Akatsuki Hidden Secrets

Fan Girls, A Red Sun

It was a peaceful day, but something felt horribly wrong. I was sitting in the peach tree above the water and eating a peach. When I was done with the peach, I threw the pit down to Ookami who loves to chew on pits. I swung my legs and was deep in thought so I am totally unaware of my surroundings. And then there was a small crash in the house that I couldn't hear and then I heard Scarlett. Loud and Clear.
And since Scarlett was so loud, it caused me to jump and fall into the water.
Me: Well, now that I'm down here I guess I'll stay.
I went back into thought. What the hell could be wrong?! Whatever was going to happen would be bad, worst than anything that has happened...or would it be? My life has been pretty traumatic, a f**ked up fairy tail or a horrible tradgety with a happy ending. But my life is far from over...I think. But whatever it is I am sure I can survive through it since I survived my f**ked up fairy tale of a life to the happy ending. I submerged below the water and swam to the waterfal with Ookami behind me. When I hit the surface, I wondered what was above the waterfall. I made a water bubble around Ookami and I and I raised up to the top of the waterfall. When we got to the top, it was beautiful. A glisining lake that flowed to the waterfall sat underneath a sakura tree with sakura blossims in full bloom. The blossoms that floated off the tree either lightly floated to the water or to the ground. I hoped up and sat in the tree admiring the area. Then I hopped down from the tree and walked on the water's surface. I slowly sunk and explored the water with Ookami. It was just as beautiful as above with fresh water coral everywhere and water flower blossoms.
Me: Looks like we have a new place to hang out at, Ookami.
We swam to the surface and walked to the rock that was just before the waterfall. It jutted out and I walked to the end then jumped and dived into the water below with Ookami following me. We hit the water and swam down to the cavern and back to the lake underneath the peach tree. I hoped back into the tree and ate some more peaches. I walked into the house soaking wet with Ookami behind me but she was dry. I walked into my room with Ookami and spread my soaking wet clothes out to dry. Then I took a hot shower. When I was done, I walked over to the tree that I grew in a big pot that went out my window. It was a strong peach and sakura tree that came to existance when I planted a peach pit that had been pollinated by a sakura blossom one year ago. It was a fast growing tree and was already full height. I climbed along the base and to a place that I could easily lay on. I laid on the intersection of strong branches and picked a peach and ate it. I was surrounded by peaches and peach and sakura blossoms and I was peaceful, but something still didn't feel right. I crawled back into my room and walked into the kitchen. No one was there and I rummaged through the refridgerator and grabbed a hunk of meat and fruits. I heated the uncooked meat so it at least wasn't cold and threw it to Ookami. She snatched the meat up in her powerful jaws. I took a bite out of the fruit and walked into the living room with my laptop and the fruit I was eating. I opened up my computer and I was bored so I looked at some random and stupid flashes:

