Akatsuki Hidden Secrets

Deidara's Sister

I was out by a lake swimming/training on a sunny day. I just got out and was wringing out my hair which was up like Deidara's because it makes it convienent(sp) to train.
Me: Ahh...that was nice...*thinking- I finally have all of Hidan's blood off of me from when I attacked him earlier...*
???: Hey.... you!
Me:*thinking- Dammit! Deidara is coming!!!*
I quickly jump into the water and take my hair down.
Deidara:*quietly* I thought I saw her....my sister*
When I surface,

Deidara: Oh, Twilight! I have been looking for you!
Me:Oh, hi Deidara...what do you want?
Deidara:Come with me...
As I walk into the Akatsuki base, I see everyone in a circle, even Scarlett who isnt in the Akatsuki!
Me: S#!* not truth or dare again!!!
Tobi: Yep! Come sit by Tobi, Ja-I mean Twilight!
Me:*looks puzzeled at Tobi* *thinks-was he just about to call me by my real name??? How would he know it, only three people do, one of them is dead and the other two are so retarted they cant tell that Im sitting right in front of them!*
Deidara:Ok....I will go first! Sasori, truth or dare!
Sasori: DARE!!!!
Deidara: Ok...decorate Itachi's room with pink, frilly things, put SasuIta and KisaIta pics in there, and take out anything black and evil.
Luckly, Itachi and Kisame were arguing in the kitchen so Itachi was going to be there awhile.
When Sasori comes back and sits down, Kisame and Itachi were finally done arguing.
Itachi: Im going to take a nap....*sound of door opening* WTF!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ROOM!?!?!?!
Everyone except Itachi and Kisame: *ROFL*
Sasori*after recovers from laughing*:Ok, Hidan, truth or dare...
Hidan: DARE!!!
Sasori:I dare you to stop your rituals and such for a month.
Sasori: Too bad.
Hidan:*sighs*Fine...Twilight, truth or f***ing dare?!?!
Me:Im not a retard like most of you...so truth.
Hidan: Awww...your no fun. *thinks*Ok...since I cant come up with anything else...Did you have any ties to the Akatsuki before you joined? If so, you have to say who they are and prove it!
Me:Fine...I knew two people in the Akatsuki before I joined...*looks at Deidara and then at Kisame* Deidara...I am your /sister/....and Kisame, your parents took me in when I got lost in the Mist Village....
Hidan:Now prove it....
Me:Tobi, get the items I told you to hide
Tobi gets the objects.
Me:*takes a kunni(sp?) and cuts hair to waist length, ties it up like Deidara's hair with a hair tie, puts on a necklace with a blue crystal, takes off cloak, and holds a drawing book*See?
Deidara: Do you have the mark of a water demon and can you control my art?*makes a clay bird*
Me: *puts drawing book down and lifts up my shirt to show my stomache which holds the mark of the water demon and has Deidara's clay bird land on my arm* See?
Deidara and Kisame: You really are Jamie, aren't you?
After the game, I go to sit by the stream drawing pictures
Deidara: Jamie...I have missed you so much
Me:*gets up* So have I, big brother*hugs Deidara*
Deidara: It's getting late, we should go inside.
So we went inside to go to bed and as I walked with him something told me this was only one of the many secrets that would be revealed with time to come.
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This is my first story and I am not the best writer. I will add more as soon as possible.