Akatsuki Hidden Secrets

Twilight's Broken Past

Deidara: Jamie...what's wrong?

I had been awoken in the middle of the night by my brother, Deidara. I awoke sobbing with tears running down my face. Everyone else was surrounding me, looking worried. I got up and headed toward the living room and sat on the couch. Everyone surrounded me but Scarlett since she was asleep.

Me: Ok...I'll tell you my past...why I cry...sit down.

Everyone: *sits*

Me: I will start when I was three years old...

^flashback-like thing^

Deidara: Go to bed now, Jamie...

Me: Ok, brother.

~My voice: I drifted off to sleep but soon I awoke~
Me: What happened??

Deidara: *crying* I-I'm s-sorry Jamie, un....b-but Mom a-and Dad are d-d-dead.

~These words struck me like a blow. I had loved my mother, but I had never loved my father as long as I can remember because he was a drunk who always attacked my brother, so Deidara made this room of snow and rocks away from my house protected by the clay figures he made. Then I looked into the distance and I saw the glow of flames and I realized what had happened.~

Me: I-it's o-okay, Deidara...

~We immediately we ran from the house......Nobody thought that Deidara killed our parents and often times offered to take him in but he would have to leave me behind.~

Some woman: Oh, young child! What is your name?

Deidara: My name is Deidara,un.

The woman: Oh, I have heard of you! You need a place to live, right? Come live with me!

Deidara: Only if you also take in my sister.I will not go unless you also take her,un.

The woman: I will NOT take in such--such an ABOMINATION!

Deidara: Well, un, then I will not go!

~The woman grabbed Deidara and started to pull him off when I felt myself change for the first time. I felt my fangs grow and I saw this blue chakra around me and I felt powerful yet powerless at the same time. Then I charged for the woman as everything else became a blur until it was done....~

The woman: Y-you abomination!

~The woman's hand was slashed and covered in blood and she ran in fear of me screaming.~

Deidara:Jamie! Are you okay?!

Me:Ya....I'm fine....but why does everyone offer to take you in but run from me and call me an abomination and such?

~Deidara took me to the nearby tree and sat me down then sat next to me.~

Deidara: It's because they are afraid. They are afraid of the demon inside you, Mizubi, un. That's what there afraid of, and they believe that just because you hold Mizubi you are Mizubi and will try to kill them. What happened earlier is that Mizubi rose inside you because you didn't want me to leave, yeah. And I didn't want to leave....if I did what kind of a person would I be leaving my four year old sister!

Me: Thanks.....I never want you to leave brother.

Deidara: Neither do I.....

?: Deidara!

Deidara: What Zunawa, un?

Zunawa: We have a mission for you to go to Mizukagaru, the Village Hidden in the Mist.

Deidara: Do I have any teamates?

Zunawa:No, just you. The Kage told me to give this to you.

~Zunawa gave the scroll he was holding to Deidara, glared at me, and left. I had always been used to him glaring at me, since he hated me and I had always had a bad feeling about him. But Deidara and I went back to the house Deidara made out of snow and rocks for us and packed. When we were done packing at 9, we left for Mizukagaru. By sunset the next day, we were at Mizukagaru....Deidara opened up the scroll and read it again.~

Deidara: Hmm.....looks like we are half a day early, we were supposed to get here by 8 am tomarrow ....Well, let's set up a place to sleep.....if we can even navigate without running into a tree or bolder, un...

Me: What are you talking about? I can easlily see everything!

Deidara: I think that's because of Mizubi, yeah....but to me, I can't see a thing....

Me: Follow me, there's a clear area over there that is on a hill.

~Deidara followed me up the hill~

Deidara: It actually is clearer from the mist up here, but in the morning it will probably be really misty, more than now, un.

Me: K

~We set up the tent and went to sleep and woke up early the next morning......as soon as we were packed up completely it was 7:30~

Deidara: Ok Jamie, the mist is really clear, yeah, so follow me to the Mizukage's office, I need to give something to the Kage.

~We went to the Kage's office and Deidara gave him something that was in a box that was wrapped in the scroll and the Kage told him that we can be off. As we left the building, something didn't feel right.~

Me: Deidara, something doesn't feel right.

Deidara: I know, and there should be alot more mist too, un.

~Then we heard a roaring sound and as we turned, a huge wave crashed over us....seperating us.....When I finally awoke, I felt something like sand beneath me, but I still didn't have the strength to open my eyes....I heard someone coming and I mumbled for my brother, for Deidara....I felt someone pick me up and I moaned in pain and opened my eyes as I started to mumble....~

Me:Nnnh....Brother, is that you, Deidara?

