Criminals Also Need Love Too. Right?

Chapter Two

I looked around the bus to see if anyone else was on the bus besides me. Their only might have been 5 or 6 people on the bus probably for small charges. So I did not really paid attention to them because they were not at my standers. I looked outside my window feeling happy that I’m going home.

I’m mean who would not. I been in jail for years and I hate feeling tamed. I’ll finally get to go home and wake up when ever I want, eat anytime or anything I want and dress how the hell I want to be dress. Also not be in a place were their always drama and yells and cries for help.

I was snapped back to reality when someone called my name.

“Avon.” I looked to see guard.

“Yes” I answered seeing he had a clip board in his hand and a phone

“I s their someone going to pick you up or you are going to catch another bus to get home?” He asked while looking down at his clip board

“ I think my friend is going to pick me up” I said He nodded and passed me the phone he was holding

“You should call her make sure before we stopped I’ll go to give you some private time” He said and walk away. I could tell he wanted to stay next to me though.

I flip the phone open and started to dial Megs cell phone number. What just because I’m locked does not mean I can’t use the phone.

Once I dial the number it started to ring.




“Hello” said a happy tone voice and people in the background

“Hey….Its me Avon.” I said

“AVON!!! I miss you so much” Meg said

“I missed you too. I can’t wait to get home today.” I said

“Wait you coming home today OH MY GOSH! JIMMY I NEEDED MY CAR KEYS! FUCK IT I DON’T WERE I LEFT THEM GIMMIE YOU CAR KEYS!! DAMIT PEOLE I NEED KEYS!!” Meg yelled to the people in the background. I heard some mumbles and a loud smack and loud laughing.

“ Chill Meg you got time still maybe an hour I think” I said

“An hour I want to be their early so I can get a ahead start well at least I have your room done” Meg said

“Found it!” I heard from the background

“Good now hand it over.” Meg said fallowed by murmurs from the people in the background

“Fine! Lets just go!” Meg said

“Well I’ll let you go Meg see you there.” I said and hung up and got up and walked towards the guard and gave it to him and thanked him and walked back to my seat.

I looked out my window and pulled my shads down. Just watching the world pass by. I’m finally going to really start my life….

It took us 2 and half hours to get to our destination but it was worth it. I saw the bus stop and a black range rover parked out their too. Before we could get off the bus another guard stood up.

“Aright you girls you all are going out back to reality now but before you girls go we need to check you girls again before you leave so Jake is going to be taking your stuff and setting it outside and you will line up and face the bus to get checked.” The guard said

Their were a bunch of moans and I was one of them. I thought we were done being checked. ‘Jake’ picked our stuff out and took them outside. We followed him. Once I stepped outside I felt not totally free yet.

“Avon!” I herd my name I looked to Meg came out the passenger side the range rover.

But Mr. Guard here stopped her before she can get close and told her she had to wait. She was going to say something when a tall. I mean tall man wrapped his arms around her. What I’m short I’m only 4’12. But I was turned to face the bus before I got a chance see up close look.

“Spread them” the guard said I rolled my eyes and spread my legs and arms and lean against the bus. Jake checked my first why I don’t know because I though they were going down the line not to the middle. And I think he enjoyed it and then I felt a tug I look down to see a ankle bracelet being put on. Once he was done he moved his hands under my sweater.

“Your checked” He whispered in my ear trying to keep control of himself. I well I guess I turned someone on. Not in My type. I walked away from him creeped out madder in fact I practically ran away from him. I grabbed my things and heard a sniffle. I looked to see Meg silently crying with the tall man. I started to walk to her but she ran to me instead. And gave me the biggest hug in my life

“I missed you so much” Meg silently cried hugging me so tightly amking sure I don’t go.

“Don’t worry I’m not I’m going to be a good girl” I whispered in her ear she shivered slightly

“Lets go home I don’t want be here anymore” I laugh. She smiled and walked up to the tall man that a lot of tattoos

“Avon I want you to meet my boyfriend I talked to you about Jimmy. Jimmy this is my best friend Avon” she said I smiled and shacked his had

“Your so tall” I looked in aww. He smiled and laugh

“Well hello Avon. Well Let get the hell out of here” Jimmy said I nodded and fallowed so did Meg. Jimmy took my stuff and put it in the trunk and walked to the driver seat. Once we drove off the car was hyped up with conversation. Jimmy turned out be a really cool and funny guy. Once we arrived to Jimmy and Meg’s house were I’ll be staying. We got out the car and took my things out. I notice in the drive way their was 3 cars.

“Cool the guys are home you can finally meet them” Meg said