Akatsuki Hidden Secrets

Twilight's Abilities; Tobi's Face

I woke up early the next morning before the sun rose and walked outside to the (very) small lake that I train in. I pulled off my Akatsuki robe revealing a light blue bathing suit and jumped into the crystal water. I swam into the cavern to where these bizzar fruits grow. I picked some and swam back to the surface to head back to the Akatsuki lair.
I start to prepare the fruits as five blenders sit on the counter filled with different ingredients.Just as I finish, the sun has risen and Zetsu walks into the kitchen followed by Deidara, my brother.
Zetsu: I thought I heard blenders. Is mine done yet?
Me: Yep, I just finished all of them. *hands Zetsu a blood-pink smoothie*
Deidara: How did you learn to make smoothies like this Jamie?
Me: I picked up on it in the Mist and Leaf Villages.
Deidara: I never knew you learned how to make smoothies there.
Me: Yea....*sadly* a friend taught me this....
Deidara: What's wrong?
Me: Oh...nothing....
Zetsu: Come on, you can tell us.
Ookami: *walks up to Zetsu growling*
Zetsu: k, k...just tell your demon wolf to stop!
Me: k Ookami it's all right now.
Deidara: Alright sis, but if you want to tell anyone, we are all here for you.
Me: Thanks Deidara.
Just as Deidara and Zetsu walk out of the room, Scarlett enters and Tobi sits at the island.
Scarlett: Hey, Twilight. Did you make me a milk shake?
Me: Yep. Are you seeing Kakashi today?
Scarlett: Ya, could you make a milk shake for him, he wants to try one.
Me: Sure thing.
I set to work making another milk shake, and while I was making it, I saw a glint of amber and I look over and see Tobi move his mask just enough to drink the smoothie, but when I saw his eye, it was just the sharingon....same as always....When I was done, I started to clean up.....
Deidara: Let me help you with that.
He takes the washing supplies from my hands and washes the dishes.
Me: Thanks Deidara, I'm goin to train.
Deidara: Okay, where at?
Me: The place I always train at.
I go out to the lake and pull off my cloak to reveal the same light blue bathing suit. I sink below the surface as animals made of water walk and fly around me in a spiral and a teardrop hits the surface.
After training I walk inside I realize that Scarlett has left.
Me: Scarlett is out with Kakashi,huh.
Zetsu: Ya, she left a while ago...you were out training for a long time.
I look at the clock....Zetsu was right.
Me: Oh, your right Zetsu, its already 12!
Zetsu: Do you have to be somewhere?
Me: No, I'm just surprised. I'm gonna go on a walk or something, see ya later.
Zetsu: K, bye.
I go out back to the place I train at and jump into the water. I swim into the cavern and pass the fruits, but I keep swimming. After a while in the water there is a section of bubbles caused by a waterfall. I swim upwards and come in contact with air. I was behind a small waterfall. I pass through the water and plunge into the cerylian spring. As I swim about the surface, I hear someone coming. I sink below the water as not to cause ripples. When I reach the bottom, I realize it was Tobi, my best friend in the Akatsuki who reminds me of the one I loved in the Leaf Village.... the one who saved my life as his slipped away.... As I began to swim forward, I notice something.
Me: Huh?*pulls back*
I hear him speak to himself above the surface.
Tobi:*sits on a rock at the edge* I want to tell her, but I can't.
Me:*just watching him*
Tobi:*pulls off mask while speaking* I just can't tell Jamie that I am Obito, that I survived.
Me: *Thinks-* Tobi...your...Obito???You survived...I'm so happy...but it can't be true....Obito you died, you saved my life...Obito-*losses conscientiousness*
Back at the base:
Kisame: Hey, Zetsu, have you seen Twilight?
Zetsu: Not since about 12 and it is 4....
Tobi: I'm worried about her, she doesn't have Ookami....look at Ookami!
Ookami:*whining at the door*
Hidan: Let's go look for Twi-*cut off by sound of the door breaking* HOLY S**T!
