
I'll be your best kept secret.

She sat huddled on the floor with a towel around her, her hair dripping on the carpet, probably ruining it. He didn’t seem to notice though when he came and sat down next to her. The fireplace burned brightly in front of them, warming them up, not to mention the delicious hot chocolate he handed her.

“We have to be more careful next time or you might get pneumonia,” he said with a smirk as he brushed some of her wet hair behind her ear. Without thinking she pulled away, not used to wanted attention. She turned to glance at him, to see what his reaction would be, would he be mad, or get angry with her? No, he was still smiling. His smile grew when he saw she was blushing. “Come on,” he grabbed her hand, and this time she didn’t pull away, “let’s go watch the storm,” gently pulling her outside under the protection of their porch roof. Together they watched the thunder strike, and she closed her eyes to listen to the thunder. “When one of your senses is dulled, the other four grow stronger,” she thought as the intensified BAM sounded through the air.

Without thinking he moved closer to her, it felt so natural, being in contact with her, though it had only happened a few times, it was the best feeling in the world. Slowly, exaggerating his movements, so as not to startle her, he wrapped his arms around her and stepped up behind her, resting his head on hers. She didn’t even notice the change; she was still listening to the thunder and only noticed the sensation of feeling warmer. She unknowingly snuggled into his chest, and he noticed she was smiling to herself. It was perfect. The beauty of the storm coupled with the beauty of her, this was better than anything, even better than heaven…

She awoke laying on the couch with an arm slung over her. Believe it or not, she had fallen asleep in his arms. She jumped, sending her body tumbling to the floor with a loud crash, awaking her partner who yawned sleepily and stretched.

“I-I’m s-sorry,” she stuttered while picking herself up off the ground. “I-I have to go.” She said springing out the door.

“Wait!” he called, jumping off the bed, nearly tripping from his legs entangling themselves in the blanket that had been covering them only moments before. ”I- umm- We- didn’t sleep together, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.

She rolled her eyes “I know. I mean, of course we didn’t… I-I would have remembered, wouldn’t I have?” now she looked puzzled, rethinking her logic in her head. Now she looked worried, considering the possibility, but then remembered his denying it. She didn’t know why, but against her better judgment and the past experiences, she trusted him. She hated to admit it, but there it was, out in the open, at least to herself. “I-umm- have to go,” she said quickly, then turned around, preparing to walk away, half of her wishing he would stop her, the other half willing him to just let her go and turn into what everyone else had ever been to her, a selfish jerk. If he turned out not to be that jerk, then she would have to rethink everything she had ever known about people, their nature, and the world, which she seriously did not want to do. It was so much easier to just accept that she was a failure and would never find anything or anyone worth living for. So much easier to just give up. She began to walk away, her heart pounding, it seemed as if every second took a minute. Nothing made sense anymore. Why should she be so obsessed? This was not right. Besides, he obviously was just like everyone else, he wasn’t even stopping her! Right?

“No, wait! I can help you!”

Wrong. She clenched her fists. WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME?!? Okay, now she was getting angry with this game, but she had to play it cool. “Oh, really? How?” She asked, barely able to keep her teeth from grinding together in frustration, more upset with herself than him.

“I’m not who you think I am,” he said guiltily.
♠ ♠ ♠
O.o plot twist!!!! IVE FINALLY RECOVERED FROM MY WRITERS BLOCK YAY :D arent you happy :) this story is about to change dramatically btw and in honor of the change i have decided to give them names!!! :D I'm up for suggestions??