(The person who was carrying me):No, Im not your brother......I will help you find him though....

~I started to cry and then I realized the person stopped walking at the water's edge and I looked up at him.....he was about 11 and I realized he didn't look like most people in that he looked somewhat like a shark, but I didn't care...all I wanted to do was to find my brother....~

(The person): Im going to have to put you down so I can preform this jutsu on you so I can take you into my home for now....

~He put me down and preformed an odd jutsu on me and I felt a weird feeling on the sides of my neck and when I felt it I had gills....the person picked me up again and took me into the water and I found I could breathe......As soon as he took me into his home, a man and a woman who looked somewhat similar to him asked him who I was.~

(The person):Mom, Dad, I found her on the beach and I could tell she's not from around here....she is lost from her brother and she looks barely four! I couldn't leave her there....

(The woman):Kisame, we will let her stay here for now but you have to help take care of her....

~Wow....I was being talked about like I was a pet.....but I assumed the person who is helping me is Kisame and the man and woman were his parents.... ~

Kisame: I will, I mean I can't just leave her there!

Kisame's mom: Ok, Kisame. Anyways, whats your name?

Me: Jamie

~So Kisame showed me around the Village and when we were alone I told him about Mizubi.~

Me: Kisame, I have something to tell you....

Kisame: What is it?

Me: I have a demon trapped inside me.....the demon Mizubi...

Kisame: Well I don't see why that matters.....What Village are you from anyways?

Me: Im from Iwakagaru.

Kisame: What about your family?

Me:....well.....My brother is the only one alive other than me....he takes care of me....

Kisame: What happened to the others?

Me: My brother accidently killed them.....protecting me from my father....

Kisame: Do you.....hate him?

Me: I could never hate him after all he did for me.....he even took care of me and refused to be taken in by other people because they didn't want to take Mizubi in.....and he always told me that I am not the demon Mizubi.....that I am Jamie of Iwakagaru......

Kisame: Well he is right....you will never be Mizubi.....you will always be Jamie....how old is your brother anyways?

Me: Deidara is only 13.....

Kisame: That is young to take care of a barely four year old on his own....

Me: Yeah....and without the help of anyone else.....because everyone fears Mizubi....fears me....

Kisame: Like your brother and I said, you are not and will never be Mizubi!

Me: I know I have and will never be Mizubi.....I just feel like others don't understand that.....

Kisame: Well I do....and so does Deidara....

~About a year has passed and I was enrolled in the acadamy and I came home one day to see Kisame shark surfing~

Kisame: Jamie! You wanna try shark surfing?

Me: Kisame! I have been in the acadamy for only a few months!!!.....How come you didn't ask sooner!

~Kisame got off of the shark he was on and put me on its back then walked over to a very wild looking shark and hopped on its back~

Me: Kisame, I don't think this is one of your best ideas....

Kisame: what are you talking abo-OOOOOOO!!!!!!!

~The shark just started to swim incredibly fast~

Kisame: WOOHOOO!!!!

Me: ok....

~the shark I was on started to move and I was laughing and having fun~

~I continued to live with Kisame and his family somewhat happily until my 10th birthday~

Kisame: Hey, for your 10th birthday I'm gonna get you a pet!

Me: Really? Cool!!!

Kisame: Follow me to the pet store....

~So I followed him into the pet store and immediately I went to the demon wolves and I saw one wolf pup that looked so gentle and kind but was starved and thirsty and people stayed away from it....~

Me: Kisame, why is that wolf like that.....why won't anyone care for it?

Kisame: Because it has that marking on it's shoulder, the Anti-Mist symbol....

Me: That's sad....If it continues in these conditions, won't it die?

Kisame: Yes....

~I thought about what I could do for that wolf pup and then it came to me....I wanted that young wolf~

Me: Kisame, I want that wolf!

Kisame: Really? Ok, we will get it!

~We went to the clerk and told him we wanted that wolf pup and the clerk tried to convince us we didn't want that one but we continued to persist until he finally gave in~

The clerk: Alright...here is your cursed female demon wolf....

Me: SHE IS NOT CURSED!!!! People like you disgust me....

~We left the store and started heading home~

Kisame: What are you going to name her?

Me: Her name will be Ookami....

~So Kisame, Ookami, and I walked home but just before we got there, Kisame had to tell me something....~

Kisame: Jamie, I have to tell you something....