Kakazu: I'm not paying for Ookami breaking that door.
Tobi, Deidara, and Kisame: *runs out the...er, doorway to search for me, Tobi fallows Ookami*
Pein: Everyone else, search for Twilight!
Everyone else: K!
Tobi runs toward the waterfall/lake after Ookami thinking that I might be there.
Ookami: *whines looking down into the water where I lay at the bottom*
Tobi: She is down there, isn't she *jumps into the water (yes his mask is on)*
As he swims to the bottom, he sees me just laying there-motionless. He pulls me to the surface and lays me on the grass.
Tobi: Ookami! Get the others!
Ookami: *speeds off in the direction of the base*
Tobi: Jamie-wake up! Twilight!
As he gently shakes me, my hair slips from the side of my neck, and there are slits on my neck just like the slits on Kisame's cheeks.
Tobi: She has gills! She can breath under water! But then why did she pass out?
Tobi continues to try to wake me up as the rest of the Akatsuki show up lead by Ookami.
Everyone except Tobi: You found her! Is Twilight ok?
Tobi: I'm not sure, but look at these...*shows my gills*
Hidan: So she can breath under water?
Kisame: I guess so....well, enough with this, let's get her back to the-
Kisame is cut off by a painful moan coming from me signaling I am awaking...
Tobi: *leans over me* Are you ok, Twilight?
Me: Nnnh...T-Tobi....*hugs Tobi and starts lightly sobbing*
Tobi: *hugs me back* Twilight, whats wrong?
Me: N-nothing....*slowly stops sobbing*
Zetsu: Well....let's just get you back....
Me: K...
Everyone heads back to the base and I am carried by Tobi. I stare off and wonder about what happened. We soon reach the base and Tobi takes me to my room and sets me on the bed.
Tobi: Jamie....what happened?
Me: I don't....really know....
Tobi: Okay, but just take it easy....
Me: Alright....
Tobi walks out of the room closing the door behind him. I got up and change into my regular clothes. As soon as I was done, I cracked open the door of my room and saw Tobi exit the front door and I follow, unaware to him. Tobi walks to the forest and then to the waterfall he found me at and stood in the long grasses.
Me: Tobi? *comes out from behind a tree and approaches Tobi*
Tobi: *turns* Oh, Jamie!
Me: *walks hugs him and touches the mask* I have missed you....
I take the mask and move it upward slowly and Tobi does nothing to stop me....When his mask it completely off, he opens his right eye (since the left was covered by a bandage) and it was the same amber glint I saw earlier....he was alive.....Obito was alive.....I hug him tighter and start to lightly cry.
Me: I-I've missed you s-so m-much.....Obito.....
Tobi/Obito: I'm sorry Jamie....I just didn't know how to tell you....
He lifts my chin up as my cheeks glisten from my tears and he kisses me....that same breath taking kiss he gave me on my 13th birthday.....and I kissed back.....
Me: Obito....
Tobi/Obito: Let's go back now....
Me: Here *gives him his mask*
Tobi/Obito : *takes the mask and just holds it* I don't wanna put it on just yet....
He grabs my hand and we start to walk back and when we got there, everyone except Scarlett (is with Kakashi....still) and Konan (like always, being a stupid, slutty, pmsing bitch)
Deidara: You finally told her, Tobi, yeah!
Me: I actually found out at the waterfall....that's why I passed out.....
Sasori: Really? I guess the weakest spot is the heart....
Me: Yeah...
Tobi: Well let's go inside! We could all watch a movie or something!
Everyone: * various terms of agreement*
We walk inside and I flip through the movies and pull out Big Momma's House since we haven't watched it in a while. Everyone agrees and I put it in. When the movie was over we headed off to bed but before Tobi parted with me, he gave me one last breath taking kiss before bed and we go our separate ways to our rooms....
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I might not be able to write another Akatsuki Hidden Secrets chapter since my dog is at the vet and extremely ill so yeah....