Criminals Also Need Love Too. Right?

Chapter Three

I hate meeting New people I mean it’s the vibe. And also its awkward no one talks but if someone do its some times still weird unless you’re a good ice breaker.

And right now I’m going to meet Meg and Jimmy’s friends. I grabbed my things and walked to the door with Meg and Jimmy. He unlocked the door and walked in with me and Meg Fallowed in. All I could hear were loud talking. I fallowed Jimmy and Meg close behind.

“Come on” Meg tugged on my arm. She dragged me to were all the noise were. Once she dragged me to noisy room.

“Hey Guys!” Meg said as she dragged me toward a couch were Jimmy sat with a beer in his hand. Damn he’s fast I wonder what else he’s good at except knowing he fucks Meg brains out.

“So Meg who’s your new friend” some guy said he had short blond hair with spots of black.

“Well Johnny this is Meg’s friend” Jimmy said as if he was talking to a preschooler.

“Yeah and she’s going to be staying here wont that be fun” Meg said as she was too doing the same how Jimmy talked to him.

O.K well don’t I feel awkward now.

“Finally new people” Roared a guy with long black hair.

“What Ever…”Meg said she looked at me and pointed out to the guy’s.

“As you know the one who ask who are you is Johnny, The one who just wanted new people was Syn Aka Brian. ” Just as she said that I herd more people enter the house.

What the hell do everyone has the key’s to this house. I’m one second of spazing out if so. And in walked in 3 girls and 2 dudes. The muscular dude was huge I’m mean HUGE…Well all the guys here are bigger than me even the girls are too. Aw they love making me feel so small isn’t that nice.
Their was girl standing next to the big dude she had blond hair and next her was another. The other one had blond hair also but with a twist. It had black in it too. Then their was another dude he had weird cut but it looked really cool looking and made him look very attractive. But that sucks because he had a girl hanging out of him with blond hair also and she was really tall. But that might be the heals…………

“ Hey guy’s and new girl “ the girl that was next to the HUGE dude…Wait I’m going to call Him Dude 1# and the Other Dude 2#

“This is my best friend that I talked with all the time to…. Avon that’s Val” Meg said as she pointed out to her

“And her boyfriend Matt” She pointed to Dude 1#

“ Next to him is Summer and Syn is her boyfriend by the way” she pointed to the girl with black and blond hair as she started to walk to Syn.

“And last But not less that is Zacky and His girlfriend Gena. She point to the attractive dude also so know as Dude 2# and the lady with the heels.

“ Guy’s this is my best friend Avon” Meg said happily that she finally introduced me to every one. I smiled to them all as they said their hello’s to me. I pushed my sunglasses up so they were on my head and not covering my eyes. So I could have better look.

“Well welcome to the group” Matt said

“ Hey How come- ” Johnny was cut off by Meg

“ Hey Avon I need a smoke and some company.” Meg said and dragged me away from the guys. Once outside she handed me a cigarette and put one up to her moth and lit it up and mines too. It felt good to smoke without being watched. I leaned against the house and closed my eyes.

“ I didn’t tell them…But Jimmy know” Meg said but I still keep my eyes closed and took another puff from my cancer stick.

“ you know I don’t really care if you told or not I did my time and prayed every night” I opened my eyes and brought my cig to my moth again and blow out the smoke from my nose and smiled as I looked at Meg and looked up into the dark sky.

“You know what one of my best friend in the yard said to me be she passed away 2 years ago.” I said as I looked at Meg who paying close attention to me.

“She said “Avon one of these days when you get out you are going to have one hell of a story tell your grandchildren. You can tell about your struggle to survive because these people in this yard has nothing compare to you when you leave…You will leave this place with your head held high and know you survived…” I closed my eyes as I remember her.

Her name was Alana. She was pregnant …How you ask…She was rapped by a guard….3 day later after finding out she beaten then stabbed to deaf. Before she told me those words.

I heard the door open but I didn’t care.

“ Hey Zacky “ I heard Meg said

“ Hey Meg and Avon” I open my eyes and nodded at him and looked to my cig that was almost gone. I heard more people come out side and sat down.

“So any last word before we put this behind us” Meg said as Jimmy came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. It grew quiet and I can fell the other guys stare. I smiled and inhale the smoke in and blow out my mouth and nose the smoke.

“ I guess I didn’t leave in a box”