
Awakened at dawn

She awoke to the sunrise; felt the sudden warmth and saw the red from underneath her eyelids. At first she had that momentary lapse of memory, then when she remembered, once again, she ran. She didn’t bother to see if he was still there, she was too busy trying to get home before he realized she was gone. He was probably still passed out drunk, but she was not one to take chances.

After some twists and turns she finally reached her street; she could see the bathroom light still on. She slowed to a walk and breathed a sigh of relief, he had not found out about her little escapade. She reached the window, climbed back in, and walked into her room. She passed out on her bed, as if she had never left.

She woke up in her bed and went through her routine to get ready. It was mid-makeup that she remembered. She dropped her eyeliner, and the sudden clatter made her jump.
“It was just a dream.” She told herself. She repeated the thought, a little less frantically. “Of course it was just a dream.” She relaxed. “It was just an extremely realistic one; but of course it had felt too good to be true at the time; this explained it.” She was shocked to think she had a dream about him, but it was a better explanation than the alternative.

She finished putting on her makeup. Not that she wanted to, he forced her to, saying that she wasn’t pretty enough as it was, so she had to try harder. He told her how if she wasn’t pretty, then of what use was she; only he said it in a slurred tone.

“He couldn’t like me that way, for like he says, I’m not pretty enough, even while trying. But her heart still fluttered at the thought, and she hated it for it.