After about an hour or so of watching stupid but entertainting flashes, I got up and put my computer away. I went outside and saw that it was raining lightly, but there were no clouds. The rain got colder and colder until it was almost snow, and then, of course, the rain became snow. It was the end of fall but not late enough to snow, and of course it was still cloudless.
Me: This is very strange. I wonder where everyone else is.
Everyone but Konan and Pein were on missions, but everyone should be returning home soon. Then Tobi, Deidara, and Sasori came out of the woods.
Tobi: Hi Twilight! What is up with the snow?
Deidara: There aren't any clouds.
Me: Something bad probably will happen soon....maybe fan girls attack?
Sasori: I sure hope not.
Then Hidan and Kakuzu showed up.
Hidan: What the f**k is up with the sn-
Me: Fan girls might attack soon.
Itachi, Kisame, and Zetsu then showed up.
Me: Don't ask about the snow! I think fan girls may attack soon!
Kisame: Okay....
There was a rustling in the forest.
Deidara: I suggest we run.
Itachi: But I can't see!
I ran and grabbed Itachi by the waist and ran with him over my shoulder as fan girls ran towards us.
We ran and were able to get into the base in time. I closed and bolted all of the doors and climbed into the tree that was growing outside my window. I had left my hair tie, headband, and cloak in my room and jumped off of the tree on to the ground. I approached the mob as they continued to try and break down the door.
Me: You will never succeed in getting anyones heart that way.
Fan girl 2: Well watch as I get my DeiDei's heart!
Fan girl 1: And I will get Itachi's!
Fan girl 3: I will get my little Saso-chan's.
Me: But if only one of you can get his heart, why are all of you here?
Fan girl 1: Well I know I am going to get Itachi-kun's heart!
(lots of fangirls) : NO! I AM!
Me: Itachi would like someone strong, leave and fight it out.
A good number of fan girls left yelling at eachother with punches being thrown.
Me: And same with everyone who is a Deidara fan girl, fight with artistic abilities, LEAVE!
About the same number of fan girls left, fighting using jutsus and such. About 1/3 of the fan girls were left.
Me: All of you fight for whoever you want!
Everyone left fighting with eachother and I went inside.
Me: i took care of them for now....some will be back once they kill everyone else.
Deidara: Fine for now.
Me: I hear more fan girls.
I went back outside and saw a few fan girls but none of them looked like the ones from before.
Me: What?
Other fan girl 1: Is Itachi and Deidara home?
Me: No fan girl is coming inside.
Other fan girl 2: We aren't the type of fan girl that is obsessively in love with a member.
Other fan girl 4: We are yaoi fan girls!
Me: Hang on.
I go inside into the living room where everyone is.
Me: Bad news, this time they are yaoi fan girls.
Deidara: W-what?!
Me: Yeah...I can't get rid of them....
Hidan: F**k....just what we f**king need.
I leave and go back outside.
Me: Listen, as far as I know, no one here is gay. No ItaDei, KisaIta, SasoDei, DeiTobi, KakuHida, HidaDei, ItaHida, or any other yaoi pairings I didn't mention.
Yaoi fan girl (other fan girl) 1: Can we at least talk to them?
Me: Hang on.
I go back inside to the living room.
Me: They wanna see you guys....kutso!
Zetsu: Um....what?
Me: Kutso means damn or dammit.
Kakuzu: Okay.
Itachi: We aren't going to talk to them.
Me: I know.
I go back outside.
Me: They...are kinda busy at the moment.
Yaoi fan girl 1: What are Itachi and Deidara doing?!
Me: Itachi is taking a shower and Deidara is cooking.
Yoi fan girl 2: Hidan and Kakuzu?
Me: Hidan is preforming a ritual while Kakuzu is counting money.
Yaoi fan girl 3: What about Sasori? Is he with Deidara?
Yaoi fan girl 4: You sure?
Me: YES!!! I am completely sure, now please, we are all tired from our missions. Could we please get rest!!!
Yaoi fan girl 3: Sure, it is nearing sundown anyways.
All yaoi fan girls: BYE!
The fan girls finally left, but it was snowing harder than ever, but when the snow hit the ground, it vanished. There was not a single spect on the ground. I went back into the living room feeling even more uneasy than ever as well. Something bad was going to happen. Soon. I sat on the coach with Ookami.
Me: They are gone.
Itachi: Finally.
Me: I hope there are no more fan girls....
Deidara: Me too....
Me: UHG!
Zetsu: What's wrong?
Tobi: Are you feeling uneasy about something too?
Me: Very, something aweful, but I don't know what!
I looked outside at the sun nearing the horizon. It was odd and changing from yellow to orange slowly. The others seemed to have noticed it and we all walked outside. The snow had stopped and there was no trace of it. I sat on a rock and everyone stood a couple of yards behind me, all as uneasy as I was. The sun then changed to blood red and I knew what was going to happen. I had heard of this dreadful day, the night when all demons are free from the person they are in, taking over their body, usually permenently. The Sunset of Blood.
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Yes, stupid and random, but the next one will be better, I have a need for the next one to be number 7