Me: What is it Kisame?

Kisame: Well.....I'm going to be leaving tomorrow.....for good.....

Me: Where are you going to?

Kisame: I don't honestly know.....but I do know I'm leaving the Village.....

~These words hurt painfully......I didn't want him to leave.....~

~We walked back to the house and when we got underwate, Ookami swam around and around in circles~

Kisame: Being a demon wolf from the Mist lets her breath under water.

Me: Cool!

~Kisame tucked me in bed and said good night....and of course the next morning he was gone....~

~I continued living with Kisame's family for almost three years and had become a chunnine when I got assigned on a mission to go to the Village Hidden in the Leaf and help fight off Iwakagaru.....so I packed some food and fresh water and set out with a now fully grown Ookami.....~

~I traveled across the water and then across land as I finally reached the Land of Fire and was just outside the Leaf Village when I came in contact with Orochimaru.....~

Orochimaru: Well, well.....what do we have here? It looks like a little Mist ninja has gotten lost.....

Me: Who says I got lost?!?!

Orochimaru: Hnh....well, let me take you back to where you belong.....

~I knew what would happen next as Orochimaru began to attack.....and as soon as the first blow was struck, I fought back......then when the battle was raging to the climax, Orochimaru pushed me to the edge of the clift....~

Orochimaru: Well, looks like its the end for you, girl!

~With that he pushed me off and my hair tie broke as tears began to rise in my eyes and fall with the blood from my wounds and I thought it was the end.....but then I remebered the promis to myself and I shouted....~

Me: I will never die Orochimaru.....I will never die until I find my brother!

~But he disappeared....and I was falling off of a high clift waiting to hit the surface below, but then everything went black as I felt someones arms catch me in my fall.....~

~I woke up slowly and I heard two people argueing and I saw a girl next to me with brown eyes, puple-ish hair, and purple markings on her cheeks ....she soon noticed I was awake after trying to quiet the people who were arguing down~

The girl: Kakashi, Obito, be quiet!

One of the people: Sorry

The other person: We'll be quieter.....

1st person: How is the girl doing, Rin?

Rin: She has woken up but she is still injured....

~The person who was just talking to the girl I assumed to be Rin came over....he had black, spikey hair and amber eyes ~

The boy: Are you ok?

Me: I think I'll be ok by tomorrow....

Rin: These injuries take about a week to fully heal....but they seem to be healing very quickly....

Me: All of my injuries do....

The boy: Do you know why?

Me: Yes....but everyone fears me because of it....

The boy: Don't worry, we won't....you can tell us....

Rin: Obito! Don't force her to!

Me: It's ok.....It's because I hold the demon Mizubi.....go head....start running now.....

Obito: Why would we do that?

Me: Because everyone else does.....they fear me because I hold Mizubi.....because they believe I am Mizubi.....

Obito: But your not....you are you.

Me: Yeah....that's what my brother said....

Rin: Do you know where your brother is?

Me: No....I would guess his village, Iwakagaru....

Rin: But your from the Village Hidden in the Mist....

Me: Yep.....I was born in Iwakagaru but raised in the Village Hidden in the Mist by another family that found me.....

Obito: Oh....but anyways I'm Obito!....I think you have noticed that by now....

Me: I'm Jamie.....wait where's Ookami?!?!?!

Rin: The wolf? She's right over there.....

Me: Ookami! Come here!

~Ookami walked over and I pet her~

Rin: I'm sure you've noticed my name as well, but I'm Rin.

Obito: Kakashi! Get over here!

~Another boy about Obito's age walked over. He had black eyes and gray, long spikey hair and wore a mask over most of his face ~

Kakashi: What Obito?

Rin: Introduce yourself to Jamie.

Kakashi: Fine.....I'm Kakashi.....

Me: Hello Kakashi, you seem very pissed off and annoyed!

~Obito started laughing as Kakashi glared at him and Obito silenced himself~

Me: Sorry, I just needed a happier mood....

Obito: So does Kakashi!

Me: Is Kakashi always like this?

Rin: Yep.....

Obito: Yeah.....he's the very serious one....

Kakashi: And you are the immature one....

Obito: Yep!

Me: So...how did I get here anyways?

Obito: I caught you when you were falling....Rin already healed my injuries from hitting the ground....

Me: Thanks Obito....I didn't want to have to heal myself when I woke up a few days later....if I woke up....

Obito: No problem! I couldn't just leave you to fall!

