Akatsuki Hidden Secrets

A Worse Enemy, a Greater Friend

It was a normal day when I was called to Pein's office.
Pein: Twilight, you have a mission.
Me: With who?
Pein: Konan.
Me: Nani?!
Pein: What language are you speaking?!
Me: Japanese. I thought you people would understand that! Baka!
Pein: Um, what?
Me: Wow. You guys really don't know Japanese when THE SHOW ORIGINATED IN JAPAN!!!!
Pein: Okay....right. So your mission with Konan is to find information about the Sound Village.
Me: Fine.
Pein: Konan has already been informed. So meet her and leave.
I went to find Konan and when I did, she started being a bi***.
Konan: I don't want that mutt coming with us! *points to Ookami*
Me: Well to bad! This demon wolf is coming! Now let's go!
I leave and Konan starts following me and complains about random things.
Konan: Your fashion sense is so bad! Who wears black netted shirts any more? And what about those shoes? High heels are in.
Me: Shinobi shouldn't dwell on appearances. And you need function, not style. You can't fight or run in high heels.
Konan: Who cares about function! It's all about style!
Me: Konan, I will NEVER be influenced by fashion! I am me not some snob who thinks by following fashion I will make friends.
I then ignored Konan the rest of the way. She was a lost cause if I tried to stop her.
We eventually made it to the Sound and I sat in a tree with binoculars.
Konan: How am I supposed to get up there in these very fashionable high heels?
Me: You should have thought of that BEFORE you left!
I went back to gathering information on the Sound. A lot was going on, they were planning war against the Rock, Leaf, Mist, and Sand. There was no way they could do that all at once, was there? Oh, well. It isn't what I have to protect anyways. After a while of spying, I got down from the tree and set up camp.
Konan: Why are you setting up camp now?
Me: So I won't have to do it later.
I set up the tent and got some firewood. I quickly started a fire and put a chakra barrier around it so the smoke won't be seen. I took out some t-bone shaped meat that I had in another chakra barrier to keep cold. I released the chakra barrier around the meat and put the meat on the chakra barrier surrounding the fire. Soon the meat was ready and I put it on a plate. I took one of the t-bones and gave it to Ookami. I cut up another t-bone and put some of the pieces on my plate.
Me: Konan! Food is done! *eats some of the meat on my plate*
Konan takes the rest of the pieces and eats them incredibly fast.
Konan: I want more!
Me: No! You ate two-thirds of a t-bone already! That last one is for if we need food fast!
Konan: Fine! Be that way!
Me: I will be that way! It is better to store food!
After eating, I went to spy on the Sound more. After a few hours of watching them talk about the war plots, they finally dispersed...into there houses. They were going to bed.
Me: Of course.
I jumped down from the tree, put out the fire, and went inside the tent. Konan was already asleep and took up way more space than she needed. I rested my head on Ookami and she wrapped herself around me. I don't use blankets except at the Hideout. And Konan used all of the blankets anyways.... I soon fell asleep resisting putting Konan's hand in water since I would have to clean up the 'mess' that would happen. The next morning I went back into the tree after making eggs. All that was happening was more planning for attacking the different Villages. After awhile I saw something interesting, but no use to me. A very stupid mugger decided to mug an ANBU and ended up getting the crap beat out of him and sent to jail. But other than that the day was boring, and I was the one doing all of the work. I used a transformation jutsu on myself and then on Ookami. I was now Fushigi, woman with greasy looking black hair- that was choppy and was just below my shoulder blades at the longest with the shortest being at my shoulders- and dark black eyes. I wore a black mid-drift top with a matching black skirt which was just short of reaching the top of my knees. My Sound headband was tied around the top of my skirt. I had a sword in a black sleeve on my back. Ookami was now a fairly large jet black anaconda that sat on my shoulders. I walked up to the gates of the Sound Village and just walked right in. No one suspected anything. I walked to where I saw the people planning the war.
Person 1: Who the hell are you and why are you here?!
Me: I am Fushigi, and this is my anaconda, Hebi. We would like to join in the wars.
Person 2: How would you know about the wars?!
Me: I have my ways. *Evil chuckle*
Person 1: Alright, Fushigi, we will let you join. If you show us your abilities of the Sound.
I knew this was coming. I reached the sword handle and pulled it out. But instead of a sword there was a flute. I took the flute off of the sword handle and began to play it. Water crept along the ground and slithered up the people like a snake. When the water reached their throat, it slowly began to constrict. Soon the people could no longer breath and I released the spell.
Person 1: Y-you are in. *coughs*
I was good. No one knew I was an Akatsuki member sent out to spy on the Sound Village or that the flute had nothing to do with the water that nearly killed them. After awhile, I had learned what I needed to know. They were not going to attack the Villages, they were going to attack the Akatsuki Hideout- but first they have to find it. In August, they were to search the Sand, in October; the Leaf, in November; the Rock, and in December; the Mist. Now I knew what was going to happen....but they were all off. The Akatsuki was not hidden in any of the Villages, but underground, with the entrance being a cave. And I could tell they did not expect that. I stayed as not to raise suspicion, but as soon as everyone dispersed, I left. When we got back to camp, I changed myself back into Twilight, and Ookami back into Ookami. We went into the tent and went to bed. The next morning, I went back into the Sound as Fushigi with Ookami as Hebi. I gathered no more information and at the end of the day, Ookami and I headed back to the tent, changed back into ourselves, and went to sleep. In the morning, I waited for Konan to get up.
Me: We are heading back today.
Konan: Finally! It is so boring here!
Me: Well come on, I already packed the tent.
