wished me luck. Once the bus start to move I was soo happy. I started to cry Not for sadness but for Joy I was finally out and for good!

I was ready for anything that comes my way