Me: And Rin, thanks for healing my wounds....

Rin: Like Obito said, I couldn't just leave you.

Me: And Kakashi.....er....thanks for not killing me?

~Obito started laughing again and Kakashi gave Obito another death glare....and he gave me one too~

Me: Sorry Kakashi, but you need to lighten up!

Obito: That's what I always tell him....

Me: It is true!

Obito: Yep!

Kakashi: Great....I needed another loud mouthed, obnoxious kid.....

Me: Well we are kids! Well....unless you guys are that much older than me....

Obito: How old are you?

Me: I'm almost 13

Rin: Same with me.

Obito: Same here!

Kakashi: And it's time to grow up!

Me: We will grow up when we want to!

Obito: You can't force someone into doing that!

Me: Ok, I'm getting up.

Rin You can't get up yet!

~I stood up~

Me: Yes I can....I have to continue my mission....to help the Leaf Village.....so I might be here for a few months until the war is over.....

Obito: Is anyone else from the Mist coming?

Me: Nope.....Just me.....the Mist is training a lot of people for the military and such since the Sound wants to attack us....and they sent me here hoping I don't come back.

Obito: What?!?!? They can't just do that?!?!?!

Me: Oh well.....I have been treated this way my whole life.....not that big of a deal....I might just stay here in the end.....

Kakashi: Two demons in one place.....that has to be good....

Me: What?!?!

Kakashi: We don't want even one demon here....we don't need you....you are Mizubi!

~I quickly swung my leg and when our feet locked at the ankle, he fell backwards....hard~

Me: I am not Mizubi! Just like how anyone else with a demon is not the demon....only themselves....

Obito: You are fast!...

Me: I guess so...posibly from training under water....

Rin: You have to be nicer to Jamie, Kakashi....I mean you saw what she did....

Kakashi: I just wasn't ready....

Me: Rule one of my ninja handbook; always be ready....

Rin: Alright stop it....we have to get Jamie into the Village.....I did hear that they were expecting someone from the Mist....

Obito: Alright!

Me: I'm ready to go....but does anyone have my hair tie?

Obito: Yeah, here....it's kinda tattered though....

Me: That's fine.

~Obito handed me a tattered blue ribbon that was my hair tie and I did some small hand signals and a glowing light blue needle appeared in my hand with the same colored sting that was attached to my hand and I began to sew the hair tie~

Me: Alright, done!

~I quickly put my hair up in a high, long ponytail with a piece down in the front....kinda like Deidara's....~

~We walked to the Leaf Village and passed the gates then I saw the ramen shop...~

Me: Hey, do you mind if I quickly grab some ramen?

Obito: Not at all....how about we all grab some!

Rin: Okay!

Kakashi: Whatever....

Me: Alright!

~I took my wallet out of my pocket and bought a bowl of the new ramen and started to eat~

Me: Yum! This place has good ramen!

Obito: Yep! It's the best!

Me: Mmhmm!

~We ate and paid for our ramen and started walking~

Obito: So where are you going to stay?

Me: I dunno....maybe on a hill or in a forest.....

Obito: How about in a hotel?

Me: Nah....I like the wilderness...I was raised in it after all....

Rin: You don't want to get cold....

Me: I was raised in the Mist Village and before that I lived in a room made of rock and snow.

Kakashi: Well good for you....how about in that small cavern in that hill...it would be perfect for you....

~I look at the hill Kakashi was pointing to~

Me: Your right! That is a good place!

~I ran to the hill and the others followed me and I sat in the completely grassy cavern....well more like indentation....~

Obito: You sure this is okay? What about blankets and such?

Me: I always sleep with Ookami...I don't use blankets!

Obito: Okay....but if you need anything, let us know!

Rin: Yep, but it's about time we all go to bed....

Me: Okay....well, goodnight!

Obito and Rin: Night!

~They left as I set up an opaque chakra barrier and changed then I put the chakra barrier down and put my clothes away and rest my head on Ookami as she wrapped her body around me~

~I woke up early the next morning, put up the chakra barrier, and changed into clean clothes. I grabed my dirty clothes, soap, a somewhat large bucket, and a laundry rack and went down to the small stream by my hill. I filled the bucket with water and soap and I washed my clothes....when I was done I took my clothes to the rock right outside my cavern and laid them out to dry as Obito and Rin came up followed by Kakashi~

Obito: Hi Jamie!

Me: Hey Obito!

Kakashi: Hi, bye. I'm gonna train....