We left and headed back to the Akatsuki. But before long, a group of rouge ninja attacked us. We battled them and soon it was over. We started to walk back again and when we were almost back at the Hideout, another group of ninja attacked us. I began to attack back and easily defeated them. As soon as I killed the last one though, I heard a yelp and a thud and I turned around. Konan was standing a few feet away from Ookami- who was jumping down from a tree- with a poison-tipped kunnai that was dripping blood. Ookami had a gash across her side. I immediately ran to Ookami's side.
Me: OOKAMI! I can't believe you would stoop this low Konan, as to hurt Ookami!
I began to cry helpless tears and I picked up Ookami and ran, I was running back to the base as fast as I could and when I got there, I laid Ookami on the ground. I used my chakra to try and help heal the wounds but they were poison-filled. It was going to be difficult. Deidara, Kisame, Zetsu, and Tobi surrounded Ookami and me.
Tobi: *takes mask off* What happened to Ookami?!
Me: K-Konan. Sh-she did this t-to Ookami!
Deidara: Did she really stoop that low!
Kisame: I didn't think she would go that far!
Me: N-n-neither d-did I....
I had managed to heal some of Ookami's wound when Konan showed up. Immediately, Deidara was attacking Konan.
Deidara: How could you do that to her!
I ignored them as I focused on healing Ookami's wounds. After a half hour, Ookami's wound was almost healed.
Tobi: How is Ookami?
Me: I think she will be alright, I just have to finish closing the wound.
Tobi: That's good.
Tobi continues to pet Ookami as I continue to heal her wounds. 15 minutes later, her wounds are finally healed, but she is still blood soaked so I pick up Ookami and take her to the bathtub. I lay Ookami in the tub and pull out the handle I installed for cleaning Ookami and began to wash her with warm water. As soon as I was done, I used a jutsu and removed the water from her fur. I picked her up and carried her to my room. I set her on my bed and covered her with my blankets. I hug her and she licks my face.
Me: Ookami, it will be alright.
I sit with her as someone knocks on my door.
Me: Come in.
Tobi enters my room and sits by me and looks at Ookami.
Tobi: I can't believe what Konan did. I knew she was low but I didn't think she would go that low.
Me: Neither can I.
Tobi: Is Ookami going to be alright?
Me: Right now it's just a waiting game, but I think so.
Tobi: I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Me: Yep.
We wait with Ookami for awhile then Tobi gets up.
Tobi: I will be right back.
Tobi left the room as I continue to pet with Ookami. Tobi walks in the room holding some blankets. he walked over to me and sat down.
Tobi: We can't be cold as we look after Ookami.
He took the blanket and put it over our shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulder as I continue to pet Ookami and he joins in.
Me: Thanks Obito, for everything.
Tobi (Obito [if you haven't read the 3rd story]) : No problem Jamie.
All night we watched Ookami, and never did we fall asleep for we wanted to keep Ookami safe. At the break of dawn, Ookami finally got up Tobi and I rose with her. She went into the kitchen and sat down by the counter. I took a fruit from the fruit basket and gave it to Ookami. It was her favorite. She ate it then went to the living room. She laid on the couch and I sat on the floor next to her and she licked me. She then got up and went to Tobi. He pet Ookami then she licked his face. Then she went to the door. I let her out and followed her to the pond. She stepped into the water and I knew she wanted to swim.
Me: Tobi, come on.
I took off my clothes and I had a bathing suit underneath. I look over to Tobi. I preform a jutsu and slashes appear in the side of his neck.
Me: Come on, see what it's like under the surface. See the beauty of water.
Tobi followed us into the water. As soon as we were under the surface, Tobi stared in awe.
Me: It's beautiful isn't it? Ookami and I love this place. Follow us and see the great beauty of water.
We swam into a cavern and I showed him a place of ultimate beauty. It was filled with blooming water flowers and fruits. Freshwater coral covered the walls.
Tobi: It's beautiful!
Me: Ookami wanted to show you. It was up to her since she found this place.
Ookami swam up to Tobi and he pet her.
Tobi: Thanks Ookami.
Ookami then swam deeper into the cavern and we fallowed. We came to a place of bubbles and I knew the waterfall was above us. We swam upwards and came to the falling water. Ookami then went behind the waterfall. We followed her again. She found the place, so what she wanted to show Tobi was completely up to her. We then came to the end, and it was a ballooned out area with green vines and flowers all along the walls and ceiling. There was a circular hole in the ceiling that the sun shines through and the water drops that reach here from the waterfall sparkle. It was my favorite spot on land, and Tobi just stared at the beauty.
Tobi: This is beautiful. Thank you Ookami for showing me all of this.
Ookami licked his hand and I knew she showed everything to him.
Me: Ookami showed you everything. She likes you and trusts you with anything.
Tobi: I will protect you Ookami. Just like Twilight does.
Ookami turned around and started heading back and we did the same. We got to the surface of the pond just in time for the jutsu started to wear off. We got out and Ookami was happy, she was finally fully healed. We walked back to the base and Tobi went into his room to change and Ookami and I into our room. When I was changed and Ookami was dry, we went to the kitchen wear Tobi was making dinner for everyone.
Me: What's for dinner tonight?
Tobi: Steak.
Me: How well done?
Tobi: Some from barely cooked to almost overcooked.
Me: Yum! I'll make a fruit sauce that goes great with steak.
I started to chop up and pulverize fruit and I was completely done when Tobi was. We took the food to the table and we went to find everyone.
Me: *banging on random doors* Dinner's ready!
As soon as everyone was seated, we started eating. Zetsu, Ookami, and I had an extremely rare piece, Tobi, Hidan, and Kisame had rare pieces, and everyone else had well done to possibly overcooked. When everyone was done eating, we all headed to our rooms. But before Tobi, Ookami, and I went into our rooms, Tobi hugged Ookami and gave me a kiss, and we went to our rooms and slept a long sleep to make up for not sleeping all last night.