Me: How about we all train? We could learn about eachothers moves.

Obito: Fine with me!

Rin: Me too.

Me: Alright! Where should we train?

~I followed Obito and Rin to a training ground that had a water source~

Rin: We are here.

Me: Cool training ground!

~I immediately walked onto the water and sunk in then I rose to the surface~

Me: Alright, I have my element, do you guys have yours?

Obito: Yep! I have fire and you need water so we don't start one....

Rin: I have mine...anywhere I go I have it!

Me: Okay, shall we start?

Obito: Yes we shall.

~So we trained for awhile and they were suprised by my moves~

~I stayed in the Leaf Village for about three months when March came around which ment the first day of spring was soon....and so was my birthday....~

Obito: Hi Jamie! You look happy today!

Me: Yep! The first day of spring is soon! And on that day is my birthday!

Obito: Cool! My birthday is soon too! I take yours is on the first day of spring?

Me: Yep! When is yours?

Obito: In 3 days!

Me: Cool! What do you want?

Obito: You don't have to get me anything.....What do you want?

Me: Hey, if I'm not getting you anything, don't get me anything! That wouldn't be fair!

~We both laughed~

~At noon I went to the top of the hill and sat on a rock that was shaped like a bench and I thought about what to get Obito when Rin came up~

Rin: Hi Jamie

Me: Hi Rin, do you know what Obito likes?

Rin: He does like ramen and curry..... and the color orange.

Me: PERFECT! I have an idea....wanna help?

Rin: First tell me what it is....

Me: Okay...It will be ramen-curry....just put ramen noodles in curry....

Rin: Okay....Obito likes mild curry....

Me: Alright! Let's start preparing an area for it just so we don't do that last minute....

Rin: We could do id at my house...

Me: Okay!

~We walk over to Rin's house and start preparing an area to make ramen-curry~

Me: Alright! we have the area prepared now let's go to the store!

Rin: Okay!

~We go to the store and buy our supplies and head back to the house!

Me: Okay, let's start!

~We make one batch of the ramen noodles and the curry and put some in two bowls~

Me: We have to test it first. I bought enough ingredients to make multiple batches

Rin: Okay!

~We taste the ramen-curry and decide it needs more spices so we make more~

~On the day of Obito's birthday, I got up early and met Rin outside her house. We went inside and made a perfect batch of ramen-curry and put it in a bowl~

~When we got to the top of the hill I slept at where we were supposed to meet Obito, we were early~

Me: Oh, we should get him something else....how about a mini first aid kit?

Rin: Okay, I have a pack and some supplies....but I need more....

Me: I've got plenty!

~I grab the supplies from my cavern and bring them up to Rin~

Me: Here, let me see them....

~I infuse some of my chakra into the supplies and we wrap them in the packet....just in time~

Obito: Hey guys!

Rin and me: Hi Obito! Happy birthday! We got you something!

Obito: Really?

Me: Yep! Both of the presents are from both of us!

~We hand Obito the first aid kit and the ramen-curry~

Obito: Did you guys make this?

Rin: Yep! It's ramen-curry!

~Obito tastes the ramen-curry and smiles~

Obito: It's good!

Me: We thought you wold like it!

~The party lasted a while and afterward we went to the stream and I made birds and butterflies that fluttered and landed on us~

~About a week later I was sitting on the rock bench on to of the hill and something didn't feel right and Rin walked up to the side of me~

Rin: Jamie, what's wrong?

Me: I don't know....something just doesn't feel right...

Rin: Like what?...

Me: It just feels the worst is just around the bend....something bad is going to happen....

Rin: Do you know to who?

Me: I think all of us....

Rin: Do you know how?

Me: It feels like one of our friends are going to.....die....

Rin: Well....it's not going to happen today....cheer up...it's almost your birthday....

Me: Your right....

Rin: Something else is bothering you isn't it....

Me: Yeah....

Rin: What is it? You can tell me, I'll keep a secret.

Me: Well...Obito...I like him....but I don't know if he likes me or just like me....

Rin: I'm not sure....I mean you two are defiantly friends...but I don't know if he likes you or likes you....

Me: Thanks Rin....

~About another week later was my birthday and I was lying on top of the water at the training ground when Obito came running up to me~

Obito: Hi Jamie! Happy birthday!

Me: Thanks Obito!

Obito: There's a Spring Festival today, wanna come?

Me: Sure! Do I need to wear a kimono?

Obito: Yeah....do you need one?

Me: Nope! I brought one because I heard of the Spring Fesival here and I thought about coming.

Obito: Cool! Well, Rin and I will meet you on the hill at 7.

Me: Okay! Is Kakashi coming?

Obito: I don't know. He will join us if he wants to....

Me: Okay! I'll see you later!

~At 6 I begain to put on my light blue kimono and in 10 minutes I had the kimono on and my hair was down to brush. Once I was done brushing my hair, I put it in a loose, low ponytail (like Neji's) with my hair tie, put my light blue crystal pendent on, and brushed Ookami. At 7 Obito came in an indigo and orange kimono followed by Rin in a dark pink kimono.~

Obito: Hi Jamie! You ready to go?

Me: Yep! Rin, I like your kimono!

Rin: Thanks! I like yours too!

Obito: Well let's go!

~We got to the festival and everyone was wearing a kimono and we met up with Kakashi~

Me: Hi Kakashi!

Kakashi: Happy birthday.....

Me: Well at least be a little more cheerful....It's the first day of spring!


Me: Fine...

Rin: Well, I'm going with Kakashi to the games...see you guys in a little bit!

Me: Bye Rin! Hey Obito, wanna go on some rides?

Obito: Yeah!

~We went on a few rides and then sat at a grassy area that no one was paying attention to and I started to pet Ookami~

Obito: Jamie, I have a present for you!

Me: Cool! What is it?

~Obito handed me a box and I opened it. It was a collar that looked just like my pendent and on the crystal Ookami was engraved on it~

Me: Thanks Obito! It's perfect!

~I placed it on Ookami and pet her and then I hugged Obito~

Me: Thanks Obito!

Obito: No problem!

~I looked up at Obito and he had a blush on his face and I could feel mine growing. Then he suddenly leaned down and kissed me and I kissed back. Then we hugged and got up and met with Rin and Kakashi in the food area where we ate ice cream~

Rin: Did you guys have fun?

Obito and me: Yep!

Rin: Ookami has a new collar.

Me: Yep! Obito gave it to me for a present!

Rin: Cool!

Me: Yep! Hang on, I'm gonna get Ookami some ice cream.

~I went to buy Ookami ice cream and came back and set her dish on the ground~

Rin: It's getting late, we should head back after the fireworks.

Me: Okay. I know a great place to see them! Follow me!

~I lead them to the spot Obito and I sat just in time for the fireworks~

~After the fireworks we headed home and before leaving he kissed me goodbye while Rin and Kakashi started to walk home talking!

Obito: Bye Jamie. I'll see you tomarrow.

Me: Bye Obito.

~Obito caught up to Rin and Kakashi as I prepared for bed.~

~The next morning was the day I was to help Kakashi, Rin, and Obito with their mission to complete my mission. We headed out and seperated from the leader. After a while Rin was kidnapped and Obito and I went after the people, eventually followed by Kakashi. After we untie Rin, I see Zunawa and he does the jutsu that collapses the cave....the jutsu that takes Obito's life....As soon as we got out of the cave, Kakashi and I go after Zunawa~

Me: Zunawa....I WILL KILL YOU!!!

Zunawa: Oh, so your alive Jamie? You brother will be thrilled to know I killed you!...

Me: Deidara isn't like that! Now feel the power of Mizubi!!!

~I feel power pulsing through my body as my K-9 teeth and finger nails grow and I attack Zunawa....as I kill Zunawa. I immeadiatly transform back into my normal self and help Rin with Kakashi after he collapses.~

~We get back to where we are supposed to meet the leader and set Kakashi down. The leader asks what happened to Obito and I started to cry as Rin tells him the whole thing. When Kakashi woke up I told Rin and Kakashi that I have to go back to the Mist and then I sleep there one more night and leave....but I never headed back to the Mist....~

^^^^^^^End of flash-back thing^^^^^^^^

Me: So you see now?

Konan: That's stupid!

Everyone except me and Konan: SHUT UP KONAN!!!

Me: I'm going back to bed now....

I left the room as I hear the others wispering, but I take no mind to it and fall asleep.

~3rd person~

~Back in the room~

Deidara: Tobi, you have to tell my sister,un!

Kisame: Do it!

Hidan: You have to! Do you see how upset she is?

Tobi: I will....but how?

Zetsu: Think of it yourself!

Pein: Okay! Everyone back to bed!

Everyone leaves, but what is going to happen? More secrets are going to be revealed in the next chapter!
♠ ♠ ♠
Please....If I made ANY errors, let me know.....